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[This is a pledge reward for my patron, @BatgirlSilva! Thank you so much for the support~]


The slow sway of twilight had faded into the cool night. Quiet was cast all across Hyrule Field, the chirping of crickets being all that remained in a land known for monsters. More so than ever before, the kingdom of Hyrule faced many threats, their peace challenged by Zant and his minions from a darker realm. The princess was overpowered, imprisoned, but as a hero sought to rescue her, she had chosen to sacrifice herself. With what little magic the princess had left, she was able to restore life to another.

Midna could never forget that sacrifice. It fully occupied her mind, regardless of where her adventure with Link had gone since. It had been nearly a week since Zelda’s sacrifice and yet it haunted her still. It should have been me to perish, Midna scolded herself throughout every day. She was a bold leader… She was kind and clever… Why did you…?

That question tortured Midna, throwing her into migraines at its worst. Why did Zelda save her? What had she seen in her that was worth protecting? Midna argued with herself over this decision, but truly she argued with Zelda. Her spirit, she could tell, was in that last spell. Zelda pushed her own life energy onto Midna’s, providing her the strength to overcome. Somewhere inside her, she felt that ping of Zelda, a distinct warmth that felt nearly solid enough to pinpoint. It was a constant reminder, like a pulsing wound, of what errors Midna had made on her quest to take back her kingdom.

But tonight, she intended to set the path ahead straight. She would correct her mistakes, and Zelda’s as well: she would bring the princess of Hyrule back with whatever magic she could gather.

“... Link? Are you awake?” The shadowy shape lurked closely over the weary adventurer nestled in a tree’s grove. “Hey… Link?” Midna’s whispers were met with unflinching silence, not even a snore. It was best he be left undisturbed and unaware of what her plan entailed, as Midna wished to not burden him with any more troubles. “... You wouldn’t understand,” she argued above him, though it was a debate with herself, one that continued as she hovered away from their camp and deeper into the woods.

A short distance away, Midna had found an ideal location where the trees provided walls of cover and where the ground swelled into a generous clearing. The glow of her arm-like hair guided her to its center, where she then positioned herself in preparation for the unique spell. She solidified out of her shadow form, her impish demeanor afflicted with a solemn glare.

Midna inhaled deep to channel not just the magical energy required for such a spell, but to grasp the essence that was Zelda somewhere within. Her uncovered eye closed as her hands, including that of her hair, revolved around an invisible orb shape level with her chest. A breeze swirled in this point, its emptiness gradually filling with the ash-like remnants of concentrated twilight. These bits stemmed from her own form, an effect that pulled raw life out from her system so that it could be reformed, put back together into the being it once was. Midna itched from the effect, but she forced the spell forward, dedicated to resurrecting Zelda true and proper.

The twilight shards mixed together and illuminated, becoming a weave of light that Midna gently pushed ahead of her. Her legs quivered and eventually dropped into the grass, her strength drained so directly from her -- but she smiled past the pain, optimistic to what was taking shape in front of her. The light pushed aside the forest’s darkness, giving way to the distinctly regal silhouette Midna fondly teased sometime before. “Zelda… Zelda! I-Is that…?”

But Midna’s joy was immediately tarnished, brought down into concern. The light she had summoned changed further, perfectly taking shape of Hyrule’s ruler, but there had been an error -- clearly a mistake of some sort, something to explain why the princess had been resurrected to a size no bigger than six pitiful inches, a stark fraction of her actual height.

Regardless of this miscalculation, Zelda was truly brought to life, a feat that did not soar over Midna’s head. Her smile won over her concerns, and she dropped to a crawl in front of Zelda just as the light dispersed. She cheered, “Zelda!”

Midna’s voice was a bodyslam of a greeting for the tiny Zelda, who had yet come to terms with having been resurrected. The volume alone was enough to make her stumble backwards, but the full image of Midna’s size had her tripping entirely onto her rear with a gasp. Tufts of grass softened her fall, which she then flailed about in as she had yet comprehended her surroundings.

“M-Midna…!” Zelda squeaked, taken back by how Midna’s form was no imagination, but a very real fact. Drawn by her voice, Midna’s head moved closer, her toothy grin spread wider. Zelda combed a hand through her hair, absorbing this information as quickly as she could. Above all else, one conclusion was undeniable. “You… You summoned me…”

Midna nodded, pleased to hear the princess’s voice once more. A spark of her usual smugness was gleaned from her eye, “Of course I did! Did you forget who I am, Princess?” Midna reeled back, situating herself into a kneeling position. “I’ll admit, though, you look a little different from when I last saw you…”

Zelda glared at Midna, but would not bicker at her joke. More pressing concerns dawned on her as she looked down her body, which she discovered to be nude. She flinched into the grass, “I-I’m--!”

“Err, about that…” Midna flinched as well, quickly scanning the small frame. In her eagerness to have Zelda returned, the customs of Hylian privacy lagged behind. A blush rose on her cheeks, “W-We can find something for you to wear, I’m sure…”

“No,” Zelda sighed, reaching an arm out further for Midna to observe. Clothes were not the issue, but that particles of light drifted from her flesh. Although just specks, each dot represented one part of Zelda’s whole. “Midna… Whatever spell you cast, this is not permanent. This form that you have summoned me in… it can’t be maintained, i-it’s unstable.”

Midna stuttered in the want of an argument, but she could not deny what was objectively occurring. Her gaze staggered downwards, lost without a plan. “B-But… at least you’re here! For now!” She leaned forward again, a movement that startled Zelda just as she was standing from the grass. “The kingdom has its princess back! You and Link can--”

“Midna…! There’s nothing I can do in this state!” Zelda crossed her arms across her chest, warding herself from the cold and containing some of her temper. “I gave you this magic to heal you. You cannot simply dismiss it from your being! Look at how this spell was miscast, and think of what trouble would have come if it were any worse! If you had died from dispelling me into this form, then what would our worlds do?”

A scowl whipped across Midna’s face, soured by what she perceived to be ungratefulness. Her eye looked away, “I was… trying to help…”

“This was no help at all, Midna. This was irresponsible.” Zelda lowered her brow into her palm, sighing yet again. “You cannot attempt this again. There is no purpose in me being here, there is no support I can provide.”

“Is that so?” Midna snarled quietly. She picked up her head, the belittled Zelda just barely in the bottom of her vision. Her arms planted at her hips as she floated into a stand, and then off the ground in levitation. Zelda paced backwards as though facing a threat, but she hesitated to think of Midna as something like that, despite the vile heard in her tone. “You misunderstand what your purpose here is to me…”

“What purpose?” Zelda asked, swallowing nervously afterwards.

“Whether or not the world wants you… I want you.” Midna glanced aside, then asserted a smile onto Zelda. “Temporary or not, I got what I wanted. I get to have you, if just for a few minutes…”

Zelda shook her head. “There is nothing that can be done-- Ah!” The princess trembled back, nearly tripping over a tangled weed; above her, Midna’s hair flashed wantingly, its fingers uncurling suddenly. Zelda guarded herself, but it made little difference to the magical arm that swiped her off the ground with a whirlwind lunge. The fist of hair gripped her dominantly, lifting her up to be equal with Midna’s sneer, of which the struggling Zelda veered away from.

“You amaze me, Princess,” Midna chuckled. “You always find a way to look down on me, even when you’re caught like this.” The thought made her grin widen mischievously. “And I’m stuck looking like this, some spritish imp! You’re positively tiny but that ego didn’t shrink at all, did it?”

Zelda growled, but her emotions stayed level. “This is not a joke, Midna,” she affirmed. “Put me down.”

“No way,” Midna laughed, a dainty hand reaching her lips in amusement. Her grip on Zelda shifted so that she was held by just a pinch of two fingers, each digit thicker than any of her limbs. “I only get my Zelda back for a short time. I have to make the most of this~” Playfully, her hair spun and tossed Zelda into the air, only to catch her right away so that she was seated in the cup of her palm. Zelda’s squeaks of protest throughout made for an entertaining sound. “Honestly, this is better than I expected. If Hyrule doesn’t want you, I’ll gladly take you all for myself~”

Zelda blatantly disagreed, flustered by how she was so poorly treated. Rather than pointlessly argue, Zelda scrambled for an escape, if just to get out of Midna’s reach. She clambered through a part of the fingers, getting as far as kicking a leg up between them, before the hand flipped about uncannily. As though having sprung a trap, Zelda was instantly recaptured, hung in the air as two pairs of fingers hooked under her arms. Her legs flailed aimlessly in her effort to slip free, but Midna’s control with her hair was inarguable, evident by how she turned Zelda towards her to admire while lazily resting her head into a palm.

“There’s nothing out there for you, silly!” Midna taunted. “You could run away from me, but then what? You’re better here with me, Princess. Imagine someone else finding an itsy-bitsy monarch streaking defenselessly under some bushes… You really should be more thankful.”

Zelda pulled herself with anger, but there was a clear cap to her stress. “Soon enough, this form will dissolve back into healing magic. Do what you will to me, I will still be dismissed.”

“Hmm, true enough…” Midna contemplated the matter, but her expression was only an act to tease Zelda. Her smile soon returned, “Then let’s not waste anymore of our precious time. I had so much I wanted to say to you for when you returned, but looking at you now, I can only think of things I want to do…

Zelda shuddered, her vigor to resist dwindling as it became apparent that she had no course for escape. As Midna’s lips began to near, Zelda mentally readied herself to endure rather than struggle for freedom. Little breaths washed over her chest, like a beast was drooling over her. She flinched when Midna’s nostrils flared, taking in her odor with a curious infliction. Seemingly satisfied, Midna’s tongue revealed itself, a thin tendril that weaved from between sharp teeth. Despite her preparations, Zelda still tugged to have her arms released to no avail, frightened by the drool-coated limb. A cold shiver riddled her body as the tongue attached to her, coiling around her left foot and rising up the leg. Zelda kicked, but it only tickled a giggle out from Midna, who proceeded to lick all the way up to the shoulders before finally pulling back.

Midna admired the trail of saliva she had left on Zelda, but the taste was equally as pleasing. Zelda spat for air, having held her breath tightly while she had been savored. Words struggled to form in her gasping attempts of expressing her disgust, her grace besmirched by the wet coat that clung to her naked body. Her obvious frustrations amused Midna into a giggle that shook her weary form by extension.

“Hmhm~ You look quite ridiculous, you know,” Midna hummed over her captive. Her fingers of hair reasserted their grip around Zelda’s waist and chest. “Hopefully now you understand that you belong to me.”

“For now,” Zelda countered, spoken in a low growl. She closed her eyes, defiant to both the saliva and the hand that trapped her. “Enjoy these games while you have the opportunity… This form is temporary…”

Midna snickered. “I fully intend to, Princess.” Her one eye flared in excitement, a flicker of life that itched Zelda into a shudder by the expression alone. While thinking of some way to be entertained, Midna casually bounced Zelda in the palm of her hair, each toss into the air throwing the princess into fearful spasms. When catching Zelda after one such bounce, Midna’s grip was strategically handled, with fingers coiling under Zelda’s arm and holding her directly before her. Little legs kicked in search of stability, but with Midna’s normal hands, they were restrained from even this, locking the princess into a vulnerable position.

With what little capacity she had to do so, Zelda pulled away from Midna’s observant gaze, rightfully concerned of what ways she might be violated next. Her legs were managed by one fist while the other hand delicately fondled her calves and thighs, a thin digit being used to trill shivers through the exposed skin. Zelda choked back her resistance, but as the finger reached to between her thighs, she was shocked into a struggle, closing the gap between her legs and twisting away however she could.

“Why are you putting up such a fight?” Midna asked, only half amused. “You said it yourself. This is temporary. Why not enjoy this, hm?”

“Th-There’s nothing to enjoy like this!” Zelda retorted furiously. A blush was gradually overtaking her complexion, a heat that was too warm to ignore. “What do you even get out of this…? For what purpose am I being put through this for?”

Midna’s smile faded to the light of that question. Her mood faltered, genuinely contemplating that while idly turning Zelda’s bound body. “... I wonder that, too,” she admitted. With a teasing shrug and wink, however, her usual attitude was rekindled. “I’m tired of being the small one, I suppose. It’s nice to feel properly in charge again.”

Zelda glared, “Power is all this is about?”

“Independance!” Midna corrected -- a stern finger lunged at Zelda, a point of warning. “Being a shadow, riding a dog… What can I say? Is it wrong to miss the freedom I was used to having?”

“This is beyond mere reminiscence…” Zelda bit her lip, the last breath of her sentence directed away from Midna out of regret. It was not her place to argue, nor would it change anything about her predicament.

“Come now, princess.” Midna leaned closer while drawing her impish nail down Zelda’s cheek, as tiny of a space that was. Her curiosity extended to the princess’s chest, which the finger slid down to, comfortably between her two breasts. Try as she might to be as still and unalluring as possible, Zelda was chilled into a squirm that protested the touch. “These moments are fleeting for both of us. You should want to enjoy this too! Isn’t being out here with me more fun than being pure lifeforce?”

Zelda squinted, her thoughts made harder to balance when Midna’s claw was circling her boobs. With or without an answer, the twili sought to play with the toy she had in her possession, tickling the nude body so that she could justify a tighter grip. Once made miserable only enough, however, Midna chose to slow her more mischievous efforts, but the slyness in her eyes still had ideas of fun. Levitating a hop off the ground, Midna curved her body as if it were lounging in midair, hoisting Zelda overhead with her hair while both arms went to cushion her neck.

“Hehe… You’re so light. Like a fairy,” Midna giggled up at the princess. “Holding you like this is excessive, isn’t it?” Zelda hesitated to answer, a wise decision as she knew Midna would distort any reply to her whims. This would not deter Midna, who released Zelda spontaneously from her hair’s grasp. The princess was dropped onto the imp’s stomach, a smooth surface of flesh that was made more difficult to balance on when floating like on water. Zelda grappled the gut with a tight hug, which earned a huff of laughter from Midna. “Hold on~” With that tease, Midna wiggled to either side, her body twisting so that Zelda was forced to scramble along her stomach and up towards her chest. Zelda was not oblivious to how she moved up the impish frame, having to resort to Midna’s tits as a way to prevent being slipped aside.

This, of course, was what Midna had desired. Her gaze on Zelda narrowed as her tiny hands clawed at her chest, squishing into the plush flesh for support. Zelda whined from embarrassment, her noise becoming a yelp when Midna dropped her hips and adjusted her hovering posture into a standing position. Without a stomach to fallback onto, Zelda even more desperately hugged at Midna’s breasts, though there was little to hold onto.

“M-Midna! Please!” Zelda said, still in a struggle to not fall. “Th-This is outrageous…!”

Enough pity eventually overcame Midna that she offered her hands under Zelda’s panicking kicks, providing a surface for her to stand on. Regardless, Zelda still had little room to compose herself, and so she was left holding Midna’s chest as if being pushed against it -- she had no other choice. Midna’s grin grew as she enjoyed this casual control over someone so much smaller than her, but that it was Zelda was what made this power so addictive.

“There, there…” Midna’s eye softened as she tenderly stroked Zelda’s bare back. Initially, Zelda responded coldly and flinched at being pet, but Midna’s touch was calm and even soothing. It was a relaxing moment, destressing not only Zelda, but Midna too felt her emotions unharden. The toothiness of her smile weakened, presenting a more genuine and reasonable happiness. “You scare so easily. Are you really so scared of me?”

Zelda sighed into the chest, a position she had grown accustomed to for its pillowy softness. “It isn’t that you frighten me,” she explained quietly, “but that you… overwhelm me. Summoning me in such a way was… sudden. I expected to not see you, nor anyone, for much longer of a time…”

Before Midna could banter, Zelda continued, nudging into the wall of twilight skin. “This is a gravely serious matter, Midna -- the world is at stake! Our worlds! How can you not be concerned about such a fate?”

At such an accusation, Midna felt a twist in her core. She glared down at Zelda, her first instinct to respond with anger, but she was more hurt by the words than she was enraged. “I-I do care!” she answered after a stuttered pause. “I care about both our lands! B-But I also care about…” Her one eye could not dwell on Zelda, instead nervously pulled towards the woods. “... I want you to be safe, too. You don’t understand how difficult this journey is for me and Link. We have each other, but… it’s lonesome. Tch…”

Zelda’s shoulders loosened, their tension eased by another pet from Midna -- she wondered if Midna even realized how continuous her motion was, but she would not question its comfort. That such a pleasant touch could come from the imp despite the resentment she expressed did not go unnoticed by Zelda, who then regretted her bitterness. She exhaled into the chest, “I apologize, Midna. I should not have claimed you did not care.”

A light pink warmed Midna’s cheeks, another part of her expression she wished to turn away from the woman she held. “Pah. Apologizing after the fact, of course…” Her retort was weak, enough so that Zelda giggled at the reaction. Midna huffed, “I… suppose I understand where you’re coming from. I guess we both worry too much, in our own ways.”

Zelda nodded in agreement, but her feelings towards the situation had shifted little. “You brought me here to forget that there is a war,” she said. “How can either of us merely forget? The pain Zant has caused cannot be cast aside, not until he is usurped.”

“... Are we never supposed to enjoy anything, until his defeat?” Midna’s solemn tone was unusual, catching Zelda off-guard. “I can’t forget Zant, but… I want to make memories. Memories I don’t want to lose. Moments like… these.”

Zelda was pulled back from the chest, both of Midna’s hands situated behind her as to offer a sort of seat for her to recline in. Midna looked over her, the tips of her fingers curling around the legs and sides of the naked princess, her lone eye glowing over the small reconstruction of the woman she trusted. Emotions within her spiralled; she had what she wanted in hand, but it was effectively an illusion, still so out of reach.

Lost in Zelda’s eyes, Midna’s head lurked forward without direction or thought. She moved by the power of her desire, to keep Zelda and protect her. Only a second later did she realize her lips had kissed Zelda’s exposed chest, her short nose massaging into the neck. Her eye widened from bewilderment while Zelda remained still, her frozen expression of surprise reflecting Midna’s own. Neither despised the action itself, but the miserable shapes they had been cast into could not be ignored, a bizarre obstacle they were faced with.

Midna felt like a beast in a foreign land. Kissing the queen of that kingdom was improper, so she felt, a sensation that drilled into her center. But before she could pull her face away from Zelda, her cheeks were held and she was urged back. Zelda lifted from the seat of hands, rising up enough to plant a kiss of her own onto Midna’s nose. The tender touch paralyzed Midna, leaving Zelda to caress her cheeks for support.

“... I assumed you would be more energetic,” Zelda explained. Moments before, she had been licked from bottom to top by Midna’s tongue, yet now, the twili was reserved and hesitant. “Did I offend? I-I did not mean to…”

Midna scoffed, her attitude gradually forming back together. Her smirk, like a banner, signalled the return of her playfulness, and a snicker hummed into Zelda. “Why would I be offended?” she asked sarcastically. “I’m ecstatic! Especially now that you’re livelier, teehee…”

Zelda smiled, but it was short lived as she winced from an unexpected tickle. A claw-like nail from behind her sketched around her ribs, the cold touch putting her into shivers. She coiled into Midna’s grasp, the very grasp that was after her, but she did not twist away with excess resilience. As shy as the princess presented herself, her arms did not veil her chest, nor try to thwart the lecherous fingers. Startled, but not refusing; a position Midna could smell, a scent that drove her into wanting.

In a fit of giggles, Midna spun onto her stomach while levitating, a cozier posture to hold that would allow her to handle Zelda with ease. Glowing hair took the shape of an open palm that Zelda was then placed onto, held there for Midna to look over. Her tongue revealed itself again, earning a quiver from the tiny princess, though it only passed over her lips, mocking Zelda for how easily unnerved she was. Midna’s legs idly kicked up and down behind her as she lay in the air, her claws held over Zelda and writhing anxiously to begin playing.

“You’re so lovely to admire,” Midna cooed. A single finger dipped onto Zelda, crossing down her exposed torso and towards the brown tuft of hair at her crotch. She rested her cheek into her free palm, acting even more casual while toying with Zelda. “I would love having you like this. Forever. You wouldn’t be opposed either, would you? A stress-free life lived out as a doll for me to take care of? Teehee… Any proud princess would die to admit that, hm?”

Zelda shuddered against that truth more so than she did from the finger that traced down her frail form. The teasing travels of the lone digit riled a choked moan from Zelda, which she hid further by keeping her wrist over her mouth while turned away. Midna’s finger, however, would not settle with just the pubic hair of the princess. It sunk into the bush and discovered a more impressive way to make Zelda moan, regardless of her self-restraint. Her arousal made apparent, Zelda squeaked in frustration, which was thus punished by another of Midna’s fingers gagging her.

“You don’t have to be so loud,” Midna whispered. “It’s just us, in the cool night. Think warm thoughts, Princess. I’m only here to make you more relaxed…”

Zelda opened her eyes after keeping them shut in refusal, only to find Midna’s sneer having eclipsed her vision. She had no time to shudder from this as the drilling finger at her crotch continued to twist, earning more of her reaction than Midna’s overbearing loom. Realizing that Midna was not just teasing her arousal, but purposefully trying to draw it out, Zelda sprung forward with both arms to latch around the lone, long finger. With enough power, Zelda was able to force the claw off of her crotch, but only because Midna willed it. After a giggle, the act was dropped, and Midna spilled her entire hand over Zelda, keeping her pinned between it and the wide palm of her hair. Zelda tried to kick, but her legs were locked down, allowing only her arms to wave about pathetically.

Midna snickered at the weak display, savoring that sensation of Zelda scrambling in her grasp. Her eyes narrowed in delight, her own arousal coming to greater fruition. The desire to make the most of this fading moment was ablaze in Midna’s chest, her temperature skyrocketing as she found more little ways to keep Zelda subdued. From her palm holding the princess down, to just two fingers that fit over her chest, the amount of strength required to keep Hyrule’s most prized person pinned was laughably low.

“... Hah,” Midna giggled, massaging her fingers more intensely over Zelda’s breasts. The swirling motions were rewarded with a whimper that faded into a moan, Zelda discovering that the rough handling of her chest was surprisingly pleasurable. “Look at us, having become so small~ It is terribly degrading, isn’t it? You never realize how valuable something like your size is, until it’s taken away…”

Zelda panted in moans as the fingers still worked her sensitive skin. Her breasts were just bubbles to toy with; so easily could Midna pinch her digits tight and cause horrendous pain. That very risk, though yet to happen, was perpetually teased in Zelda’s mind. It represented how horribly weak she had become, that even the diminished Midna could overpower her so casually. A push against her chest was too tight, and she roared upwards with a snarl at the fingers, hugging the pair and launching a bite into the shadowy skin.

Midna raised a brow. “Ohh, did you…?” Midna peered closer at how Zelda was curled around her fingers, noticing how her jaw was clamped down on a knuckle in protest. What was meant to dissuade Midna only beckoned more of her intrigue, a slim grin stretching far between her cheeks. “Hah, I almost wouldn’t have guessed it, but it’s true~ You’ve really resorted to barbaric behavior now, have you, Princess?”

Zelda winced, digging her nails into Midna’s skin while her teeth remained tightly locked. The teasing remarks spun about her made her boil inside, but her frustration was something else. Her eyes beamed up at Midna’s with a glare of desire, regardless of how belittling Midna’s gaze back was. Drool began messily dripping down the finger from where it was bitten, and still Zelda did not let go.

“Hmm… There must be something you’re after. Am I right?” Midna tilted her head, a movement that tipped the platform-like hair Zelda was situated atop of. Her other hand pointed down over Zelda, “You look so clingy like this. As if you never want to let go~” Behind the smile Midna presented was a sense of reflection; she realized that never letting go was, in fact, what she herself wanted, but time was persistently counting down, whittling away at the moment they had together.

In response, Zelda’s latch on the fingers weakened, her coil around them becoming a cuddle -- her teeth remained clenched, however, as it seemed fitting to use all that she had when left with nearly nothing. With her thighs, she hugged Midna’s nail hesitantly, and her fingers’ grip loosened into steady strokes up and down its length. What she had been resisting was not Midna, but her own desires, afraid of being carried away like how the twili imp described. But as a princess, how could she say that aloud? How could she openly demean herself after a lifetime of poise and responsibility?

Midna, upon reading deep into Zelda’s silence, began understanding this barrier. Her smile waned, but she thought only how to cherish this remaining time to be as lovely as possible. Allowing Zelda to cuddle her fingers, Midna wrapped her other hand around her body, providing comfort and warmth while the forest wind swept over them. Her lips were brought close to Zelda, who instinctively hid her head away from the fang-lined mouth, but she was spoken to in whisper, “I’ll take care of you, Zelda. You can trust me again.”

These words, though triggering a delayed reaction, were the key to unlocking the iron trap that Zelda found herself in. Blanketed by Midna’s hands, Zelda released her claw-like bind on the fingers, which soon after moved with a friendlier life. The pads urged Zelda to recline and relax, treating her body like gentle tissue; two fingers themselves applied the raw control of a lover’s arms coaxing her to a bed made of fiery hair.

“M-Midna…” Zelda whined, but a hush from Midna quieted her. She obeyed with bated breath, her submission tested when she felt a pressure between her legs, forcing a gasp from her throat that her hands were too restrained to catch. What pushed at her cunt was Midna’s thumb, after the other had been used to pull aside her thigh and create an opening. Zelda quaked and twisted her head side to side, rooted in her own internal conflict. Embracing Midna’s touch meant submitting herself to this embarrassing predicament, whereas denying her meant submitting to denial, refusing herself these very real and burning emotions flared up within her.

But her choice was being made, certainly influenced by the pleasure the thumb’s pattern produced. Zelda’s lips were moist from arousal, free to be intruded upon in any way Midna’s hands saw fit, and Zelda herself bore any of the incidental pain with gritted teeth and scarce snarls. Midna had been lost in her focus on something so small, but hearing Zelda groan with building frustration had returned to her that coy expression she was known for.

“The tiny princess enjoys being fingered, does she?” Midna joked -- her voice was much quieter, only as loud as her exhales, as if afraid of being caught like this. She chuckled, “The tiny, captured princess… So very vulnerable, aren’t you? It must be terrifying… Someone so important made so, so small~ Even smaller than a feisty imp, mhmm~”

Energized by her own commentary, Midna faintly noticed how her thumb’s motion escalated. The swirling touch began diving more strongly into the flesh, conjuring flinches and flails from the princess. Soon, Zelda herself had acquired her own rhythm; her legs hugged the probing finger, her bare feet massaging the sides where they could and using them to cradle her body. Midna was in a position to cease and allow Zelda to do the work herself, but of course, there was little fun to be had in such a situation. Inspired by Zelda’s cooperation, Midna’s arousal spiked with a warm huff, and so she decided to reposition.

Still hovering in mid-air, Midna laid back further, nearly upside-down in relation to the forest clearing she had forgotten all about. With her legs separated and her muff pointed upward, Midna redirected Zelda to her crotch, dismissing her limb of hair and using just her own dainty hands to manipulate her. Zelda grunted from being twisted about, but having been riled up into an unusual behavior, she adapted quickly to the change. Posed in front of her was Midna’s clit, outward and round, obviously calling for her touch to which Zelda abided. She crawled up the crotch and claimed the bulb with one hand, massaging it tenderly yet enough so that she summoned tremors across the mountain-like body.

Midna’s shivering was a part of her sigh, her lustful wants finally being teased. She stuttered to say something to Zelda, but found the woman at her crotch to be too pitiful to bark around with commands. Instead, she made suggestions, moving her body like a wave to encourage Zelda to play more boldly. She flicked a smile when Zelda looked back, but her confidence was genuinely lacking in this new, explorative position, and when Zelda returned to her clit -- nuzzling it with her cheek, both hands coveting its slickness -- that cocky grin snapped back to its tense crinkle, her cheeks jittering between embarrassment and empowerment.

As a reward for Zelda so dutifully taking initiative, Midna showered her in wanting touches, her writhing fingers overtaking Zelda’s body like a sprawl of tentacles yet doing little to restrain her. They toyed with Zelda’s crawling posture, making the most of her up-turned ass by squeezing and pulling at the thick cheeks. Midna’s giggled hinged on being mad as she demeaned Zelda’s body by provoking it so, massaging her rear and legs with tendrils thicker than the princess’s arms. The entanglement ushered Zelda to strive for better, losing herself to the enrapturing warmth resonating from the impish body like being taken to a different world. In such a dimension, she was not a queen reigning over a proud kingdom, but a pet obediently returning the affections of her master. For each grapple on her body that flexed over her diminutive form, she ensured a kiss onto the globe in front of her, attending to it with her full attention while the fingers continued to coil around her, a constant reminder of how light and little she was in her friend’s possession.

As the passion intensified, Midna’s levitational balance slipped. Her body curled spontaneously as a result of Zelda’s love to her, a position that saw the princess be sunk between Midna’s thighs. These walls of flesh rolled the royalty as they rubbed together tightly, clapped around Zelda with a tightness forgetful of how fragile her form was. Yet the strenuous position amplified Zelda’s lust for being this helpless ragdoll, pushing her beyond a precipice she had not expected. Her body was flushed with an energy she never before cherished, an unreal tickle that was made indescribable by the fantastical predicament she was involved in. Her orgasm went unnoticed as it happened, a climax lost between Midna’s thighs as the imp herself boiled over with arousal. Midna squealed into a laugh-like gasp of air with Zelda suffocating between her legs, her midair hover narrowly lost as she spasmed from side to side.

With the gentleness of a falling leaf, Midna lowered herself to the clearing’s grass. Her hands were clenched between her legs from where they still hugged Zelda, remaining there as her bliss ran fluidly through her invigorated body. For the first time since this war began, Midna felt fulfilled -- for a moment, she felt like the rightful ruler of the twilight realm once more. But that moment of wonder passed, just as the moment they had together was gone before Midna understood it to be.

She had smiled like her usual self when she parted her legs, expecting to see her beloved companion collapsed over from a geyser of fluids. That humor was shot down instantly when her thighs revealed only traces of Zelda’s existence; gold sparkles of light, shimmering dust that represented that magical manifestation of the princess’s being. Midna stuttered with a mouthful of things she had wanted to say before this was over. She glared at the emptiness, she bit her lip and bore her fang viciously, but she was angry not at the world, not at Zelda, but at herself. The hands she had used to bind Zelda in a tangle of fingers now slapped at her temples, her hair twisting into a fist that slapped the ground in frustration.

“... Keep trusting me, Zelda.” Midna aimed her whisper at the pink color of the morning sun, its light only a thin fraction of the day just beginning. Their moment together had concluded, but it had inspired Midna significantly to bring peace back to their worlds. In her feisty fashion, Midna vowed to relive that moment and have it be her own, rather than just a flicker of hope in dismal times.


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