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Sorry for the little delay here on posting some upload notes for the latest release~ I was a little rushed after posting it, then sort of forgot through the day. Whoops!

This is my first take ever on the isekai genre, at least in any serious regard~ I'm nostalgic now for the fifth grade, when I "tried" "writing" a "comic" about my "friends" all getting sucked up in a video game. But that's neither giant nor giantess related. An isekai into a size situation was fun to delve into! It not only gives me a chance to improve my second person perspective, but it's really a base fantasy, isn't it? Going right to the world of the character you want to be tiny around, it gets right to the point.

Palutena was a pretty ideal character for this situation. Being so godly and all, it was an easy explanation to work with -- yet I wonder now if I still spent too much time elaborating the setup? I feel I often get weighed down in these details that, for the most part, any size enthusiast would probably be able to imagine without being told to. I suppose I have a difficult time not introducing concepts organically... but it's a worthwhile skill to keep things concise... Well, rambling aside, Palutena was easy to work with, she has a good sense of humor so I felt more comfortable working with this idea with her than had it been someone else. The inclusion of Rosalina and Shantae was also fun, a nice well-rounded group of girls that gives you, ideally, a nice taste of all of them. I suppose Rosaline gets shafted here, but I do think a lot gets said with what few indirect interactions she has.

My favorite scene was when the girls just stand around the protagonist, having a discussion. Such a casually intimidating situation~ like you could just be forgotten about between these three powerful women~ How dreamy~

Thanks again for the support from everyone!


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