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[This is several months' worth of patron rewards for my patron, @BatgirlSilva! Thank you Nikki for your support~]

Her fingers curled in reach of a blanket that wasn’t there. A mean shiver rolled up her body and her arms coiled around her chest. She twisted, but the surface she laid on was not the comfortable bed she was used to. It was hard and equally cold as the draft moving over her, with no simple way to rest her head or back. Gradually, her eyes weakly opened, and a dim world greeted her rather than her own bedroom. A huge ceiling and distant walls enclosed her in a massive chamber, illuminated only by the light that slipped in through a triangular window. Nikki’s heart started to race; what did Hilda do to her now?

“Damn it… Ugh…” Nikki held her head, feeling heavy and slow. Even if she had woken up in her own bed in her own world, she still would have been groggy and difficult to rise. It was the dream she was having, and certainly enjoying, that made her wish to sleep more and more. The details were slipping away, but the broad idea was cherished. She had dreamed of Elsa, a faraway, fictional character. It was a pleasant encounter with the princess, a traditional fantasy -- if she could remember all of it. It was the nature of dreams to wander away, but her heart felt it true that this dream was relevant, a clue as to where she was. “Maybe… I’m still dreaming?” she wondered with doubt. Her dream before was thrilling and lively, whereas the setting before her was bleak and lifeless.

Yet, it was as well strangely familiar, this massive bedroom. Nikki gazed around the chamber for information, but aside from that unclear similarity, there was not much to gleam. A perfectly neat bed was far opposite of where she stood, which happened to be a desk or vanity of some sort. Behind her was a large and elegant mirror, offering Nikki a glimpse at herself and how she compared to everything else. Unlit candles stood tall like trees, a hair comb was more like a yard tool, and a pair of gloves were folded over each other like long bed sheets. As alien as this made the world around her, it didn’t surprise Nikki much to discover that she had been shrunken.

“Hilda… Why now?” Nikki asked, praying she might get an answer when she raised her marked wrist. She shook it, as if that had any effect on the genie. “I was sleeping so well… What? Was it something I said?” Her frustration didn’t linger on Hilda for long, as the bitter touch of cold swept over her again. She shuddered into herself, staying perched on her knees. Her plain clothes were doing little to resist the chilling emptiness of the room, urging her to seek out some kind of warmth or shelter. If the candles could be lit, and were maybe half their size, that would have been ideal. Instead, she was lured to the gloves, imagining that the fabric would at least act like a blanket.

Nikki knelt down and grabbed the edge of one such glove. Its icy blue color did not suggest warmth, but it was decorated with a pristine emblem and folded so perfectly that she hesitated to throw it around herself like she had hoped. This, too, struck her with an odd sense of familiarity, and that thought rolled through her mind until it became a well-rounded conclusion. From Hilda’s magic, she had been shrunk and teleported to the world of Frozen, abandoned and vulnerable in Elsa’s room.

Astonished, Nikki dropped the glove’s edge and stumbled backwards, glancing around the room once again. It was unbelievable to be witnessing such an iconic location from her unique perspective, creating a different set of chills over her skin. It was eerily just as she imagined except, of course, the exaggerated size. There was just one missing factor that left the scene paralyzed like a grayscale frame, and it was the dead lack of life. No movement, no voice, just Nikki alone, barely hearing the dots of snow hit the window from outside.

But the stillness was not permanent, and the sounds of footsteps beyond the door alerted Nikki that she would not be by herself for long. Instinctively, she took shelter against one of the candles, hiding her thin frame behind it while her head peeked from a side. Hilda’s games had trained her to be wary of all things huge, for despite the fun she could have at this size, it came with great risk. She had one assumption for who this person was, an obvious guess that was confirmed within the next moments. The door opened and there stood two uniformed guards at either side of Elsa of Arendelle.

With the grace one would expect from any proper royalty, Elsa stepped into her quarters and turned to offer a bow. No words were necessary to dismiss the guards, who offered their usual salute and a farewell before closing the door and marching away. All Elsa had with her was a single candle that lit her way through the halls, but its flame was a weak flicker under the shell of dimness. It hardly bothered Elsa, who remained staring at the closed entrance for a time, turning away with a lonesome sigh. Her next steps were drained of that royal poise, her body relaxing in the moonlight after a day’s worth of noble arrangements.

The scene was sluggish and dragging, but Nikki teetered with energy. That’s Elsa! she wanted to cheer with childlike glee. Sh-She’s beautiful… She’s stunning! It’s really her! She failed to ward off her dumb grin, thinking of how Hilda had done this to her. Obviously Hilda had been listening in on her dreams, a violation of privacy without doubt, but it was hard to stay mad at her when this was what she was blessed with. She continued to watch, her heart thumping from the guilt and rush of spying on someone.

Lest her wonder reveal herself, Nikki hushed and bunkered further behind the candle as she watched Elsa drift in her direction. The queen shared the flame of her own candle with that of the others, her arm passing high over Nikki without her realizing. In her exhausted state, Elsa simply followed her routine, placing the candle off-center on the vanity when she was done with it. A few paces backed away from the mirror, she glanced over herself with critical perception, striking herself for every flaw she counted. Nikki inferred as much, keenly noting the glare in her brow, the whip-like movements of her eyes as she critiqued herself.

Elsa’s eyes closed, dismissing those thoughts to a corner of her mind. Her hands went to her shoulders where they began undoing her shawl, its weight overdue to be relieved. Once shed, the layer dropped to the floor without fanfare, but it was the first hint for Nikki to realize what she was an audience of. She dropped to her knees hidden behind the candles, taken aback when Elsa then began undoing her dress, her chest arced forward while her hands fiddled with the bindings behind her.

“Easier to remove than put on,” Elsa hummed to herself, a distraction to look away from the mirror. She dreaded the view she had of her mirror, unaware that there was an admirer thinking the exact opposite. Her restrictive attire continued to come undone, its looseness causing it to slip down her shoulders in a teasing reveal of more skin. There was a sigh of relief when the final weave was undone and the dress pooled at her feet. The cold didn’t bother her at all, naturally, despite being exposed in just her corset and garters, both white as the snow.

Nikki continued to watch with unblinking eyes. It did not feel proper to be a voyeur, but it did not feel wrong enough either. She had just about forgotten the temperature, what with the heat rushing to her head, but the grim touch of cold reminded her when the candle over her began to fizzle. Its glow shrank as it dwindled into an ember, then just a thin trail of smoke. Nikki curiously looked up at the change of light, but she flinched upon feeling the first tremor of a footstep, the result of Elsa coming to investigate.

Elsa scoffed with an absence of manners, free to express impatience without anyone to notice, so she thought. Just as she pinched another candle in order to share its flame, she noticed that something different occupied her vanity. She paused with a blank expression in that instant, realizing that she was not alone at all. Behind the unlit candle was a person, a human in every way except its size, cowering behind the base of the candle.

Nikki was found and she felt her soul be drained under the piercing gaze of those lake blue eyes. There was no effort to run or escape, not when Nikki knew how fruitless that endeavor would be at only a few inches tall. Rather than flee, she stepped out and revealed herself, her arms raised up in surrender. “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” she scrambled to apologize, even if it made little sense. “I-I know I shouldn’t be here, i-it’s because of, err--”

Her detailed explanation was cut short when Elsa finally reacted to the odd finding, a shocked expression overrunning the little speech Nikki tried to make. Elsa’s instincts were like fire and she lunged away from the vanity, her arm shooting forward like a forceful wind. Summoned from her palm was a crystalline flurry, a ray of unforgiving cold that turned the air to ice, aimed directly at the tiny target.

Nikki gasped and leaped backwards in a dodge. Of all the methods she had expected giants to respond with, she had never before experienced an enormous blast of freezing cold. The ray struck just in front of the candle, but its cold swept out like an explosion, quickly taking shape into a glacial eruption with icicle ends that coated that corner of the vanity. Nikki had avoided the direct impact, but the spread of ice had reached her with its immobilizing grasp. From the waist down, Nikki was caught under the ice, unable to even flip onto her back to better see her captor.

Elsa’s hand remained pointed ahead of her while she breathed, calming the adrenaline rush that had been spurred. She then glared at her hand, then held it against her side, dissatisfied with her reliance on it but no less disturbed by what she had discovered. In a panic, she barked, “Who are you?! Speak!”

“Nikki!” she immediately replied, struggling to squeeze out from the ice. The cold seeped through her jeans, causing her to wince. “I-I’m just… Nikki! I-I’m not--”

“Is this a scheme? A plot to kill me?” Elsa questioned, routing the conversation to a sinister place. “You-- No one is welcome here! Except the royal family! A-And guests… But you aren’t a guest! I don’t know of any Nikki, n-nor anything like you!” That questions repeated in her thoughts, the wonder of what this was. Childhood tales surfaced to her memory. “A-Are you a fairy? Err, wh-what are you? Tell me.”

Nikki grunted in her attempts to turn over. Her hesitation to speak could cost her, so she hurried to reply, “I’m a human! Th-That’s all! I’m not an assassin o-or anything like that!” She coughed, “I don’t… I don’t think I could assassinate you! I’m… I-I’m way too small!”

Elsa’s fingers coiled into nervous fists that she brought up to her chest. “True… You are small. Very small. And clearly, quite sneaky, if you got past all of the castle’s guards.” Elsa dared not step further, but she clearly wanted to. “... You could know magic, though. Magic like… like mine.”

“I’m not! I have no magic!” Nikki, desperate to prove herself, began flailing an arm out to her side in a rapid fashion. Nothing happened, just as she wanted to demonstrate.

Elsa mulled over the evidence, but in her fluster, she could barely think. Was she supposed to tell a guard? Should she inform Anna? Then, in the middle of those questions, she realized how that would not be possible, not while she was halfway into undressing. The realization scared her into a little hop backwards, her arms thrown up to cover herself despite Nikki being strictly subdued. Her pale body glowed red, “Y-You came to watch me u-undress?!”

The accusation kicked Nikki when she was already down. She meant to reply with a hard no, but realistically, that would have been a lie. She reworded herself, “Th-That’s not why I’m here…” but the explanation would be interrupted by Elsa’s approach. Her steps were hard and quick up to the vanity, where she then stroked the ice with one hand while the other arm remained wrapped over her chest. The gem-like shards broke and deteriorated, vanishing from the vanity until Nikki’s legs were uncovered.

This freedom was brief, not long enough for Nikki to stand. Elsa immediately scooped the invader into a delicate hand, displaying a raw type of power that was underplayed by the queen’s majestic touch. Nikki shivered in the hand for it provided not any of the warmth she had hoped for, unnaturally cold as a result of her powers. Comfort was not what Elsa intended anyway, for she was transporting her captive only a short distance. She found the perfect prison right away, a wide jar meant for confections that she and Anna had gone through long ago. Nikki began to protest, but it would not reach Elsa before she was deposited into the clear, featureless cage.

The jar was taken to one of the nightstands, its lid left behind for it was unlikely Nikki could simply climb out. Elsa peeked out the curtains before treading back to her bed. While tossing on her nightgown, she constantly looked back to the little captive in short glances, her curiosity flourishing endlessly. Rarely did she come across something so abnormal -- usually, it was her to be the odd one out, but at least she was a native and a queen. Nikki was a common person in a pitiful form.

With so many questions to ask, Elsa adjusted her gown and lifted her head, asserting a majestic stance that hid away her worries. She approached the glass jar, standing over it with her hands held at her waist. “What purpose do you have for appearing here?”

The voice was winter cold to Nikki, who trembled inside her cell. Her neck craned far back, comprehending the towering queen and that bold, humorless expression at its peak. Her hesitation drew Elsa to raise a brow, so she stuttered into a faster reply, “I-It’s… complicated? I-I don’t get it all myself, but, there’s-- It’s hard to believe,” she chuckled, “b-but there’s a genie inside me. And she… does this, sometimes.”

“A genie?” Elsa repeated, a squint of interest in her eyes. Another familiar name from old childhood stories. She shook her head, “So, you do have magic. You lied to me.”

“No! No, that’s not q-quite right…” Nikki scratched at her neck nervously. “I can’t control her. I didn’t ask for this! It’s all just a trick, sh-she’s playing with me. A joke!”

Elsa scowled. “If this were a joke, would I not be laughing?” Elsa’s glare was heavy enough on Nikki to make her huddle into herself. The gesture was too sad, even for Elsa and her position. Her shoulders slumped in sympathy and she bit her lip, “Can I… see this genie? Can you prove it exists?”

Nikki looked to her bandaged arm and raised it for Elsa to see. “Err, this is the best I can do,” she explained. “Technically she lives here. But, well, yeah.” She cradled her arm with the other. “I… can’t really make her do anything.”

“I see…” Elsa exhaled, dissatisfied with this progress, but unable to discern truth from lies. Going by her instinct, Nikki was being honest, but it was difficult to accept that answer, and trusting her instincts had, historically, led to troubling situations. “I suppose you cannot currently do much harm the way that you are… If this was some kind of sinister plan,” she smiled, “you’ve chosen a pretty poor method.” A long finger poked at the glass, just enough power to have it tilt and wobble. She giggled, the absence of an apology flustering the prisoner as this little action imbalanced her.

“So, you believe me then?” Nikki asked.

“... Somewhat,” Elsa hesitantly replied. She picked up the jar and reeled it close to her face, examining the woman within. The cold eyes sharply pointed all over Nikki’s body, like spears drawn and readied. The hand that enveloped the transparent chamber squished against the glass, a reminder of how the overwhelming power the queen had over her. “But I recommend not testing me. While I think of something to do with you, I suppose I’ll… keep you. For myself. At this hour, the guards shouldn’t be bothered with something so… trivial.”

The choice of words soured the relief Nikki tried to cherish. It was well and good that she wouldn’t be immediately taken into prison, but her predicament was little better than that fate. She was entrapped all the same, but at least here, she did have the company of Elsa. The thought made her squirm under that glare; the queen was terrifying with how intimidating she could be, yet it never intruded on her elegance and beauty.

Elsa continued to study her bottled subject. The intensity of her gaze would have left Nikki with an itching feeling of being observed so closely, but the only thing crawling along her skin were her shivers. Hugging herself for warmth, Nikki had yet to adapt to or overcome the temperature, and it was impossible to completely ignore. She vaguely looked around the jar for something to help her, but there was nothing but the crumbs of whatever sweets used to fill the container. Nikki held back any complaints that she had, figuring that she had already overstepped her limits by being in the castle at all.

Nikki’s suffering did not go unnoticed. Elsa’s sternness was gradually fading, even when she noticed and reasserted her stance. While mellowing from the surprise, her demeanor thawed and her mercy grew. Being tiny, cold, and stuck in a jar was no way to be treated, even if her motives were unclear. She couldn’t bear to watch the shrunken figure continue to shake, and before any more questions could be asked, Elsa approached the jar again and tilted its top into her palm.

Nikki nearly tripped as the walls of her chamber twisted into a rounded floor. The angle of the jar forced her to scuttle down the clean surface and into the queen’s palm. She swallowed worriedly before her feet touched this fleshy ground, her first step flinching back cautiously. She looked to Elsa for approval, but a small shake of the jar bounced her into the hand without needing to say a word.

Elsa set the jar aside, then cupped her hand into the other, assuring a steady and safe platform for Nikki to stand on. She kept her palm held close to where her stomach met her chest, near her center of gravity, but Nikki could not comprehend that. What she saw and focused on was Elsa’s massiveness, a feature she could only appreciate when she was this close to the royal figure. She could feel the beat of Elsa’s breathing, the flow of blood all around her. At the same time that she felt safer, she also felt more endangered.

But the intent was not to be cruel or frightening. She had taken Nikki into her possession to lend her towards the fireplace, which she had to stoke to life on her own and with just one free hand. Nikki dropped and held onto the palm’s skin tightly as Elsa gathered appropriate tinder from nearby, setting the logs within ablaze.

The first wave of heat immediately dispelled the worst of Nikki’s chilled state. She moaned under its effect, unwrapping her arms and allowing them to feel the flames, but not without some concern. Before enjoying herself too freely, she turned around to Elsa, gawking up at the face so high overhead. She swallowed and asked, “I-Is this… for me…?”

Elsa closed her eyes; it was to push back the smile that almost budded from her lips. “It’s cold in here,” she plainly said, but when her eyes met Nikki’s, she began to cave. “Not that it bothers me, but… not everyone is like me. You looked very cold, so…”

Nikki slowly nodded, turning back to face the fire. It was a huge flame compared to her, like a house fire had been set just for her comfort. She was without comment for awhile, until she stammered into a quick comment, “Th-Thank you! I didn’t, uh, prepare for the weather at all.”

This time, Elsa could not hide her giggling, and a light blush dotted each cheek. “No, it does not appear you did.” She tilted her head, weighing what she could do to help; it was in her nature to be concerned, so much so that she had nearly forgotten that this was a mysterious prisoner she was helping. “My ice may have made your clothes wet, which will only make you colder. If you’re, well, comfortable doing so… you could undress, a-and you would warm up more effectively.”

As logical as the suggestion was, Nikki was still left befuddled. She had not expected to strip; her clothes, damp as they might have been, were not particularly bothering her like Elsa had said. She thought to disagree, but Elsa’s concern was heart wrenching. The emotion she sensed in Elsa’s tone and expression was too genuine and considerate to simply ignore. Perhaps, Nikki also pondered, it was just part of Elsa’s majesty, that her presence was so strong that it was impossible to refuse an offer. In either case, Nikki bashfully nodded and looked to her plain shirt and pants.

After unrolling the shirt over her head, Nikki felt it be taken out of her grasp right as it was off her body. She shivered in fright, but it was just Elsa taking the shirt away from her, pinched between two fingers thicker than the shirt was wide. Nikki swallowed and immediately hunched over herself, an effort to hide her bra-covered chest. She felt much weaker not only being this exposed, but to see her clothes be removed so swiftly.

“... Like a little doll,” Elsa cooed, disconnected from how belittling her remark was. Nikki stared down in shame, for she thought of exactly the same thing. Elsa sighed, “You remind me of all the dolls I used to dress-up with my sister. Though, I’m sure most of those toys were bigger than you.”

Nikki offered a small laugh, easing her own self to yet another unintentional tease. She continued to undress, unbalanced by how Elsa idly shifted where she stood. She fell on her rear while stripping her pants off, which Elsa giggled at while retrieving those as well. Nikki was then left half-naked in the hand of a fantasy queen, a completely unreal situation to be caught in; Does Hilda know these things will happen when she does stuff like this? she wondered.

Snapping Nikki from her dread was the long gaze over her that followed Elsa’s comment. She cowered backwards under such a serious look, her back coming upon Elsa’s curled fingers. One such finger moved upon being touched, stroking Nikki’s bare back and producing a slithering chill down the frail body.

“O-Oh, I’m sorry,” Elsa apologized. She returned to the fire, standing over it with her arms extended forward. “I was lost in thought. I’ve never held a tiny person before. I really should pay attention,” she giggled, “something could easily happen to you. I suppose that makes you my responsibility.”

Nikki swallowed, glancing back at the finger that had touched her. The fire was lovely to be near, but the cold in the air persisted with Elsa’s remarks. “Th-That’s true. Sorry for being a bother.”

“Oh,” Elsa shook her head with a reassuring smile, “i-it’s not a problem. Truly, I should be used to this dynamic by now. All of Arendelle, its many colorful people, all rests on my shoulders.” She laughed, “What’s one more pygmy to add to my schedule?”

Nikki giggled alongside her, unsure how sincere her own reaction was. She stalled to say something, “Luckily, I’m pretty easy to take care of.”

“Mmhm. It’s true. If only the whole kingdom were… like this.” Her eyes turned to the window, its glass frosted and fogged by the snowfall outside. The lights of many houses dotted the city’s hills, each window representing a family under her dominion. “... It would be much easier to tend to everyone’s needs,” she joked, “but I’m not sure if the people would trust me if I was so huge. I’m powerful enough as it is.”

Nikki nodded, intrigued by Elsa’s woes. She knew too well the trials Elsa had faced, too well to admit to her without raising even more questions. “Yeah. It probably wouldn’t be that fun, actually. Y-You would have to look out for everyone, to not cause any harm.” She held back her grin, grateful her expressions were so tiny and simple to hide.

“Exactly. Power sounds like fun, but you rarely get to use it how you would like.” A more solemn frown befell her, her eyes drifting toward the flickering fire. She approached it one step closer, allowing the heat to tingle her skin. “Somedays, I worry the power is too much, and I might just…”

The sentence went unconcluded, but Nikki sensed its direction. There was a slight shiver in Elsa’s palm, only substantial enough for the tiny woman to acknowledge. The hand tensed up, as if wanting to coil into a fist or claw. Nikki refrained from stating anything, feeling it wrong to speak out of turn. Elsa’s tone had once again become stoic and cold, similar to how she sounded when lecturing her. Something, clearly, was troubling the queen.

Yet, contrarily, the queen smiled. Still in the fire’s glow, Elsa’s anxiety had been warmed into some kind of contentment. “I know it won’t,” she continued, her words aimed at herself, as if the flame reflected her like ice. “I have control over myself now. My power, my role… I understand just how strong I am.” There was a soft giggle at the tail of her sentence, her head slowly angling down at Nikki in her possession. “I understand that I am very strong. Are you terrified?”

Nikki stared up at the expression weighing upon her, unprepared to be questioned. She stuttered, “Err, n-no… M-Maybe a little worried,” she admitted, “but not… scared. Not scared of you-- Ahk!” A finger from the other hand suddenly intruded, its tip wrestling Nikki into a laid out position. Nikki squirmed and pushed, but the finger only moved by Elsa’s whim.

“Are you telling the truth?” Elsa asked, amused by Nikki’s reaction. “You don’t need to lie. You should be reasonably afraid, in my opinion. A great, powerful, magical princess has you in her hands. I would be worried, at the very least.”

Nikki swallowed, unsure of the logic behind the discussion, and too startled to form the most coherent thoughts. With nowhere else to turn, she backed up into Elsa’s curl of fingers, as if that could distance herself from the queen. She was looked down upon as if expected to talk, but Nikki still had nothing to say.

“So silent,” Elsa whispered, her smile maintained, “so passive… Would you just let me walk over you?” It was a joke, but Elsa’s sense of humor was lacking as usual. Nikki shivered from the comment, but the subsequent widening of Elsa’s grin marginally calmed her. “Of course, obviously not… You would run away if that was going to happen.” She glanced at the fire again, but too quickly did her eyes dart back to Nikki. “But you can’t run away when I already have you.”

Nikki bit her lip, but she managed to squeak a nervous laugh. She attempted to engage with Elsa again, but the lifting of another finger drove down her response. With her arms shielding her, Nikki tried to hide away from the incoming touch, but it was inevitable. Elsa invaded Nikki’s space without contest, overwhelming the tiny body by having the length of her finger completely atop the kicking, flailing body. Unlike before, Elsa did not soon release her, and Nikki squabbled more intensely with the finger laid upon her.

“E-Elsa…!” Nikki whined, the air being pushed out from her chest. She wondered if the queen comprehended her strength, denying the expressed answer hanging overhead. That amusement from Elsa trickled over her writhing form. “I-I can barely move…”

“And to think, I’m not even using my ice powers,” Elsa joked, but her humor had no additional mercy. “You are so little… How could you try to lie and say you weren’t scared?”

Nikki closed her eyes, embarrassed with the complex feelings storming inside her. In her blindness, she was unaware of how two fingers moved to pinch her wrists together, swallowing most of her forearms. Her chest was released, but she was captured again, this time lifted by her wrists while the rest of her dangled in the air. Nikki gasped and grunted, but Elsa’s fun was uninterrupted, entertained with the minuscule tugging she felt between the pads of her fingers.

“You put forth so much effort just to be overpowered,” Elsa cooed, bathing Nikki in pity. With her other hand, a finger stretched forward as to stroke the side of Nikki’s twisting body, rushing the little form with cold shivers. What little strength and energy Nikki responded with again tickled Elsa. “Your little body might as well belong to me,” she teased. “Do you submit yourself to your queen?”

It had been a joke, Elsa had intended, but the words warmed her as soon as they left her lips. Her expression quickly flattened, her amusement ceased -- she looked up and down the body, her cheeks flushed from the woman she saw. The writhing in her fingers, the pathetic display, it all felt wrong for a benevolent ruler to be doing. Her curious finger pulled away from its stroking, coiled back like a frightened animal. What had she been doing without her ownself noticing? All too easily, Elsa caught herself allowing something within her to escape.

“I-I’m so sorry, err, Nikki…” Elsa said, her grip on the woman adjusting to be more comfortable. Nikki’s wrists were released and her limp body slid into a curved hand. “Goodness… What did I let get to me? I-It must be the changing of the seasons getting to my head,” she worriedly chuckled, “a-allergies, or something…”

Her rambling was meant to deescalate the atmosphere, but Elsa felt the rare chill on her own skin when Nikki had yet to reply. No nervous smile or laugh would provoke Nikki into accepting the apology, but it wasn’t anger or spite that filled the tiny body. Her skin burned red, her breathing was heavier but without exhaustion. Her legs twitched expectedly, not pushing away from Elsa like they had before. Though she couldn’t go anywhere else, it still felt as though she was lingering behind, staying beside Elsa’s actions.

Elsa blinked, her throat empty of anything to say or ask. Silence was warded only by the crackle of the fireplace, yet the two stared at one another, as if conversing through thought. Elsa worried that she was wrong with what she assumed, but the possibility intrigued her.

“... You belong to me,” Elsa asserted, her voice hushed yet so close to the body she held. “Would you agree that such is true?”

Nikki trembled, her breathing becoming louder and hotter. She almost couldn’t speak from how she shook, “P-Perhaps… I-I can’t really say… no…”

Elsa’s expression flashed with a smile. “Of course you can’t,” she said, “not like this. So… weak and fragile.” She caressed Nikki again with her other hand, two fingers this time being used to slowly stroke her body. Emphasized by her words, Nikki felt her strength depleting, enough so that she couldn’t protest. “I won’t hurt you,” Else assured her, “I’m your queen. I protect my subjects. And I do love my subjects dearly… If only they understood me, and what I knew was best for them…”

Subtly, Nikki had been slowly moved closer to the face hungering for her. The heat of Elsa’s breathing blew over her form, stirring her into resistance. She tried to twist away from the finger petting her, but she was countered, grappled by a net of fingers she could never hope to overcome. After putting forth a significant effort, Nikki was still defeated, entirely bound from the shoulders down in a fist larger than her.

Elsa’s lips were there in front of her, within arms reach if her arms were free. She reeled away from them as they parted and curved; it devoured her vision, the giant pair of lips and their tempting smile. A long moment passed where she was simply held there in the stream of Elsa’s breathing, but then all at once, the lips were upon her. Nikki gasped and struggled, but she was swallowed by their softness, her head nearly taken into the mouth but released before going too far. Once relieved, Nikki panted for air, overwhelmed by the heat she had felt.

“I could keep you, couldn’t I?” Elsa wondered aloud, her volume again kept lowered so that she wouldn’t hear herself. “There would be no escaping me. No denying me. You would be all mine; my little secret…”

Elsa lurched forward and kissed Nikki again, her bottom lip brushing up and over the head poking from her fist. Nikki’s hair was tossed into a mess, but it was the least of her concerns as she felt Elsa’s grip flinch around her. Like a glacier cracking, Elsa was slowly shifting, her persona changing until finally what was within her could be unleashed.

Erupting with excitement, Elsa plummeted backwards into her bed, giggling madly as she heard Nikki’s panicked cries. The weight of a tower toppling was what Nikki had to endure, kept secure through the sudden disaster by the tightness of Elsa’s fist. The impact shook her regardless, nearly making her pass out, but the queen’s energy was far from removed. Her hungering smile persisted, the first thing Nikki would glance at upon regaining her bearings.

Before being balanced, Nikki was raised above her captor, her torso pinched by a thumb and two fingers. Elsa was on her back, delighted by the scene of Nikki’s legs wheeling about. Just as her giggling faded, Elsa dropped her plaything, feeling the droplet of weight bounce against her exposed stomach. She sat up slightly, an arc steep enough that Nikki was then rolling down the hill-like belly. Her rolling ceased at the white garter belt of Elsa’s attire, and only because she managed to grab it. Right where her feet hung off was Elsa’s underwear, an area radiating with warmth.

Nikki swallowed as she looked down at the sight, equally infatuated as she was intimidated. Distracted so much by the queen’s panties, she failed to notice the hand nearing her until it was upon her -- and then past her. Rather than claim the shrunken woman, Elsa’s hand instead ventured into the panties, hidden away as a boulder-sized lump that rose and sank underneath the white fabric. Nikki was hardly safe, as the following jitter along Elsa’s body threatened to toss her further down.

In a brief moment of clarity, Elsa fell still, her breathing staggered while she reflected on her actions. Fortunately for Nikki, this pause allowed her to climb up the belly and to a marginally safer region. The flesh squished in her fingers as she pried herself up, still comprehending what had overcome Elsa, but there was no mistaking this attitude that she felt. It was returning to the queen that very second, a flare of arousal that she couldn’t deny.

On her back, Elsa shuddered backwards upon the bedsheets, positioning herself well on the mattress. Each bounce of her body jogged Nikki until she was finally at rest, leaving the visitor spread out over the belly button. A windy giggle was sung as Elsa’s hand blanketed the small body, pressing down firm enough to work out another series of kicks and squirms. Elsa embraced every attack against her, every ounce of resistance and how futile it was. Her demand to seal a person against her body was acted upon without friction, a sensation that drove her lust upwards still.

A particular touch upon herself had Elsa sit up with pleasure. Nikki hoped the jolt might free her from under the palm, but the hand instead twisted and grabbed her, once again enveloping her into a fist. With haste, she was taken to Elsa’s face again, the landscape of a body rushing right from under her without a chance to appreciate it. Instantly, a hard kiss struck Nikki, enough force to make her wince and push against the lips. Again, Elsa proved how strong her mouth was, and she peppered Nikki with continual kisses, every other one accentuated with a low, playful giggle.

Yet, in all of this, Nikki did not plead for it to stop -- and Elsa had taken note. A smug glare arrowed in on Nikki during a break from the kisses, while the little body was still recovering from the blows. Elsa could feel the energy being depleted between her fingers, and it was a test to not rub her fingers together, to test how fragile that body was.

“You don’t seem to mind this,” Elsa spoke up, her tone broken from the way it used to sound as it expressed a base level of concern. “Do you… want this? Do you wish to be mine…?”

Even Elsa herself seemed unaware of what she meant, or to what extent she implied. In either case, Nikki digested the question, wondering the same about herself. She was possessed by a powerful, mystical queen, like a treasure grasped in her palms. It was a lowly status, but not one that bothered Nikki. She enjoyed the thrill, in fact, of being an object of desire, to be owned and tended to by all-powerful royalty. It was humiliating to admit, so much so that rather than reply to Elsa, her answer was expressed through the burning of her skin, a bowed head, and a lack of any argument.

Shifting to the center of the bed, Elsa sat up further and arranged more of her fingers to envelope the tiny body. Though not a word had been announced, it was as though a contract had bound them. Elsa’s smile was at odds with itself, an expression that made Nikki doubt the choice she had made. The grip around her tightened, securing her more fastly to that of Elsa's possession. A shiver of resistance was made, but there was no breaking out of Elsa’s hand, despite how little effort was applied to keep her restrained.

Simply holding Nikki in such a way was accelerating Elsa’s arousal. A thumb caressed Nikki’s cheek, a limb that was nearly as big as the woman’s whole body. Nikki pushed against the broad tip like warding back a serpent, but her fight back only encouraged Elsa to suppress her more. That same thumb broke out of Nikki’s grasp instantly, focusing its touch down the rest of the shrunken form. It stroked past her exposed chest and back up again, a tingling sensation inflicting upon Nikki that made her fingers clench tight into Elsa’s hand. She would kick and squirm if it were possible, but the hand holding her refused even that much resistance, limiting her responses; without a way to ventilate her energy, Nikki could only pant and tremble with excitement, unable to stop the queen from treating her like an animal.

Elsa leaned closer to Nikki, exhausting a warm breath over her. She twitched as her free hand adjusted its place, tucked under her panties so that two fingers can pinch her clitoris with a gentle, yet eager touch. A slow rhythm was discovered with her hand, massaging her crotch at a steady pace while her heart drummed faster and faster. Nikki was well aware of how the body rocked, like a building whose foundation was faltering. The motion made her hug the thumb that had been groping her, embracing its curiosity for the sake of stability. Elsa chuckled at the sight of Nikki desperately holding her thumb, noting how her chest pressed into her finger with such intense desire.

“You look so frightened, little one…” Elsa cooed, her words shaken by the electric twitches of her own touching. Nikki flinched from being talked down to like this, but there was a strange warmth that also washed over her. “I would not let a single thing harm you… You can trust me. You’re something of mine -- I treat everything I own as well as possible…”

Elsa’s remark degraded Nikki’s mind into a state of shock. She felt even smaller than before, shrunken by how Elsa promised to treat her. The kindness and softness in her words were reassuring, like a fireplace guaranteeing sanctuary. She felt invited to be something of Elsa’s belongings, to humble herself as just a toy for a grand, giant queen. Nikki no longer shivered as madly as she had, but at a standstill, she continued to feel uneasy with how she would be put to use.

The fingers around Nikki’s body unraveled, freeing her from their grip just as Elsa’s face plunged forward with closed eyes and a perky smile. Nikki blinked just as the lips came rushing over her; she had been pushed into Elsa’s face, sprawled across her lips while her arms grappled with her nose. Kicks at Elsa’s chin were to find footholds, but the contact made Elsa rumble with giggles, threatening to shake off the tiny woman. The lips under her rose up into a kiss onto her waist, a sensation that tickled a shriek out of Nikki by its surprise. She scrambled to rise up, but she slipped back to where she was, frantically trying to find balance on a ground that was constantly bubbling with laughter.

Her tongue was then involved, snaking out from closed lips and lapping at Nikki like prey. Elsa hummed with delight upon hearing another shrill gasp, tiny arms and legs continuously batting at her face to no avail. If Nikki ever rose too far, Elsa could sentence her back by just opening her lips, allowing a leg to trip into the opening and be suckled on.

“Mm~ Nikki… Y-You taste delicious…” Elsa stated, a comment that slipped into being said aloud but with no shame to burden it. Nikki felt the smile she laid upon creep further in either direction, and she noticed the big eyes ahead of her angle down in their best attempt to witness her reaction. “I could eat you,” Elsa joked, though it earned a nervous wince from her captive, “but I could never… I want to savor you for a long time, Nikki. I want to always feel this much control…”

It was a series of dreams that guided Elsa into a fantasy she had never realized she wanted so strongly. Nikki, being so powerless, was helpless to deny the love Elsa wanted to shower her in. She kept kissing her, using her free hand to keep Nikki in place while her lips bounced her up and down, or to tickle out satisfying squirms by pushing the little body deeper against them. Nikki protested weakly, but any glance from Elsa that included that cunning grin would silence her complaints, overwhelming her with the authority only a noble of this size could manifest.

A flurry of fingers prodded Nikki all over, curiously drawing out writhing reactions. They pulled at her arms to feel them be tugged away, they weaved between her legs and supported her rear. Nikki gasped and groaned, but she was muffled into silence when a giant forefinger and thumb clenched her head between their soft pads. Elsa giggled at the immense power she held in just her fingertips alone, how a simple pinch could be so painful. She held Nikki like this only briefly, releasing her so that she could catch her breath. The exhausted body lay limp on her lips, so fatigued that no hand was needed to pin her in place.

Another kiss attempted to stir the tiny woman, but Nikki only flinched. The lips parted, exhaling a steam of breath that tickled Nikki into sitting up. Elsa rose slightly, the incline forcing her little passenger to hold tightly to her nose. She kissed again, this time kissing the scrambling knees that tried to climb away from a steep fall. The scene amused her, but she wanted more entertainment, and so she blew lightly from her mouth, creating a wind that wanted to blow Nikki away. The gust was light, but Nikki’s grasp on the nose was already slipping. After another breeze passed her legs, Nikki lost her grip entirely, and she fell down the slope that was Elsa’s neck, down to her chest.

Her slide ceased right at Elsa’s bosom, where Elsa had intended her to be. Nikki was afforded only one glance at each mound surrounding her before a mighty hand clapped over her body. No effort could force the palm off of her, tighter than any grapple Elsa had yet kept on her. Through her muffled arguments, Nikki was forced to hear the thumping of Elsa’s heart, a resonance that pounded so close to where she was trapped. Elsa hid her away under that hand so that she could express her perversion in privacy; her eyes closed hard and her smile cracked as her masturbating went on, entering more furious levels of massaging herself. She hunched back and forth from the excitement, swinging Nikki alongside her relatively gigantic body and sinking her deeper into the cleavage.

The cold was a nonproblem in the heated situation Nikki was immersed in. Elsa’s body was as warm as summer, a monument of a person that rocked and trembled from blazing arousal. Between her sweat and Nikki’s own, Nikki glided across the body wherever Elsa whimmed her to be, slipping between the breasts as she was rubbed between them. She felt the shiver of Elsa’s body cherishing the control she had over a smaller, weaker person. There was no denying the thrill Elsa enjoyed, her smile only fading away when her arousal tipped closer to climax. Of all the power she had to her name, Elsa felt no greater sensation than handling a woman between her fingers, as though her noble birth had granted her the size of a goddess. Nikki, to her, was a belittled follower, a tiny soul chosen by her to live the life of a pet. It stung her core, as though this was something she always yearned for -- but what she yearned for most in that intense moment was the grand relief she had been grinding towards. Her breathing turned to gasps, her eyes narrowed in on the shrunken woman and her flustered expression, all energy within her being prioritized to that lower center.

Taken over by a wild nature, Elsa sat up sharply, struck with a desire that could not be satiated. From her chest, she plucked Nikki free, holding her out in an open palm that swayed with how the rest of her body did. Nikki would not rise, swamped with sweat and finding it impossible to secure balance while Elsa perpetually moved. On her back, she stared skyward at the face overhead, when suddenly it flooded all around her. Nikki squeaked as a wall-sized face fell upon her, burying her under a stream of kisses and licks that no squirming could wrestle herself free from.

Rather, she was absorbed into the emotion, the heat of such grand eroticism, that she openly joined the situation in whatever way she could. Giving herself up to Elsa, Nikki raised her chest into the wanting tongue, hugging its slimy tip against her torso in a tight hug. Elsa giggled over her, enabling the tiny woman to enjoy herself however she could. Her tongue twisted and curled around Nikki, blindly lapping at the doll-sized body for both their pleasure -- Elsa swallowed all flavor she drained from Nikki, while Nikki roped the tongue over in strategic locations, allowing Elsa to lick her where it mattered most. None of this felt prideful for Nikki, all too aware of how she had pathetically submitted herself to such lowly treatment, but the incredible sexual satisfaction was burning those stresses away. As panicked as she was with adrenaline coursing through her system, Nikki was equally engrossed with being licked alive by the queen, deeply invested in its conclusion.

Without warning, Nikki’s body was ripped away from the moist trap that had anchored her. Open air chilled her saliva-soaked skin, but it was a concern drowned underneath the wave of pleasure Elsa expressed. A moan was unleashed like a wolf’s howl, subdued only so that her cry did not echo into the castle’s walls. Elsa melted from enjoyment, sliding down the covers of her bed while the hand that held Nikki dropped to the side. Nikki squealed, unable to slow her descent. She bounced out of Elsa’s palm and onto the mattress, splayed out on her back in a state not unfamiliar to how the queen appeared, recuperating still from her well-deserved orgasm.

Nikki struggled to stand on two feet upon the plush surface, but she did so to inspect Elsa, the giant collapsed in front of her. She feared she would be forgotten, dropped aside like a used toy, but it shocked her when Elsa’s eyes opened and immediately fell onto her. The crystal-blue eyes were glazed with satisfaction, not unlike a content drunk’s stare. Nikki shivered, unsure of what to expect, but it had not been to prepare for Elsa’s grasp yet again. The fingers tangled around her with great speed and force, tripping her backwards under a cage-like hand. Elsa turned onto her side, more comfortably laying over her guest.

The fingers surrounding Nikki closed in on her; two fingers held down her arms, a third pet her head, and another stroked her side, farming the laughter that it pulled from the shrunken woman. Elsa’s thumb, firm and thick, was used to massage Nikki’s thighs, squeezing them tenderly. Unable to resist, Nikki was vulnerable to whatever the thumb wished to do, and it wished to be what brought Nikki to her own resolution. It asserted itself onto Nikki’s crotch, but with a gentle presence; Elsa persisted that she care for Nikki this way, regardless of how such attention overwhelmed the tiny woman. It was inevitable for Nikki that she would eventually climax herself, pushed into that relief while Elsa softly giggled at her miserable twitching.

“E-Elsa…!” Nikki gasped, the first in so long to be said. She panted, the thumb still weighing on her crotch. She bit her lip from embarrassment, afraid to read Elsa’s expression, but a small glance revealed that the queen’s confidence had faltered since their delightful engagement. Instead of that cunning smile, there was a grin heavy with concerns, a blush that told plenty of Elsa’s own shame. Strangely, despite the obvious differences in power between them, Nikki felt that she was one and the same with Elsa, lazily laid out in post-orgasm confusion.

“That… was not like me,” Elsa whispered, unable to look Nikki in the eyes. “I don’t know what came over me… It was… It was just so easy. You’re so light, and you looked up at me with so much… feeling. It was too easy…” She sighed, her smile no longer strong enough to thrive. “A-Are you hurt? What was I thinking, putting you through all that?”

Elsa rose to retrieve Nikki, but was refused by a push-away gesture. Nikki sat up halfway, still recovering from the tornado that had been Elsa’s unleashed sexuality. “I’m not hurt, n-no,” she clarified. “A bit… dizzy. And… overwhelmed, I guess.”

“I… I am so sorry, Nikki,” Elsa apologized, leaning closer to her visitor. The hand that had reached out for Nikki was instead used to cradle her, offering a shield of support. “Th-That all got out of hand. I must look like some monster to you, a wild creature.” She closed her eyes, pained by the reality she saw, that of an exhausted woman knocked off her feet, having nearly drowned in saliva. “I couldn’t control myself. I should have been better.”

“I…” Nikki swallowed the words she had summoned, hesitant to unlock what she foresaw. But it was the truth, something she felt obligated to admit. “I enjoyed that… You’re so powerful, but you’re also so gentle and so considerate.” She slowed to a stop, reconfiguring her explanation. “You think you lost control, but I think… you were in control that entire time. P-Perhaps, more in control than usual. You were… relaxed.”

Elsa warmed into a smile, touched by Nikki’s comments. Though she would not say it aloud, she agreed that she felt more powerful than ever before, far beyond just being a giant with ice-conjuring abilities. A person in their entirety existed between her fingers, used as a toy, and still lived to be a loyal follower, grateful even to have served a queen in such a way. That was the desire Elsa had wanted, the desire she had achieved -- to feel like royalty.

A teasing hum sang from Elsa as she sat up in the bed, her movements causing Nikki to bounce and roll about until she was captured into a giant hand once more. Plucked by the back of her shirt, Nikki was given a look over by Elsa’s sultry gaze. “You have certainly charmed this queen, little one,” she giggled, raising Nikki further outward so that her near-naked body was fully displayed to her. “If you insist on being mine any longer, it would only be fair to give you a proper tour…”



All those kisses! And giggles! Nikki seemed to enjoy it at first (It did not feel proper to be a voyeur, but it did not feel wrong enough either,) but when she became a participant she had some reservations. Guess her experiences with Hilda haven't landed her in such a situation before.