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[This is a patron reward for Nikki! Thank you so much for your support~ All characters in this story are 18 years or older.]


The sun’s rays were brutal on the acres of farmland, but work still had to be completed. There were troughs to dig, seeds to plant, and a bounty of apples to harvest. It was only shy of noon, yet the day’s chores were nearly complete. It was the same routine as usual, a work ethic that could only be maintained by Applejack and her renown perseverance. She stood proudly in her fields, one hand at her hip and the other holding a long tool for grabbing apples.

“Goooood morning, girls! Mmm~ Doesn’t the sun make y’all feel alive?” Applejack laughed, “Me too.” She loved her chats with the trees, one of the ways her labor was made fun and refreshing. That positive mindset resulted in a quicker harvest than usual, and before long, all the branches were bare and between them were baskets overflowing with green and red delights.

There was one tree left to harvest, but Applejack found herself hesitating in its shade. She tilted her head, befuddled by what she was seeing; a shimmer of light put a sparkle on the apples, almost like a glow. She wiped the sweat from her brow and cleared her vision, but still did the apples keep that gleam across their skin.

“... Huh. Must be some really good apples,” Applejack chuckled, returning right to the motion of work without a second thought. Like the others, the tree was picked clean of its production, and the apples were all loaded into one large basket. Once the task was complete, all the was left was taking the fruit to the barn and washing up. She admired the unique apples once more and their distinct sparkle, “I betcha Rarity would love these.”

Applejack knelt down and grabbed the basket by both sides. “Let’s go!” she grunted -- heavier than she expected. In a jump, she was standing up with the basket of apples in her arms, but there had also been a distinguishable tear, a ripping sound from under her. Applejack stood upright with a shocked expression stiff on her face, a blush slowly coloring her cheeks. She turned her head back as far as it could go, her worried gaze aimed at the jeans she wore.


“It’s almost repaired, darling,” Rarity announced, not turning away from her work desk. Her station was arranged so intricately, like preparing for a huge order of dresses to make, but the job in front of her only required a passive focus. It was just one rip, after all, that needed to be mended.

“Ugh. Thanks again, Rarity,” Applejack replied, leaned into a corner of Rarity’s room. She tilted her hat up and looked down at her legs, more bare than she’d like them to be. Before running over to Rarity’s, she had swapped out her damaged pants with a skirt. “I reckon I’d die of embarrassment if anyone caught me with a tear like that going down my pants.”

“Hah, it was a rather, erm, unfortunate position,” Rarity giggled, turning an eye away from her work only for a moment. She looked back to the tear; right in the middle of the crotch was the hole, but its size was dwindling as Rarity strung it back together. “I could have just bought you some new pants, dear.”

“These are new pants! Remember?” Applejack approached Rarity, standing behind her in her seat. “We bought them at the mall. Heck, you even said these jeans were good to work in! But I bust ‘em out once and they go and bust on me.”

“Darling, I said you work those pants!” Rarity scoffed. “These aren’t overalls to get muddied in, they’re stylish skinny jeans! You don’t squat and kick in them -- yugh. The poor things. What did Applejack do to you?”

“Jeans you can’t work in?” Applejack’s eyes widened in disbelief. “We’re talking about the things ya’ wear on yer legs, right?”

Rarity rolled her eyes and removed the red glasses that she had donned earlier. She stood up from her seat, the pants unrolled in her hands. “All finished! It looks even more dazzling than before!” She turned and offered it back to Applejack. “Do put it on and let me know how it feels, AJ. And, try to be more delicate with them this time.”

Applejack sighed and took the pants, admiring the handiwork put into them. Where the tear once was now was a stitch of navy thread, shutting the gap closed completely. “You’re amazin’, Rarity! I’ll put ‘em on now. You don’t mind if I hog your room, do ya’?”

Rarity laughed and lightly touched Applejack’s shoulders assuringly. She was already headed to the door. “Of course not, darling, I’ll give you your privacy! I’ll be waiting outside whenever you’re ready.” A dainty wave was last seen before Rarity completely slipped past the door and closed it behind her.

Applejack was perplexed, standing before the mirror and studying the reflection of her attire. She had swapped back into the jeans, but the frown between her cheeks spoke honestly of how she felt. Try as she might, the pants wouldn’t loosen. She lifted her legs to stretch as far as she could, but hardly could she do that before the tightness restricted her.

“It’s hard just to breathe in these things,” Applejack complained under her breath. She nervously looked to the door -- still closed. “It’d probably shatter Rarity if I told her these pants and I don’t go together, but… really, it feels like she made ‘em even tighter!” Applejack groaned and twisted, looking at her backside in the mirror as best as she could. She was rather embarrassed with how round her ass looked in such pants, and so she distanced herself from that reflection.

While looking to distract herself, Applejack’s attention fell upon the basket she had brought along with her. It sat on the floor, at the foot of Rarity’s bed. Filled with green and red apples, it was the very last basket Applejack had plucked when she had ungracefully caused the tear. As both a joke and a genuine testament of her appreciation, Applejack lugged the whole basket to Rarity as compensation for the knitting. Still, too, did the apples continue to shine -- it was what inspired Applejack to bring them to Rarity, certain she would appreciate the unique gleam.

Applejack smiled at an apple she took, and a green-tinted reflection smiled back at her. “I could always try losing weight,” she suggested to herself, theorizing how to make the pants situation less awkward. With a chuckle, she took a hardy bite into the apple and swallowed. “Mm~ I could only do that if there was an apple-only diet out there. Heh, I reckon if--”

The room was vacant. There was just a muffled thud, where a green apple fell and rolled along the rug. Not far from it, there was a pair of tanned boots surrounded by a bundle of clothes, including recently-mended skinny jeans.

The door cracked open and Rarity’s voice quietly sang, “AJ~? Are we finished?” It had been a few minutes of waiting already, and Rarity wanted to see the results. “Applejack?” But her friend was gone, the room completely empty of anyone but herself. She cautiously continued into the bedroom, still searching for Applejack.

“Her clothes?” She noticed it then, how Applejack had seemingly left behind all of her clothes on the floor. Although slightly unsettling and confusing at first, Rarity conjured a believable explanation. She looked to another door in her room, which lead directly to her bathroom. “I suppose she did need to bathe after all that work,” Rarity said. “She could at least mind her manners and pick up her clothes. Does my bedroom look a barn to her?”

Applejack hadn’t intended such rudeness -- she didn’t intend for any of this, a dilemma she was still struggling to comprehend. She hadn’t vanished from the room, but rather, she had shrunken inside of it. Spontaneously did she shrink suddenly in size where she stood, dwindled to nothing more than an inch tall amidst a mound of fabric.

A muffled voice came from a bump underneath the discarded top. Applejack rustled in her own shirt, which had become a heavy curtain that draped over her. It was thick from the sweat imbued into it, a fact that Applejack had to endure as she strained to grasp what had even happened.

“Wh-What in the world is this?!” she yelled. “Some kinda joke?!” Applejack finally discovered the end of the shirt, bumbling out from underneath it and gasping for unfiltered air. She only then realized how naked she was when the open air grazed her skin into shivers. Both arms hugged her chest, but it did her nerves little good to be so exposed without warning.

“Where even am I? What is all this?” Anxiously, Applejack looked all around her, slowly understanding how she didn’t travel away from Rarity’s room at all. It was the same location, but a new perspective. She worriedly acknowledged the two boots, each taller than her friend’s house, but then it struck her -- she looked down, at the texture she walked upon. Beneath her bare feet was a thin fabric, colored with autumn stripes like reds, yellows, and the occasional green. She recognized it, but didn’t believe it right away; she stuttered, “I-Is this… my underwear?!

Indeed, she had found herself standing atop her own panties, an article of clothing she didn’t even remember specifically picking out. Now that undergarment surrounded her, but not nearly as much as the problematic jeans did. The blue material extended even further, containing the panties that contained Applejack. She was urged to back away, but there wasn’t anywhere to scramble to, no where that could provide comfort.

Applejack breathed, attempting to ease her fluster as usual. “I just had to go and complain about fittin’ into these jeans,” she quipped. Her humor had to be brief, because beyond the bundle of clothes was the onset of something massive approaching. Footsteps swept the landscape that was the bedroom floor, a pair of high-heels that soared over the rug with incredible lunges. Applejack craned her neck to survey the entirety of Rarity, a giantess of elegance yet unaware of her own immensity.

“Rarity? Uh…” Applejack kept her chest covered, but offered one arm up as a wave. One of the encroaching heels stomped just short of the clothes pile, announcing its presence with a firm point. The little gesture Applejack had managed fumbled from her posture as the shaking of the ground reached her. She looked up again at the giantess -- Rarity, her best friend, towered over her like a mountain, her expression salted with annoyance and disgust rather than the pity and concern Applejack hoped for. At her current size, it would be miraculous enough if Rarity even noticed her.

Rarity hovered over the clothes still, a finger pressed just under her lip in thought. She didn’t have anything to say, leaving the tiny Applejack in the dark of her intentions. A glance to the bathroom was the sole clue Applejack had, that Rarity was first confirming that Applejack was outside the room.

“Well… Sh-She won’t even notice, would she…?” Rarity whispered only as much as she knelt down to her haunches, pinching at the clothes with delicate fingers. The surprise motion of Rarity buckling down overwhelmed Applejack, and she flinched backwards into her underwear. The next instant, she was rocketing into the air -- her, and her clothes. Rarity had taken the whole bundle, excluding the boots, and brought it all up to her chest. In the ball of fabric somewhere, a minuscule woman shoved and kicked blindly, lost in the rear of her own skinny jeans.

The plush prison entrapping Applejack was then dropped, much to Applejack’s dismay. The clothes were relocated to the bed, and more than before was she imbalanced and misdirected. As Applejack tried to wrestle her way out of her massive bra and panties, Rarity was effectively doing the same. She removed her own clothes, anxiously looking to the doors as she unbuttoned her top and kicked off her heels. “I’ll be quick,” she convinced herself, an eager giggle leaking past her lips, “j-just… a minute, that’s all I need.”

Applejack escaped from a layer of cloth with gripes at the ready. She huffed as she bumbled her way back to the trunk of the jeans. The open air chilled her, but all of her senses were dull in comparison to the sharp surprise that was Rarity’s nudity. Past the cliffside that was the mattress’s end, Rarity stood tall and mighty, her pale skin exposed far more openly than Applejack ever before witnessed. She said nothing, not even a stutter, as she marveled the gargantuan body, the curvy shape of her frame and the elegant but uncertain poise, fully out on display except for where the white undergarments remained.

In her stunned and ashamed state, Applejack didn’t process Rarity’s approach. Now stripped, Rarity sought out the real fun, and her smile cracked into an excited, bitten grin as her fingers coiled around the jeans. Applejack gasped, tripping backwards and then forwards as the land around her was shifted and held up right. Rarity didn’t notice how the shrunken woman clung to the bridge of the pants desperately, too preoccupied cherishing the stylish fashion of the article itself.

“I think… I might be gettin’ sick…” Applejack whined. Queasiness assaulted her, but she couldn’t afford to address it more than her complaint. All of her strength was dedicated to gripping the jeans, for otherwise she would have to suffer a long plummet down the leg. Yet she knew even that was not her biggest worry; it was Rarity, that wild flare of a smile in particular, that forewarned the next event.

Applejack realized then what Rarity’s intentions were, and she recoiled with how obscure it all was. Rarity’s body loomed high overhead, peering into the jeans not to find Applejack, but to wear them. Her left leg first went in, rushing past Applejack and fitting perfectly into the tight, blue tunnel. Applejack yelled for Rarity’s attention, unabashedly pushing the huge thigh that had walled her off. She stopped only because the situation truly dawned on her, that she was about to be worn like clothing against the body of her unwitting best friend. Above her, a ceiling of white panties waited to embrace her; Applejack swallowed, her lips teetering on Rarity’s name in vain.

The other leg fitted into the opposite leg. She pulled the pants up by the waist, shimmying her hips and thighs as deep into the jeans as she could. Once they were donned and buttoned, Rarity gave a satisfied huff. “They are a little tight, even for me,” she had to admit. “E-Especially back there…” She pulled up again on the jeans, emphasizing how the rear wrapped around her butt. A tender stroke had her thinking not of her own body, but of Applejack’s.

The star of those thoughts, however, could only comprehend Rarity’s body. She was a flood that drowned Applejack unknowingly, having put on the jeans without once feeling the tiny woman squirming in them. Her concern, of course, was on many other places, interests almost as weird as Applejack’s situation. While Applejack was imprisoned in the trunk of her jeans, kicking and shouting as much as the room allowed her, Rarity was pleasantly enjoying this opportunity to fulfill her strange desire. In a hurry, she was buttoning up Applejack’s plaid shirt over herself, nearly completing the look of her friend.

Applejack groaned nonstop. It was a continuous yell meant to earn Rarity’s attention, but her voice was muffled and choked. The weight of Rarity’s ass bearing down upon her left her little room to even breathe, let alone call for help. The plush flesh embraced Applejack, pocketing her in an impression pushed into the giantess’s butt. What few words Applejack could conjure were unable to travel far; even if the encompassing ass wasn’t in the way, her tiny voice was never going to reach the peak that was Rarity.

All the while as Applejack suffered, Rarity was engrossed with the tingling feeling crawling over her skin. She hugged herself lightly, her fingers tickling at the textures wherever they went. One hand grazed her chest, and the other massaged her thigh. Her mouth opened to breathe, but she wanted to mutter Applejack’s name. More of a blush took over her skin, and with so many thoughts buzzing, she took a seat onto the mattress. Of course, she didn’t realize that she had just dropped a castle’s worth of weight onto the very person her erotic thoughts were centered on.

Rarity moaned as she crept into bed, pushing aside the comforter until it fell. She wanted the space to herself, and she felt the urge to be quick. Applejack, supposedly, was only taking a shower. Truthfully, she feared she didn’t have enough time to enjoy the experience as much as she wanted, and her craving fingers hesitated at her crotch. As she sat there, however, her imagination continued to run free.

If anything alone was what convinced her, it was the minor tickle she felt under her seat. Her laughter was like bubbles, but her voice hummed to a slow, hungry tone. Giggles trailed after her hand which maneuvered down the front of the jeans. Through the fabric of her panties, she prodded at herself, a circular motion of her finger that remained tender but teasing.

Applejack grunted in her attempt at doing the impossible. She tried to push up and lift the unbelievable weight off her, but even with her super strength, there was no budging Rarity. The impact of Rartiy getting into bed had drained her of nearly all her stamina, but another test of endurance was beginning. As though the tightness of the jeans wasn’t enough, even more constriction was applied as Rarity, unbeknownst to Applejack, was starting to masturbate.

The suffocating enclosure was growing warmer by the second, and from whom this heat resonated from, she also began to shift and fidget. Applejack braced herself for all of these minute but massive movements. Rarity’s ass, an incredible weight that still swallowed Applejack into a pillowy cheek, bounced up and down at staggered intervals, a result of her adjusting how she laid in bed. Applejack groaned under the pressure, but during the moments she could breathe and the ass was uplifted, she made panicked attempts of escape. She would scramble forward in the fleeting relief she had, but the next instant saw her sat on again.

Progress was made, but the situation was only getting worse. The temperature was skyrocketing and Rarity’s rocking was intensifying, and all Applejack had accomplished was maneuvering herself into a more precarious position. Though she detested the humiliating fact, that she was indeed pinned under Rarity’s barn-sized bottom, she had until then been blissfully unaware of Rarity’s actual actions.

Upon pushing forward to the crotch of the skinny jeans, it hit Applejack -- literally. Rarity’s finger, busy as it was twirling across the damp panties, brushed into Applejack in the midst of its business. Applejack hesitated to address it, but she did so with astonishment and embarrassment. Her whole body burned like an inferno; Rarity was actually masturbating in her dirty clothes.

“And I won front row seats,” Applejack snarked, her humor a haven for her sanity. “Lucky me…”

Applejack fortified her mind towards escape once more. She would ignore the details, as epic and belittling as they were, in favor of first getting out alive. It was her hope that she could crawl out the front, but there was virtually no room for her to squeeze past. She tried anyway, expecting Rarity to eventually realize that an entire person -- her best friend, no less -- was itching at her pussy, her desperate and pathetic way of finding asylum. Her attempt was in vain, and only returned her to where she was, her torso moistened by the fluids Rarity’s arousal was producing.

“AJ…” The name was mumbled, a warm whisper carried by a breathy wind. Applejack thought, she prayed, that Rarity had noticed her. “AJ… AJ…!” Instead of being saved, she was hearing her name be moaned. Rarity repeated herself at a lofty pace, immersed in her fantasy. It struck Applejack to her thumping heart, the unintended realization that Rarity was this mad for her. So badly did Rarity crave Applejack that she was here, succumbing to her lust and stealing clothes to satisfy herself. She inhaled, long and deep, at the collar of Applejack’s shirt, relishing the scent of fruit, labor, and the sun. In severe contrast, the atmosphere Applejack perpetually put up with was humid and hectic, the smell of Rarity’s soap losing to the natural odor of her sweat and wetness.

“All because of these dang pants…!” Applejack grunted, pushing hard against the skinny jeans but failing to make substantial space. “If I had just… never torn ‘em like I did…” She choked, restraining her despair. She pushed again, frustrated at how she failed at every step, and then she heard it. There was a snap, the sound of thread breaking. Applejack stopped moving, but the sound continued -- it was the jeans tearing apart again, Rarity’s stitching coming undone from all the movement. It hadn’t crossed Applejack’s mind that she was right there amidst the pants, pressed hard against the same blue thread used to mend the damage.

Inspired, Applejack fought through the tightness and twisted around, an awkward and very uncomfortable squirm that had her gripping and pulling at squishy-soft thighs. Once in position, the tear spoke to her immediately. Already had some of the stitching broke apart, allowing for a fist-sized opening for Applejack to exploit.

“If I pull here, I can--” She tugged, and the string snapped. The hole was made a little wider, much like Applejack’s smirk. Fresh air happened to leak in, bringing with it much needed encouragement. “That’s the ticket! Er, sorry about this, Rar.” Applejack tugged and tugged some more, ripping out the stitch line by line. She ignored how the thread cut into her palms, an extremely simple feat for how well she had managed to ignore the god-like masturbation session.

Rarity giggled and breathed, beyond lost with where her imaginations were taking her. The thought of Applejack returning and catching her was no longer on her mind, for the worry was surpassed by the ecstasy she had. More than usual, her arousal was ablaze, tickled by a curious but not unwanted touch. In the middle of getting off, she didn’t think much of what made the moment so erotic. She thought it was the jeans that hugged her in just the right place adding such depth to her arousal, none the wiser that what turned her on was in fact Applejack herself fighting against an impossible circumstance.

Against the constant quivering of Rarity’s body, Applejack continued to make headway through the tear. Both arms were able to snake out the hole she was making, and then she could force a leg out. Freedom was in reach, and with a firm push, Applejack seized it. She was out, escaped from the crotch of the skinny jeans, but just as a smile of relief was to come, the troubles continued. She gagged hard as Rarity’s thighs hugged together in a spur of eroticism. Once again, Applejack was being strangled by Rarity’s body, but now she was in the open and in the light. She could witness more clearly how embarrassing and odd her predicament was, that she was being smothered between Rarity’s thighs.

“Applejack~ Darling~” Rarity kept cooing between huffs, her eyes half-opened in a dream-like state. She envisioned it warmly, the scene of Applejack there with her, hovering over her in bed and planting a kiss across every stretch of her body. She imagined being wanted, to be held in Applejack’s arms and to feel the musculature along them.

Applejack turned as much she could while clasped between the thighs. She winced as the flesh massaged all around her except for her head and one outstretched arm. Matters had become desperate, and so Applejack gathered as much of her voice as she could. In a mighty yell, she called up to her best friend, “Rarity! Slow down and look at me here!

It was just a squeak that Rarity noticed, but it was enough to open her eyes wider. “A...J…?” The name rolled off her tongue in the same sensual, quiet tone as the others, but she realized then that this wasn’t a part of the dream she was enjoying. When she saw Applejack in front of her, that was reality, but the scene was shockingly nonsensical. She froze, every rocking motion ceasing at once. Not even a shiver, not when she realized that Applejack really was there, wedged between her thighs and only an inch big.

In the awkward silence, Applejack was in a hurry to be acknowledged. She waved dramatically with both arms, the rest of her body still swallowed by Rarity’s legs. “I-It’s me, Rarity! It’s Applejack! Don’t freak out--”

“Aaaiiii!!” Rarity shrieked. Her legs spread open in a flash, releasing Applejack onto the bed. She crawled backwards in bed until her head bashed the headboard in such fright, and from there her feet coiled up to her, as though ready to kick the tiny intruder away. “I-I was stretching!” she defended herself immediately, her eyes wide but her pupils narrowed. “I mean-- err, A-Applejack?! H-How did you… but you… I-Is it really you, darling?!”

Applejack inhaled, still recovering from her bounce onto the mattress. She managed to her knees, her hair a frazzled mess and her skin a bright red. A weak thumbs up was offered, “Yeah… It’s me… Honest…”

“But… you’re tiny!” Rarity pointed, unintentionally belittling her further. “And... naked!

Applejack, her fluster multiplied, raced to conceal herself. “Y-Yeah--”

“And… not in the shower?!” Rarity’s glance dashed to the bathroom door and back. “And… you were here?!

“I-I’ve been trying to get your attention this whole time!” Applejack briefly splayed out her arms, only to swiftly cover herself again.

“And… A-And…!” Rarity’s cowardice was melting away, a slow thaw that saw her relaxing forward and closer to Applejack. “And… you’re… s-so cute, darling~!” Like a gust of wind, her hands were under Applejack and flying her into the air. Applejack, too startled to resist, instead braced herself for impact -- Rarity was ushering her into a hug against her cheek, her heart swelling with her usual glee.

“O-Okay Rarity, e-easy up!” Applejack could spare herself little longer. As much of a relief it was to be in friendly hands, she still pushed back against Rarity, earning herself at least arm’s distance from her. “Sorry, I’ve had my fill of bein’ squeezed…”

“Oh, dear,” Rarity’s concern overtook her. She gave Applejack her space, but left her seated in her palms. “You do look ragged and worn, love… What possibly have you been up to?!” She was pouting, to Applejack’s surprise, an eased glare aimed at her. “I-I was in the middle of something private, if you had not noticed!”

“Ohoho, I noticed.” Applejack gestured below, to the plaid shirt still being worn. Regardless of their difference in size, Applejack was coy and teasing with her tone.

Rarity jittered, tensing up anew with disgust. A nervous giggle escaped her, “I suppose we both have much to explain to one another…”


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