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[This is a patron reward for @BatgirlSilva! Thank you so so much for the support~]


“Master…? Master~ You really should get up, perhaps…!” There was a wavering energy in Astolfo’s sugary voice. A hint of urgency in a personality otherwise brimming with optimism. “S-Seriously, Master~ Do you even know what’s happened…?”

Nikki’s eyelids were heavy, and the floor beneath her called her to keep sleeping. Astolfo’s voice, persistent as it was, lured her awake, and her eyes opened to an unfamiliar scene. She had expected Astolfo to be beside her, rocking her awake from her bed. Instead, there was a vast emptiness that surrounded her, but a presence was still felt. She was being observed.

“A-Astolfo…?” Nikki grumbled. She was slow to rise, but when she did, it became immediately clear the severity of her situation. Where she had expected to see Astolfo in front of her, she only saw his pink loafers, each one larger than a train car. She assumed her eyes were playing tricks, but the image of these giant shoes never passed.

In disbelief, her eyes followed the white trail up that was Astolfo’s socks. Just beneath where his skirt began did they stop to hug his thighs tightly, bringing more emphasis to this area. Astolfo must have realized to some degree, for his knees bent towards one another more than usual, and his hands were folded at his waist. His pink outfit, as bold as he was big, shared the complexion developing on his cheeks as he looked down at his Master.

Nikki scrambled to her feet, one hand clutching at her beating heart. “Astolfo, wh-what-- How did you-- e-everything…?!” A mess of words reflected her bafflement. All around her, everything was gigantic in size. The hall stretched for miles, doors surpassed skyscrapers, even the carpet fibers were like thick bundles of grass -- but nothing was as significant as Astolfo, a giant, nervously fidgeting as his Master rose.

“I don’t know, Master~ I-It must be enemy magic,” Astolfo vaguely explained. “I was coming to check up on you, but I saw something on the floor! I thought it was a candy wrapper, so I bent over to throw it away, but it was you! And then you woke up, you gasped my name, and-- yep! That just happened!”

Nikki slouched, unsure if it was better or not for her circumstance that Astolfo was still his airheaded self. There were certainly worse Servants to be discovered by in such a state, but Astolfo fell somewhere in the middle of her personal choices. Not that it matters, Nikki thought, since it’s him that I have to work with, regardless.

“So, Master… Should we get you off the floor?” Astolfo leaned in, pushing his shadow overtop of Nikki. As he did, the long rope of his ponytail rolled over his shoulder, and his folded hands switched to behind him. “Someone might step on you if you’re down here~”

Nikki’s fingers clenched the side of her shirt worriedly. Astolfo had nearly mistaken her for a candy wrapper, of all things. Even he, with his delicate appearance and benevolent attitude, could have crushed her flat under the soles of his shoes. “Y-Yes,” she agreed, “i-it isn’t safe here at all! I don’t even know what place could be safe, not while I’m… like this…”

“Hehe~ You could come to my room!” Astolfo’s eyes twinkled. “I think I should have first dibs since I found you, and there’s nothing in my room that can hurt you!”

“Your priorities seem a little mixed up…” Nikki kept her sarcasm quiet. There was much to unpack from Astolfo’s wording, most notably the insistence that nothing in Astolfo’s room could hurt her. She looked at herself, then back to the expansive world. Most certainly, just about anything could hurt her -- or anyone.

Astolfo then crouched to his haunches, like a mountain kneeling to Nikki. It surprised her to see something so gargantuan move so swiftly, but the fear dissipated in the presence of something more striking. A hard red washed over, as Astolfo’s knees bent and loomed, a view beyond his skirt was opened wide. Clean white panties enveloped a thick bulge, begging to break through the fabric, its compacted girth even bigger than she was as an entire person. Her eyes moved to nothing else, not even the hand offered to her.

“Step on, Master! Hehe~ You really did become so small, Master!” Astolfo giggled, unable to control his amusement. He couldn’t wait, and when Nikki first stepped onto his palm, his other hand hurried her along with a cup shape. “Oh, wow, I can barely feel you! So small and so light!”

Astolfo stood up with a bounce, more than happy to be headed towards his bedroom. Nikki was more disoriented than ever, moving fast in a huge world, and all from the grasp of a giant. She felt the shockwaves of his footsteps even from his hands, a sensation that had her crouched low into the palm. Astolfo adored this, so much so he couldn’t resist petting his shrunken Master with his thumb. Belittling as it may have been, Nikki appreciated whatever comfort she could get.

With haste, Astolfo entered his bedroom and locked the door. The air was cool for Nikki, beckoning a series of shivers. The jitters tickled Astolfo, “Are you nervous, Master? No need to worry! I’ll keep you warm and safe! I’ll take very, very good care of you!” His hands formed a hug around Nikki’s body, a grip both uncomfortable and yet, admittedly, warmed with sincerity.

“Th-Thanks, Astolfo, b-but…” Nikki whined, overwhelmed by Astolfo. “Could I be… set down? I could use a moment to think…”

“Of course, Master! We can take a seat over here~” Without hesitation, Astolfo took to his bed with an energetic grin. He hopped onto the mattress, a movement that Nikki had trouble keeping up with, then backed into the center of it so that his legs could cross. Nikki was then placed there in front of him, and he swayed back and forth in excitement. “Make yourself comfortable, of course! As comfortable as you want…~”

“R-Right,” Nikki weakly replied, adjusting herself to the new setting. Although she tried to focus on the room itself, she felt a constant pull behind her, as though gravitating towards the giant. She knew better than to look, and to remind herself how little she had become, but resisting that urge was proving difficult.

“We should have gone to someone for help,” Nikki continued. If she concentrated on what mattered, she hoped she could keep Astolfo off her mind. “Perhaps we shouldn’t have come here… If this is a sickness or poison, then--”

“It’s fine, Master, it’s fine! It’s fine, trust me~” Astolfo laughed, easily interrupting his Master with such volume. “You can’t leave yet, anyway! I had some plans, a-and… err…”

“Plans?” Nikki turned in a hurry. Astolfo himself had caught his own slip. “You had plans for me shrinking…?”

An uneasy smile struggled on Astolfo’s lips, his tongue twisted to create a lie. “Haha… Well, m-maybe, heh…”

Nikki’s shoulders dropped. “What plans could you possibly have?”

Astolfo tilted his head, an expression of sympathy it seemed. His fingers left from playing at the hem of his skirt so that he could crawl across his bed. The ground beneath Nikki, appropriately, began to shift and move until she was tripped off her feet. Above her, Astolfo’s body eclipsed the ceiling light while he stretched for his nightstand, a glimpse of his abs exposed as his small shirt stretched.

When Astolfo returned to his seat, he had something in his hands, and a wry expression between his cheeks. Just enough of a blush warmed him to tell Nikki that he was embarrassed of this; a long tube-shaped device, its pitch black color giving it a discreet vibe. It didn’t strike Nikki as familiar, nothing she’d seen Astolfo with before.

“You seem a little confused, Master,” Astolfo giggled. He wielded the item naturally along its grip, turning it so that its other side was on display for Nikki. Unlike the black exterior, this opening revealed a flesh-colored entrance molded to the shape of distinct lips. Its shape perplexed Nikki for just a moment until its design dawned on her; a fleshlight, a sex toy of Astolfo’s.

There were many questions Nikki wished to ask, but all she could vocalize was a stutter, vaguely pointing up at the item. While her skin ran red, Astolfo’s giddiness only increased. He can’t be serious, Nikki thought. Her eyes drifted down from what he held and towards the spread of his legs. She saw all too well a confirmation, something uprising from the pink skirt.

Astolfo, amused by this reaction, played on. With his free hand, he tantalizingly pulled up on his skirt. The fabric tickled his thighs until his package was revealed, a bulge that grew against the tight underwear. The skin of his balls peeked from the sides of panties where they would allow, but his arousal demanded more. Tending to this, Astolfo pinched the front of his panties and pulled down, repositioning himself as necessary to relieve himself of this burden. All the while, Nikki was helpless as a tiny observer. She witnessed the panties uncling from his girth, exposing his hardened dick like a monument unveiled. The panties traveled down his legs which arced around Nikki, finally reaching his ankles where they could be discarded to the floor easily.

Nikki covered her eyes, still stumbling over any words. Even with him out of her vision, she couldn’t escape the image of his enormous erection, the shadow that it cast onto the bedsheets. It was bigger than her, as tall as a tree, and this was Astolfo’s penis, a hard fact to accept. Beneath his soft and friendly demeanor, this perverted side of Astolfo had truly come to life.

“This feels a bit better~” Astolfo sighed, his smile becoming less bashful much like the rest of him. His head tilted, coy and hungry. “But I still need a little more help… Master? Hehe…”

Nikki kept her face hidden, but shook her head all the same. “A-Astolfo! Please!” she pleaded, hoping to reason with him before anything more lewd occurred, but it went entirely ignored. She hadn’t noticed, keeping her eyes covered, that Astolfo was reaching for her. By the time she realized she was being taken, it was too late, as the back of her shirt had been pinched between his fingers. Just as easily as he had before, Nikki was carried into the air, dangling by her own clothes. She forbade herself to see no longer, enveloped in a panic onset by Astolfo’s playfulness. Kicks and punches did nothing to undo herself from Astolfo’s grip, nothing more than earning a chuckle for her efforts.

She was effortlessly held level with just beneath his chest. Above her, the pink of Astolfo’s hair contrasted with the selfish glee he expressed. In front of her, a chest as wide as a wall, robed in a sailor’s outfit. And beneath her, which her feet flinched from, was his dick, unabashedly pointing to her like she was chosen by it. Yet it wasn’t this display of physical power that worried Nikki the most, but in fact the toy he held in his other hand.

“Here we go, Master~ Thank you in advance…!” Astolfo could wait no longer to proceed. He positioned the fleshlight underneath Nikki, who immediately began to swing her body with new vigor. But much like the fleshlight, she was handled like a toy, taken to where Astolfo wanted her. She barked orders to be released, a short-lived window where she could speak clearly. The moment her foot touched the silicon texture, she chirped and fell silent. It couldn’t be real, she believed, but Astolfo brought her closer to the opening, to this plastic mouth, until she was sitting atop the lips with two huge fingers pushing down on her.

A burst of might allowed Nikkie to resist, to fight back -- for a second. A notch more strength was all the heroic spirit needed to counter Nikki, to have her rear pushed into the mouth. Her legs and arms stuck out, wildly trying to pry herself free. She could have, but Astolfo was persistent. “Come on, it’ll be fun~” he urged her, pushing a lone finger down harder onto Nikki’s stomach while a thumb opened the hole for her.

Finally, Nikki was trapped firmly inside the fleshlight -- most of her. She found herself drowning in the darkness of it, its plastic cool to touch but it had left the air warm and stale. She yelled Astolfo’s name, but she could barely even hear herself. Her only communication to Astolfo were her legs, still poking out from the mouth, for now.

There was no way for Nikki to brace for the upcoming chill. In the midst of her struggles, a wetness enveloped her exposed legs. The liquid oozed up Nikki’s frame, and down deep into the fleshlight. Her squirming now acted against her, as every movement meant she would slip further and further into the sex toy. It was lube, she deduced, being generously applied by Astolfo as an omen of what was to come.

Nikki’s prison flipped, changing the way gravity pushed against her. Instead of struggling to escape, she was now struggling to stay where she was, overwhelmed by how the shell encasing her was moving. Only one beam of light came from beneath her, through the opening of the mouth, but even that dimmed as something neared.

Nikki kept her glare downwards, but there wasn’t a hint as to when it would happen. All at once, a pillar charged through the mouth and up into the cavity. Nikki gasped for lube-scented air, unable to stop the rush of flesh attacking her. The head of Astolfo’s penis struck her and dragged her up against the ridge-lined walls, the tight fit becoming immensely tighter. She had little room to breathe, and this was after the air was knocked out of her. It was no mercy when the movement stopped, for it only concluded when Nikki was pushed as far back as possible by the unstoppable cock.

Nikki’e torment had begun much the same as Astolfo’s pleasure. A long exhale escaped his lips, an exhaust of steam as the comfortable grip of the fleshlight covered his dick. He closed his eyes, focusing on the movements against his tip. He imagined his Master, pummeling against the wall of the toy and the head of his member. She’s being smothered by her own Servant’s dick…~ A tingle crossed Astolfo’s skin, getting him to sit up straight. With a rotation of his waist, he maneuvered Nikki to be in an ideal position under the shaft.

Beaten, exhausted, and wrapped around a giant cock; Nikki felt defeated in the most humiliating way. She aimlessly grappled in the dark, her fingers trailing up and down Astolfo’s skin in pursuit of some escape. Her face was pushed against the head, her hectic breaths rolling across the glans. She stretched, unable to open up the cramped space. In response, everything around her rocked about, urging her to clutch the dick even tighter.

“Yes~ Keep that up, Master!” Astolfo’s voice seeped into the toy, huge as it was. Nikki listened to the praising, much to her horror. This is exactly what he wanted. “That feels so nice! J-Just a little more, Master~ Don’t get tired yet!”

If Nikki had been tired, she was startled awake when she was grinded hard into Astolfo’s member. The fleshlight was risen, then pulled back down around his immenseness. Nikki was crushed between the unforgiving silicon and the incredible boner, the pool of lube around her coating the walls and dick as though that were her role in this. Her shouts were muffled even further as the toy was used as intended, stroked around the column while Nikki was wedged in place to endure this titanic pleasuring. This continued only faster as Astolfo found a rhythm for his hand to be guided to, and his panting then followed that pace.

“Nngh~” Astolfo squeaked, his smile diminished. Embarrassment hit him only when the first spit of release showed itself. A dribble of cum escaped and spread onto Nikki, its temperature a stark difference from that of the chilly lube. She noticed it immediately, but it stunned her more than it did drive a reaction. She shook her head with the little room she had, but all that did was spread the juice leaking upon her onto the rest of the chamber. “S-Sorry, but…” An unfinished apology was all he had to say before continuing, right back onto that rapid pace.

Nikki had cycled through panic, rage, and disgust. She had been degraded beyond reason, her pride rubbed away with each stroke Astolfo applied. To avoid the sickening motion, A ridge of the fleshlight rode up and down her, punishing her ass in particular. This force pushed Nikki hard into the giant’s dick, her face made to kiss the underside of the head while her groin and chest shook against the shaft. Another spill of cum filled the toy, but it was a prelude to the build-up Astolfo was delaying. It was all so much for him, to put his Master through such disgrace; he really didn’t want it to end.

Astolfo swallowed, his throat becoming choked and his face even redder. “Haah… M-Master, f-finish this…!” His hand hesitantly left the fleshlight where it was around him, allowing him to lounge back. The stroking had become an unnecessary part of this; he wanted her to complete him. “Take responsibility, Master~ If you really want out so bad, you’ll make me cum~”

Nikki winced in the calm being granted. Perhaps it was the heat, or perhaps Nikki had succumbed under desperation, but she listened well to Astolfo’s orders. How could she otherwise? How could she disobey a titan like this, a titan that has chosen her to enhance a mere sex toy? If even her dire struggles were just entertainment to Astolfo, then surely, she believed, an active effort to satisfy this giant would fasten her escape.

Whatever the justification in her head was, her next act was committed to. Her mouth opened, giving way to the semen dripping onto her. Her tongue stretched forward and lapped at the head with long licks and forceful kisses. She left a trail of saliva along the vein, a curious hand then massaging it. In her grip, the vein twinged with activity, a pressure building up within. Meanwhile, the massive cock surged with shivers, wrestling under Nikki’s strength as though it were on the losing end. A facade in reality; more than ever, Astolfo’s dick was on the verge of completely conquering her.

Nikki’s prison was moving again, this time due to Astolfo’s quivering. The pressure around Nikki suddenly tightened as Astolfo’s hands gripped it with an ecstatic hold. No longer could his pleasure be restrained, and out poured his love, a thick cream that immediately flooded the fleshlight at its top so that it could travel down its two occupants. A hot stream coated Nikki, ever lost in her feeble motions meant for this very conclusion. It was only when drowning became an actual risk that she snapped out of her lust and begged for her life all over again. Pleas for help became gurgles in the cum-lube mixture, a heavy fluid that the member continually added to like a fountain. The temperature skyrocketed from an already sweltering heat, imbuing Nikki with the sensation of melting over the mammoth cock, as though she had been thoroughly used.

Underneath Astolfo’s little moans, an even littler voice tried its best to reach him. “Please… Please p-pull out,” she prayed. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t move, and perhaps most pressing of all, the event had left her shamelessly horny. She truly had become just one of Astolfo’s toys.

Not by her direction but by his will alone, Astolfo relieved Nikki of the compact confines of the fleshlight. His dick pulled out from the chasm, leaving the toy more open than it had begun after his girth had strained it. He eagerly looked in, only partially worried that his masturbation had flattened his Master into a smear -- something he didn’t want at all. To his joy, deep under glossy globs of lube, there was Nikki at the bottom, stewing in the pool he had created and barely writhing about in it.

Astolfo laughed. “Master! You look exhausted! You’re so, so cute when you’re tiny and worn out like this!” His smile came with the beam of light that passed through the toy’s lips. Nikki squinted, her vision foggy. “All~ because I had to masturbate with you…! Ever since I saw that spell, I just couldn’t get the idea out of my head! It felt amazing, if you were wondering! I hope it felt alright for you, too.”

Nikki groaned, stretching out for him. She wanted to ask why, but this was Astolfo, after all. “I-I just want out, Astolfo,” she called out to her Servant. “I’m… I’m done being small, for now…”

“Oh, I imagine you are.” Astolfo then yawned, a shiver in his arm spreading to the fleshlight. “I could reverse this, but I just got off, and I’m so tired now~”

“Astolfo…” Nikki took to her feet, her body heavy with the thick remains Astolfo had left her with. “No more joking. Unshrink me.”

But a sly smirk told Nikki everything before Astolfo said it. “My my, you’re quite uppity for a toy… How about my Master proves she isn’t a toy first? And then I can make you big again! To do this, we’ll just…” Astolfo stood from the bed, leaving Nikki in mystery. She called out to him over and over, but within seconds, the fleshlight was set somewhere. She could feel the object being held steady, the grip Astolfo must have had on it. His head of pink popped into view again, but the lips made just a small slit as they reformed to their shape. “There! Can Master prove herself like this…?”

“L-Like what? What are you-- What am I supposed to be doing?!”

“Just climb out~” And Astolfo’s face was gone, vanished in the direction of his bed. “A toy would just sit there where it’s been left, even in a puddle of my cum~ All my Master has to do is climb out of a fleshlight and she can go back to normal! My Master is so strong and brave~ I’m sure she can do it!”

Nikki grabbed at the ridges of the walls, so slippery from the lube she had spread earlier. She coughed after a short inhale, her sinuses burning from the personal, humid scent. A first step was attempted, but it failed to catch a grip.

“Or, if you enjoy being one of my toys… you can just stay there! I’m certain when I wake up, I’ll be excited to check up on you to see what you’ve decided! Pleasant night, Master~”



Just discovered this, really amazing. Hope you do more like this in the future!

Nikki S (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-28 04:46:59 <3 Amazing, thank you so much
2019-07-22 20:31:18 <3 Amazing, thank you so much

<3 Amazing, thank you so much