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Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix Reaction Patreon S



You're right about there being a Charlie Weasley. He's the one who works with dragons in Romania. You don't actually really get to see him in the movies though. So far, you've gotten to see the twins, Fred and George, Percy (he was a prefect in the first movie and was in Dumbledore's office this movie when Fudge tried to arrest him), Ginny, and Ron of course. And the parents are Arthur and Molly of course.

Shirley Durr

There's also Bill who works at Gringott's Bank. I really hate how they left out Percy's and Bill's storyline, especially in the next movie (Half Blood Prince). They are important to understanding the family dynamics. Everything is not always smooth for the Weasleys. It's much more realistic with the Percy conflict and Molly's conflict with Bill's fiancé.

Shirley Durr

In the book, Herman had put a spell on the parchment they signed when joining Dumbledore's Army. If anyone betrayed them, words would appear on their face saying they had done so. When Cho's friend revealed the secret to the Room of Requirement the word CHEAT (I think but can't remember exactly what the word was) appeared on her forehead. In the book it was Cho's friend and not Cho who had done so. She and Harry broke up over that.