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Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone Patreon S


Drew Downs

Unfortunately, no, in the great hall they ~can’t~ just conjure up food from anywhere. Hogwarts is operated by house elves (as revealed in the books but not the movies). They cook and clean everything (alongside Filch- the schools only Squib. Squibs are born to magic families without magic themselves….you can imagine why being the one to be made to do manual labor behind all the mages who could use magic to clean their own mess might make one pretty miserable) and then mages like dumbledor can summon the food cooked by the house elves without ever mentioning it. Hermione has a whole organization in the books designed to bring awareness to house elf rights to get them fair treatment and pay for the work they do at hogwarts

Luke Mensingh

its heavily implied mcgonagall was the one who gifted harry the nimbus 2000