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(       。                   ω       ゚)/ The alternate ending to Hiromi's Training begins here at Part 11!~ What branching path is gonna take place?? >         V >/


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(☞ ゚       ヮ    ゚)☞

So what the hecc's goin' on?? XPc
We'll find out more when this alt route of Hiromi's Training continues laterrrrrr~ X3c Gots some other stuffs to get to next here but this'll at least get things for this alt ending started!~
(  ง ò             ω     ó)ง

Hope y'all enjoy this new part~ (╭☞✧ω✧)╭☞


Dropbox can be found through hereeee~





lol now they’re going after the boss girl 😏


Nice twist. Looking forward to the next one


nice drawing^^ can't wait to see the rest of this branching timeline^^

Jack Z

Tia being betrayed by the goons? :0 Oh I may or may not have been wanting to see this possibility ;3

Momo Trotro

Oh dang, you’re cooking some veery cool things for us Mags, looking forward to see what’s to come!^^


Le gasp betrayal


Nice twist. Glad to see Tia is getting a turn 😁 (also love how the controller is still on after she drops it)


Menudo giro. Ya estoy deseando ver la continuación. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


OMG this is such a great twist! I can only imagine how furious Tia will be as she’s forced to join the tied up trio! Like AT pointed out, I love how the controller for Hiromi’s vibes is still on hehe. SUPER hyped to see where you go with this Mags! 🙏🦆

Purple Paradox

That sound clip is perfect XD And here I thought we wouldn't see Tia tied up for some time! Serves me right, she's a Mag OC after all, ropes are in her future whether she likes it or not! Not to mention, that kidnapper outfit she got on is WAY too cute to not be tied up in! XD


Excited to see this ending hehe, doms getting the tables turned on them is always fun~

willl sargent

Well I thought something like this might happen. Maybe in this timeline, Tia also planned this, and she could Just use all those ghost hands to get herself free. I bet it will get juicy. ... Can I ask a question?

Zack Morris

Tia's about to find herself in a situation she's not entirely comfortable with. This is going to be fantastic! Looking forward to seeing it finished!


The twists continue.


Sweet baby jesus XD


Ooooooh, now THAT is gonna be a fun twist. I'm curious whether these are two different goons or if Tia's minions have just changed roles (I'm sure Leu has something to do with it if that's the case). Super excited to see where this is going! Especially since it means more of this great series. :D Excellent as always, Mags. It seems Hiromi just can't escape (heh) from this scenario, can she? Also, that's a nice angle we get to see her from in the second panel. :P


Yaaay reversal! It's been very fun over the last couple years watching Mags gradually cave to horny. Increasingly lewd pics, honing and mastering the art of boobs spilling around groping hands, jumping back in time to do more kidnapping instead of unkidnapping. Lovely.


If you dont mind me asking, how many parts do you have planned for this ending?


Oh this is some really great reversal! I'm beyond excited to see what happens next in this! 💗💗💗


Tia can only use her powers if she brings her hands to her eyes~ If she's tied up, she won't be able to do that XP And honestly, just ask the question! XD Oftentimes if someone has to ask to ask a question then it makes me feel like they're about to ask something that will put me in an uncomfortable spot, and I'm more inclined to say 'no'. Just put the question out there and if I have an answer then I'll answer it~


Hehe I guess we'll have to seeeee~ >X3c And thank yaaaa!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Haha that perspective in the second panel gave me plenty of trouble so it took me lots of time to get to this point T V T7


Hmmmm I have maybe 4-5 parts in mind? Maybe more? I guess it depends on how I format it and which parts get how many panels and such aha XP

willl sargent

Its more just a thought It would be so cool to see Hiromi escaping and teaching her kidnappers a lesson, like we know she could


Oh Tia, you knew what you were getting yourself into with this assignment! This is so fun as always MagMag!


u need to get on this asap after you’ve settled with whatever!! this is a banger!