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Hiromi's training session is now complete~ T    v  T7

(  。                   v            ゚)7 Hiromi's part in this series may be over, but it's been a while since we last checked up on Leu and Chai huh?~ X3c Just a couple parts left for me to do which kinda serve as the epilogue essentially hehe :3 Hope y'all have enjoyed this series so far! T    v T/ Still a bit more left aha

P.S. (Hmmmmmmm what's this about the name at the very end there...? >           v     >)


Dropbox can be found through hereeee~





This sketch comic is consistently enough to get me to pledge again to get access to it. I love your work and the work of many others, but your kinky storytelling that this comic exemplifies draws me in even when my wallet is tight. The only reason I am not turning this comment into a multi-paragraph essay on why I think it's such a fine bit of DiD fiction is because I want to wait for it to be done. I'll sum up my main reason, though: your sense of kinky drama, to create compelling distress for the damsels, is sublime.


"...scarier than Tia" Oh ho ho, how very interesting!! Lookin forward to hearing more! I also want an ice lolly too! But she earned it for sure!


Aww thanks so much!!~ T v T/ I really appreciate your support! I'm definitely gonna try to get these final two parts finished this month too~


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ I'd send u an ice lolly, but I think it'd melt before it got to you T v T