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Ahoi again y'all!~ o/

Now that Zelda's finally finished I can start looking at more OmniV-focused stuffs wooo! \T vT/ Starting out with this OmniV-themed thingy we voted for this month!
Now we gotta decide what it's gonna be and how we're gonna decide which character(s?) I'm drawin for it~ XP

So that's what this survey post is for! (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Let's pool some ideas and decide on what this November OmniV-themed thingy is gonna beeeee~ 🐝


Here's some ideas off the bat just to get things started! Some of which I pulled from that 'Next OmniV Projects Suggestions' post from July~ XD

-Remaster an old OmniV draw~
-Continue an old OmniV draw series~
-Slice-of-lifey draw to display character relationships (may not necessarily be bondage-y tho)
-Design a new OmniV character already! XD
-Use an rng wheel to decide on everything

If you hav other ideas, comment them below and let us know or give your thoughts on any of the above!~
Plus, give a like ♡ to comments that ya like so I can see which suggestions y'all agree with!~
(☞ ゚     ヮ   ゚)☞



Since it’s getting that time how about Santa outfits? Maybe if you can make it in time every day add a new “present” under the tree till all your girls are there?


Continuation of Hiromi's training.