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Ahoi y'all! Welcome to Novemberrrr~ 👋🐥

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'd like to get y'all's thoughts and ideas for how we run this month's fan art poll!~ X3c
I know I mentioned some ideas previously like a 'Dragalia Lost' poll or another themed poll or an OmniV-focused thingy, but it's also been a veryyyyyy loooooooong time since I've last run a standard poll T   v T/ (...I actually just checked while typing this and it's been a full year since the last time ahhhhhh-!!! 😵)

So! Comment your thoughts below on how ya wanna see this month's fan art poll go!~ Want a focus on a specific series? A specific theme? OmniV-related? Smash Bros Tourney? Standard?
Lemme know below! (/ 。                        ◁     ゚)/

If it's clear that many of ya wanna go a certain way then we'll go with that~ X3c But if there's some diversity in the ideas and thoughts then we'll run a quick lil poll to decide from there yee~ 👍



Aunque me gusta la encuesta estándar, prefiero la Omniv


I’m absolutely down for an OC poll. Chai, Hiromi, and Leuedai are my fav gals to see in your style after all


Standard, OC focused, or smash bros please.


I like the OC poll the best, always down for more Leuedai!


Honestly, the Omni project has been your baby for a very long time so let's continue with that trend :)