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Beach day for the princess was cut short when the Yiga Clan separated her from Link and made off with her :0c
Surely Link's on the search for her and is on his way right now tho, right? He definitely won't get distracted by any side quests or korok seeds or... exploring all of... Hyrule.....
(  。                ω            ゚) Zelda mayyyy be here for a bit~

XP Baha anywaysss here's a lil WIP of Zelda's sketchhh~ I tried to design her bikini in the shape of the Triforce and throw in some design references to her usual blue outfit X3
I still have some variants and additional parts for the story 'n such to sketch out, but here's where it's at for nowwww (  。         ◁゚)7
...now i need food aha T    v  T/


Sketch WIPs can be seen in the dropbox below~





inb4 link tries to rescue her but gets captured himself ;P

Momo Trotro

Very excited for this one, and looks good so far. Clearly only the Yiga’s new number 1 blademaster could muster such a feat as to steal away the princess from under her knight’s nose^^


Looks great so far! Excited for the variants and the rest!


Hi, new patron here, will we be seeing Gerudo Link? Or maybe Link in the frostbite armor?


i can imagine link finding her like this and the "item obtained" sound starts playingXD

Zack Morris

Looks great so far! Keep up the amazing work!


Glory to Master Kohga.


HAREM ZELDA!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!


Hope her kidnappers think her bonds might be too flimsy XD


You always do a great job of designing swimsuits for characters who do not have a canonical one. I remember the swimsuit you designed for Mym from Dragalia Lost, and honestly liked it slightly more than the one they actually gave her! Looking forward to seeing this one finished, when you get to it. :) I'm sure Link will remain completely focused on his goal and get to her right away. :P


Haha oh yeeee I almost forgor about the Mym swimsuit! T v T/ And thank yeeee! ; u ;/ Yupyup Link'll definitely not get sidetracked at all nopenope~ 😌


Zelda? More like Hell-yas! (bit of a stretch there!) ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) This looks so good that even Lank might forgo the "EXCUSE ME PRINCeSS!"


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Hehehehe thanks Diooo!~ XPc I sure do hope Link doesn't bring any sass later bah! XD