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A continuation from Mona's scene here, looks like the Treasure Hoarders who caught Mona and stuck her in the chest before actually encountered a "Fadui" [sic] Mirror Maiden, who struck a deal with them and happily took the chest (and its contents) away~
Poor Mona just keeps finding herself in more and more trouble after being snatched so long ago XPc
Also... I'm leaving this part on a cliffhanger toooo~ >    v>/ heheehehehehhe


(_ 。               ﹃        ゚)_ bwehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ 🧠🔥

Brain fried (   。             ω         ゚)/ i hop to bed \(   。             ω         ゚)/ i hop y'all liek~
~(   。             ω         ゚)~ Thank for being patient wit meeeeee ;           v    ;7 


You can view the finished draws and all of the WIPs in the dropbox belowww:





Go to sleep ( 。 ω ゚)


This is beautiful. 😍 Now get some well deserved rest.


WTF SO GOOD 😳👍👍👍👍 epic work Mags yUSS


This is so good Magnolia, love Mona's peach in the first two parts! Definitely my favorite work of yours so far, along with the original Mona pic! Get some well deserved rest, sleep well!


Oh, I just noticed a little tease regarding a certain spindrift knight... will we be getting something along those lines?

Momo Trotro

It turned out really nicely! Now get yourself a well deserved rest ^^

Su Yazzi

Amazing piece, Mona is so cute! Thank you for the hard work!


This such a good piece! Love Mona’s frustration and the predicament at the end


Ahhh thank ye!!~ T V T/ Haha and Eula *did* get recognized as a runner-up in a poll earlier this year, and I *have* been wanting to draw her for the longest time 😏 So I think it’d be a fun way to keep this Genshin series going in the future!~ XDc


Yowza! Is this your lewdest one yet, Mags? After all that Mona-ing, she's gonna be pleading "no Mora"! Seriously though, this is really well done. I'm not as familiar with Genshin or its characters/stories (still haven't played it), but I'm enjoying Mona's escapades (though unfortunately for her, those don't involve ESCAPES). Now go to sleep! You gotta take care of yourself. We'll always be patient, especially when you drop awesome works like this on us. :)


What is the meaning of OTM and OTN?

Emil Scherbe

Can't find the words to express how fantastic it is 💞💞💞


very nice, maybe we can see some more mona fun?

Star Killer

Another bondage shoot of leu and chai but they’ve dragged addie along plz.


Man, another MONA-fique display! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)