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Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry for the lack of activity here lately y'all!! T      0   T/

I've been juggling stuffs like the three bday draws and I also finished sketching all of Sam's alts last week, but I didn't really have anything new worth sharing with y'all since I rlly want the bday draws to be a surprise.. T      v   T
...but then I thought 'why haven't I been sharing WIPS of just my OCs from the bday draws so I can still keep the others' OCs secret for now..? ( 。              ω           ゚)'
So ye XP Here's where we're at on this one with Foxxxx ahaa 🦊 It's been a while since I've drawn the sneaky Kuro~ X3c

Should have even more bday draw progress like this to share soon if y'all care to seeee T     v T/
After I finish this first (suuuuuuper late) bday draw all the way, I'll be finishing up Mona two parts FINALLY!!
(  ง ò              O      ó)ง

So ye back to it ahhhhhhhhhhhh-!!! 🐥




Love the squish here! Can’t wait to see future bday draws


Who knew a 🐷🪢 was so effective on 🦊 :0


Looking great so far! Is this only the second time you've drawn Fox tied up? She certainly doesn't look too pleased about it. No worries about the lack of activity! You just gotta go at a pace that's realistic for you, especially with real life being an omnipresent thing. I'm sure the wait will be worth it. :)

Zack Morris

Don't worry about it. It'll be worth the wait to see all of them get done!

Joe Dover

Godspeed lass ✌️

Jack Z

Honestly this looks really good! And I completely understand that life is a pain at times with all the stuff you have to do, but just like Marin I’m sure it’ll definitely be worth the wait if you go at it with a pace that works~

Purple Paradox

FOXYYY! Looks amazing Mag!! Super excited to see this completed!


The ducc turned into a raving rabbid

willl sargent

Haven’t seen Reyna in a while, I guess she was stashed back here the whole time!


naawww, foxxxx looks sooo cute^^ this grumpy face is really to die for^^


Foxx looks super happy to be here to represent!

SuperBird43 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-19 22:31:22 Grumby damsel in her undies, so cute =3 Don't overpush yourself & burn out just for our sake's, Maggie. Staying healthy should be your #1 priority. <3
2023-06-19 20:31:16 Grumby damsel in her undies, so cute =3 Don't overpush yourself & burn out just for our sake's, Maggie. Staying healthy should be your #1 priority. <3

Grumby damsel in her undies, so cute =3 Don't overpush yourself & burn out just for our sake's, Maggie. Staying healthy should be your #1 priority. <3