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Update 4/30: Finished sketch for the third part of this scene
(   。                v          ゚)/ (Trying to work
this pose also killed me for a long time ahhhhhhhhhhh-)
This third part will also hav various variants (gug alts, expressions, etc.) in the final version so plz look forward to them laterrrr~

A continuation from Mona's scene here, looks like the Treasure Hoarders who caught Mona and stuck her in the chest before actually encountered the "Fadui" [sic], who made a deal with them later and took the chest (and its contents) away~ They even redid some of Mona's ties and her gug to make extra sure nothing can come undone >X3c How considerate~


Bwaaaaaaa sorry for the lack of posts lately y'all x        0    x/ If you've been on Twitter, you may have seen I've been going through a bit of a slump trying to get some of these draws to look right, this being one of them. Plus I had quite a few irl dealios to deal with, but I feel I'm getting back into it finally~ x    v  x7

Of course if y'all remember, Mona won her poll with a swimsuit~ (   。          ω    ゚)/ 👙 So the final part of this scenario will have her wearing that instead of what she has on right now~ >XP That's really the MAIN part of this scene haha so plz look forward to that later ahhhh- T   v T/

[Silly sidenote: The screenshot above is from months ago when I was catching back up on Genshin stuffs XPc Found this note in a Treasure Hoarder area near the Chasm and thought it'd be funny to connect it with this draw aha XD
Yelan must be investigating Mona's disappearance and found this clue to her whereabouts... :o
P.S. Yelan is very kewl
(  。             v       ゚)/ May be my fav Hydro gril to use now ahhh- T   v  T]


Sketch WIPs can be seen in the dropbox below~





I begged that it wouldn't a ballgag, but why exactly with it😭


Can't wait! Will the final version have gag variants?

Purple Paradox

It looks SO GOOD Mag! I love how disheveled she looks, really adds to it! And I guess the final is gonna be her in a swimsuit? Can't wait!


Good choice in the gag change! That small puddle of drool is a nice touch after so much time passes 🤤


Omg this looks so incredible, can’t wait to see this final version! Also omg 10 hours later? Poor girl being bound and gagged like that for so long!

Joe Dover

10 hours? Damn, if only there was something that can take her mind off of the whole ordeal on the last page ;)


Looks like Mona isn't gonna MOAN her way outta this one. No if ands though plenty of butts!


Well, looks like poor Mona's assets have caught someone's attention. Bit of a tight spot she's found herself in, eh? I really oughta try Genshin at some point. I was one of those fools who held out at the beginning, thinking they'd get into the game once it came to Switch. Several years later, and still no word on a release date... Ah well, at least I can still enjoy wonderful pieces of art like this one. :) Sorry to hear you're dealing with IRL hard stuff. I've been dealing with stuff lately too, so you have my sympathies.

Emil Scherbe

Will this have a tape or OTM version?


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Heheheehe~ And yeeeee I'm also still waiting on Genshin on Switch ahhhh-!! (╯° v °)╯ Thank yaa! T v T/ Hope IRL stuffs get better for you tooo


At least we've got Future Redeemed to play in the meantime, right? And thanks! It's slowly improving, just gotta keep soldiering on.


Yay, fellow OTM gag pervs, rejoice!


Looks great Mag, thanks


Looks super good, Mag! I wonder if it would be possible to zoom out the bikini pictures so we could see the feets? :p If that's too much work, no worries, obviously, but just figured I'd ask.