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Ahoi y'all!~
You may remember from this post that I was trying to find a bit of an alternative to the usual fan art poll for this month since I'm trying to do a lot of catching up on stuffs... T  v T So I guess this is what I came up with~ (   。                   v    ゚)/

You may remember these lil dooble sheets I did of Ella🥔 and Hiromi🔥 in the past, and I wanted to see about doing another for one of my characters X3 Show off more of their personalities 'n such a bit~ :3c
[Sticking to just the original OCs for now tho, since I know Chai would probably win by a landslide otherwise... (   。             ω         ゚) hahah]


So ye, pick the ones ya wanna see get a dooble set next T vT/ These dooble thingies usually don't take long since they just messy doobles aha so I don't mind adding this to my to-do pile for nowwww~

You can vote for as many options as ya want and this poll will stay up for about a week ye~



I assume he's probably gonna be beat by the girls lol, but I'd love to see a Rev one! Always wanted to see a bit more of him


lol also noticed Hiromi was absent was well XD

Purple Paradox

Gotta vote for the Kuro (and ex-Kuro XD), they too cool XD


We need more Hana. She hasn't gotten much love recently

Silk Jam Jar

Have to admit that Leuedai certainly has her charms~