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Ahoihoi y'all!~ ^    v  ^/
Quick lil update as March comes to a close~

Uwaaaa we're already reached April of this year... T     U   T The months are going by so quickly ahhhh-
Anywaysss, I had hoped to have the next part of Hiromi's training finished by today but Belle seemed to have used up more energy than I thought x    0  x I'm still in the process of sketching this bwaaa but I'm hoping to have it finished this weekend ;  w ;/

Aside from that, poll winners Mona and Sam are next on the docket, along with more work on the three remaining birthday draws that I had planned for 2022 T  v T7
Plus, the next two acts of Sofia's backstory text will be finished next month toooo, which will finally set up the transition to the next chapter of the OmniV story~ X3c I really missed fleshing out my characters and world like this aha ;    U  ;/

So ye, with so much still to do, I'm honestly debating how I should handle the fan art poll for next monthhhh 🤔 I'd hate to keep adding more to my plate when I haven't finished previous stuffs yet, but I also wanna give y'all something fun to engage and interact with hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔 Any ideasss? T  vT/ Regardless, I do wanna do something for April, whether it be another poll or somethin' elseee~

But ye that's about all I got for now (   。                   ω    ゚)7 Gonna get back to drawin' da 'romi aha~
Thanks so much for your support this month!! ;         V     ;7



You should do the OC's playing ball, that would go hard


I love the training comic 😫ahhhh my favorite little things you do are the bday ones =^= they are so cute I’m jelly

Zack Morris

Keep up the good work! I... think I have an idea of where the Escape Training comic might be headed.


Yay hiromi! Maybe you can dedicate the whole April to just catching up?

Purple Paradox

Super excited to see the Hiromi training thing continued! If you wanna try do something for next month... maybe something with your OCs? Means you can keep as fun and low-stress as you want! Could have another poll or wheel for an OmniV gal for you to draw perhaps (like the one Deirdre won a while back that resulted in her getting "tied up" in the beach antics!)

Joe Dover

Liking the preview mate! Someone said it before me, but just focus on catching up for the next month or 2, I wouldn’t add any more polls/new projects until you’re caught up (in all honesty, idc if u charge us, you’re still providing us with art 👍)


SO much gonna happen! Looking forward to more lore on Sofia and the gang along with the smexy happens with Romi! (¬‿¬)


Idk. Maybe a poll that lets us decide what happens in the works you haven't finished yet? Scenarios, ties, gag types, that sorta thing.


If you asking for suggestions... chibi poll for april? XP

Jack Z

Liking the preview on what’s happening with Hiromi, and it’s fine if you’re a bit low on energies, when you’re done with the next part of the Hiromi comic, you can probably do a poll while you work on the other stuff. Anything you can think of to help yourself Mags, dw too much, there’s still a whole month of April left

willl sargent

Well if you're open to suggestions, my DREAM is to see Hiromi in more action scenes, kicking ass ,when you're ready, of course