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Ahoi again y'all!~
Looks like many of ya have already decided on which of the previously suggested ideas y'all resonate with the most X3c So here's the official poll to determine how we'll run this month's poll thingy~
(/ 。                        ◁     ゚)/


Multiple choice is turned on, so pick all the ideas you liked~ X3c Poll will run until the end of the day MST 2/8/23
Once a winning idea is determined, we can get into the details of how we wanna run it too if needed~ X3c

Anyways!! Again, here are the ideas put forth~
1) Standard theme-less polll
2) Standard poll with a Valentine's theme

3) Patrons submit and vote on a scenario/theme/etc. instead of a character, and I (Mag) will decide on the gril to fit into the winning scenario/theme/etc.
4) Same as above but patrons will submit and vote on a character to be a good fit for the winning scenario/theme/etc. instead of me (Mag) deciding myself.

5) Another Super Smash Bros Ultimate bracket. Patrons submit characters and they will fight in 8-player CPU smash battles until a final winner is decided. (Rulesets and such are still open to change, i.e. items on, different stages w/ stage hazards on, non-random characters, etc.) Click here to see the previous tournament~

6) Chai Photoshoot: Patrons suggest and vote on a scenario/outfit/appearance for Chai's next photoshoot scene [within reason XPc I (Mag) must be okay with drawing Chai in the scenario haha].
7) Same as above but with a randomly selected OmniV character instead (RNG wheel?) and not necessarily a photoshoot scene (ex. kidnapping, Leu's antics, etc. instead) [within reason XPc I (Mag) must be okay with drawing my gril in the scenario aha].

8) Help Mag choose. I (Mag) pick an assortment of characters on my own to-draw list and y'all vote to help narrow down the choices.



Bryan Holland

Well I hope that you're having a great time at your parts and you've been doing great recently keep it up and never give up hope.

Purple Paradox

Definitely 7 and 8 for me! Although 6 adds to Chai's whole model gig (therefore expanding the lore a little I guess? XD), really gives it depth, so voting for that too XD