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[These draws can be found in the folder named '__OmniV Story INTERLUDE' through the Master Folder~
Also, use the .txt transcripts included to see who's talking when XP It can be kinda confusing by just going off the color-coded text T vT/


Cleaned and colored versions of these story doobles from last month~

This is mostly serving as a color concept test for Path since this is the first time y'all are seeing her form in color aha XP A long time ago I tried to see what she looked like if she kept Ella's blue colored clothes, but I feel like changing her clothes' color scheme to match her red-hot fury is something I like more X3c It also further emphasizes the visual difference between Ella and Path, despite occupying the same body~ XP
I added the olllllld concept doobles I did for Path in the folder as well~ :P

This is also serving as a way for me to ease back into draws after my crazy medical fiasco a few days ago... T    v  T/
Thanks for the well wishes that many of ya sent my way on twitter toooo! ;    U  ;/ My arm is feeling plenty better since then yeeee~

Anyways, you may be wondering the reason why Ella's clothes change color when Path takes over, so here's some more quick OmniV fun facts! XPc
-Similar to a power that Sofia and Pall have, the aura that surrounds Path's form manipulates the wavelengths of visible light that others process through their eyes, overriding the wavelenghts of blue light and shifting them towards the red side of the spectrum. This makes others see Path's clothing as more of a red, despite them still being their normal blue colors in reality~
-If someone gives Path an item to hold, its color will shift towards a reddish hue as she grabs it.
-Despite this, the energy released when Path changes eye colors is enough to penetrate the aura, and others are able to make out the new eye color when this happens.
-Red light is the least intense color of the visible light spectrum in terms of frequency and energy, violet being the most intense... Could this mean that we still haven't seen Path's final form..? >       v  >/ ...who knows~ ¯\( ㅇ    ᐜ  ꒪)/¯
-How is this visible light wavelength manipulation stuff possible scientifically? ¯\( ㅇ    ᐜ  ꒪)/¯ Crazy things can happen with OmniV around~ XDc


Aaaaand that's about it for now~ (   。                   ω    ゚)7 See y'all again with my next post yeee



Purple Paradox

Daaaaamn Mag, this looks great! It feels soooo good to see Ella in colour again =v= and I LOVE Path's colors too! (was tempted to nickname her Red Ella.... Rella? XD) And nice lil OmniV fun facts! Love learning more about the world you've put together, super excited for more (and after that note, we better get a scene where Path is taunting an enemy by saying "This isn't even my final form!" XD ...maybe followed by her being tied up, if she wasn't so strong XD) Awesome work Mag!


I like the sense that Both Ella and Path will need to hone their skills to save themselves and protect everyone, vice versa for everyone else to protect Ella


I’m going to be honest I really love that you can create your own story and then draw it all out just the way you want it like that’s amazing to be able to do and create the backstory and all the characters that are in it and it’s something I want my OC to be apart of one day (lewd or not) of course I love the bondage part of it all but seeing the action and how things end up are beautiful and hope one day rosey can be apart of something someday 🥺


Leuedai solo’s your favourite verse


I've been offline for the last few days (being sick REALLY sucks), so I didn't know about you having a medical fiasco. Hope everything is okay! Didn't expect to see these in full color! It's a nice little treat. :) Thanks for spoiling us with yet another unexpected surprise, Mags.


Aside from all the amazing trussing by Leu. And the gang’s dialogue. I’m looooving the little lore building In this post. It’ll absolutely be my fav thing about your characters, just the depth you give em~ Gorgeous doodle Mag! Also I’m so so very happy to hear the sickness didn’t turn out *too* scary…But still, I hope you’ll take some well deserved time to rest up and get better ;w;

Jack Z

Didn’t know at first you had a medical scare, I’ve been in recovery from a surgery so I’ve been offline for a few days, but I hope things go better for you Mag~ Great dooble to see tho, dialogue always reminds me how much effort and love you’ve put into these characters over all this time, great stuff! :3 Wish you well~

willl sargent

Wow the explanation of the light spectrum is very interesting, you know your science!


T U T7 Thanks Paraaa!~ XP XD Bahaha and I can see down the line as Ella gains more confidence, she tries to act tough while tied up by saying that line only to transform into Path and still get gagged anyway... 😂


( งㅇ ω ꒪)ง Yeeeee everyone need to stay on their toes!~ Getting Path doesn't mean things become easy now! >:3c


Yeeee just weirdness with my ulnar nerve in my left arm T v T/ Things feeling better now tho!~ And thank yeeeee!


(´ V `ʃƪ) Ahhhh thanks Imotaa!!~ Always happy to share fun facts about my characters and such ahhhhhh T U T/ And yeeee twas really scary at the time T 0 T/ But I'm glad things are better now tooo! ; v ;7


Yeee I had some weirdness happen with my left ulnar nerve that I thought was something more serious T v T/ But twas still a pain to deal with aha Hope your recovery from surgery is going well! And thank yeee!~ ; w;7


Really glad your arm is recovering nicely and OMG Ella looks just badass in her red form!