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Whether it's encountering strange new Pokemon or traversing through perilous Spidops lairs, the long and rocky (and sometimes webby) path to becoming a Champion-ranked trainer is no easy feat~ But Nemona's conquered all to become the cool gril she is today! >XPc ✨


Started off with some easier and smoler doobles to ease my way back into things after my lil burnout break T   v T7 Still recovering the creative juices with some other lil draws but this definitely helped me get things flowin' againnn~ (/。◁゚)/
I tried using a different brush for the dooblin' this time around just to try things out yee

I am enjoying the new Poke gam too aha XP Despite some performance issues, is fun!~
I think I've collected about half the badges and explored half the map (besides the great crater) so far? 🧭🤔 Yeeeeeeeeee~ 




One doesn’t become a champion rank trainer overnight!. . .well some people do. But I’m not one of them HAHAHAHA *has three badges*


Aw she’s super cute here! I don’t know what it is but the web bindings are just adorable on her hehe


These are great lil dooblies, Mags! Nemona is such a fun rival, and I definitely think her tendency to run around while fixating on finding battles would DEFINITELY get her into misadventures on the regular~ X3c Honestly, despite the myriad performance issues with that game (and eerily empty towns) I definitely think this is one of my fave Pokemon games since BW!


Yay, spider webs! I always love DID art using them.

Bryan Holland

Well I hope that you're having good time so how are things on your end well?


Nice work! I can see Nemona getting into some DID scenarios since she so fixated on battling! I am enjoying the new Pokemon too but I hope the fix the performance too.


I figured Nemona would look great in your style, and lo and behold! Glad you're enjoying the new Pokémans. I've been playing the heck out of Scarlet, and I have to agree--even with the performance issues, the game is seriously addictive.


Burnout can sure put a damper on anything. It really dooble like that! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Really glad you're taking it step by step again and this looks really fun dooble!

Momo Trotro

She’s real cool and looks great in your style, seriously looking forward to playing the game myself soon, glad to hear they’re great!

Jeffrey Beam

Hopefully this means we can see Iono and penny in your style soon too Maggie, which version did you get by the way?


XP I think rn I have 13 🤔 And the games have been out for almost a month ahaaa T vT/


XP hehe thank the new Pokemon gen for adding a spider pokemon that's perfect for these scenariosss~ >:3c


Haha thanks!~ XP And yee it'd be nice if they fixed the performance issues but I'm still enjoying itttt~


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Hehe thanks Dioooo!~ Yeee is good to do smoler things every now and then! T vT7


I've always wanted to see her in peril. The way she's always pushing you into bettering yourself, makes her seem naturally nosey. Maybe a scenario where the main cast ties her up for a breather or she gets herself in trouble with the gangs of the school.