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XD Yup~

You've probably seen variations of this meme doing the rounds on Twitter, and after seeing Jam put this up on Pat too, I decided to give it a go as well XPc

So, with NNN nearing its end 😂:

I'm curious to hear your replies to the above in the comments down belowww~

(A link to the draw or a description of it both work fine XP)


Also, within these next couple days I'll hopefully hav some WIPs to share of just a couple things I've been workin' on toooo~ 🫡


willl sargent

You probably saw this coming, but anything with Hiromi


Well, there's a pretty big recency bias, but your Yor piece is *chef's kiss*. Outside of that, the Marin work is excellent, Samus is superb (particularly the "pirate booty" one), and I'm a pretty big fan of anything with Chai and/or Hiromi. :)


Thank you for all the hard work. I Like the Honorary OmniV scenarios like Hiromi Training And video shoot sketchies the most.


https://www.deviantart.com/magnolia-baillon/art/Snooping-Slip-Up-622241758 A classic


Anything with Hiromi getting caught in a trap. There's something about he way you draw her expressions when she realizes how helpless she is that I absolutely love. Rookie Mistake is one of my favorites, and the progress of them adding more binds and her realizing the position she is in is incredible. https://www.deviantart.com/magnolia-baillon/art/W-I-S-Rookie-Mistake-Part-1-3-790531953


All the fairy tail girls you’ve drawn


Mym from Draglia Lost. I'm so sad that she's gone, especially now that the game itself has been shut down. But man, her entire arc made me smile and she went above and beyond to prove that her love for Euden was genuine. Anyway, here's my pick. https://www.deviantart.com/magnolia-baillon/art/Mym-s-Scheme-1-DiD-Dragon-in-Distress-820999922


The way Hiromi goes from standoffish and well dressed. To wigglingly furious about her nabby predicaments. It literally makes me go from 0 to 100 mph instantly. Also, anything with the gang that has a great nabby context. Like all of them trussed by the beach or a grill in the back of a cart. Heading off to a new owner!


Bound for the beach easily. Probably my favorite along with the pajama series.


Oh wow thanks for all the replies on this y'all!~ (´ ᐜ ` ʃ ƪ) I'm glad that many of my recent works from this year are having such a good reception, but I also didn't know that some of the draws I kinda forgot about are still workin' for many of ya! :D Makes me very happy to see ahhhhhhhhhhhhh- ; V ;7 Thanks y'all!

Jessie Lockhart

Samus and Tifa Lockhart https://www.deviantart.com/magnolia-baillon/art/Bound-Bounty-Hunted-2-893710372 https://www.deviantart.com/magnolia-baillon/art/Kicking-Ass-and-Taking-Dames-Part-1-May-20-Win-860171215 https://www.deviantart.com/magnolia-baillon/art/Kicking-Ass-and-Taking-Dames-Part-2-May-20-Win-860173748 I really love the damsel in distress scenario especially when it involves said damsel held captive by an enemy group and both the Samus scenario and Tifa scenario you drew reflect this perfectly. I also enjoy it when the damsel is able to make some sort of escape or escape attempt only to be foiled at some point. This especially if they're still bound and gagged in some fashion and have to navigate a hostile environment in a vulnerable or nerfed state.


I really like the Hestia one