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Oki doki y'all!~

Sorry for the late start here T vT7 I've been a bit busyyyyy

This will be the final fan art poll for the year so I figured we'd just run it the standard way, since we it's been a long time since we've had just a normie themeless poll~ XP We can try another different or fun method of choosing the month's winner another time! So ye!~

Like the previous polls with lots of entries, submissions will go through the rng wheel and half of them (or maximum 25 if somehow more than 50 characters are entered) will be randomly selected for the voting round :0

Anyways! Hit me up with them grils!~ X3c

And I'ma hit the draws again bwaaaaa~ ✍️🐥


Submissions will close at the end of the day MST, November 13th~

Here's da rules again~ Pleeeeaaaase pay attention to them!!

  • Leave one comment below or send me a message of your character submission and the series they're from, AND provide at least one reference image of the submitted character. (I'll use these images for the voting sheet as well. Failure to provide a reference image will result in ineligibility! Dx I want to know you at least looked over the rules here and saw this~ So plz do it thx :3)
  • You may suggest a scenario and bindings with your submission (I'll try my best to follow the scenario, but bear in mind it may not be 100% exact)
  • ^As a follow-up to the above rule, if your suggested scenario cannot be told in a single image, I will ask you to simplify it. For example, if your scenario can only be told through a comic format or in multiple parts/panels, I may ask you to shorten it down so it can fit into a single drawing. Please keep 'em simple enough for one draw thx!~
  • You may submit OC's, but they should be yours~ Otherwise I'll need permission from the actual owner of the character
  • Only one character per patron please :3
  • Past winners are on a cooldown before they can be submitted for a poll once again.* When their draws are posted publicly, they will become eligible once again.
  • I reserve the right to reject ideas if I do not feel comfortable with drawing them. In which case, I will ask you to come up with a new idea :0

And that should do it! :3


*Past winners:

February 2022- Marin Kitagawa ( My Dress-Up Darling ) & Ryza Stout ( Atelier Ryza 2 )

April 2022- Nino Nakano ( The Quinessential Quintuplets )

July 2022- Yor Forger ( Spy x Family )

September 2022- Belle ( Zenless Zone Zero )



Yang Xiao Long from RWBY getting captured and laid bare, maybe at the beach witha bikini, since there are no official sources for her on a swimsuit it can just be a simple plain yellow design maybe with the crest she already displays in her art https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/0/0c/Yang_Xiao_Long_%28BlazBlue_Cross_Tag_Battle%2C_Character_Select_Artwork%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20190303162237


Liliana from DIDnapper 2. She's tied to a pole, awaiting the auction block and in her slave clothes (unfortunately, I cannot find an image of that outfit). She might hear her companions preparing to rescue her? https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/didnapper/images/e/e7/Liliana_Gladsheim.png/revision/latest?cb=20220209154402


How about a classic damsel; daphne Blake from scooby doo. The particular version or outfit can be up to you. Maybe a chair or pole tie. https://scoobydoo.fandom.com/wiki/Daphne_Blake


I'm going to submit Komi Shouko from Komi Can't Communicate: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/komisan-wa-komyushou-desu/images/0/07/Komi_Shouko_Anime.png/revision/latest?cb=20211223180929 For a scenario suggestion, maybe a continuation of the pic you did with her mom, where the burglars that nabbed her were still in the house or came back and found Shouko too. They wrapped her up with plenty of duct tape just like her mom, and stashed her somewhere like on her bed or in a closet.

Spelt Wrong, but right.

I’m gonna nominate Ming Lee from Disney’s Turning Red again. (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pixar/images/e/e5/Ming_Lee.png/revision/latest?cb=20220416023410) the eastern countries were known for restraints involving only rope, so let’s see your best take on that Mags

Spelt Wrong, but right.

I’m gonna nominate Ming Lee from Disney’s Turning Red (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pixar/images/e/e5/Ming_Lee.png/revision/latest?cb=20220416023410)


wish to submit Makima from Chainsaw Man. Don't really have an angle to sell only that she's cute but wouldn't mind seeing her in a nice, thick cleave gag ;) https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/105/362/478/digital-art-makima-chainsaw-man-illustration-artwork-chainsaw-man-hd-wallpaper-preview.jpg Also, my apologizes for a late submission. Not sure when you consider EoD is for mountain time but feel free to disqualify it if it's past the submission time.


Yumehara in her yellow bikini from saiki k https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/saikikusounosainan/images/d/de/AppChiyo2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20190712234524


Rias Gremory from Highschool DXD (Belly Dancer outfit) https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a80b494c-004f-42d7-8e55-23c1bee1a668/detecgt-9fac7dd9-7472-4c56-9874-bebc599869bc.png/v1/fill/w_657,h_1217,q_70,strp/belly_dancer__rias_gremory__by_rangertycho2077_detecgt-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NDA5NiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2E4MGI0OTRjLTAwNGYtNDJkNy04ZTU1LTIzYzFiZWUxYTY2OFwvZGV0ZWNndC05ZmFjN2RkOS03NDcyLTRjNTYtOTg3NC1iZWJjNTk5ODY5YmMucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTIyMTIifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.GBTL93xEsp2rC2dgzZdCDv3YgIjC4NiyFyqj28jlbxI


Mags, I'd LOVE a nabby picture of Holo from Spice and Wolf. https://imgur.com/GoSp1Br Snatched up in a fantasy kinda settings where she's shoved into something like the back of a carriage or cart. And hauled away, hogtied in her outfit in this pic. And cloth gag with stuffings~ :> Have fun with it, I'm not too picky about the pic since your art is always good. I'd just love something with Holo, hogtied and barefoot, in a predicament with bandits gloating over her.

Dylan kneip

I would love to see Musashi Miyamoto from Fgo for the scenario I would see Mash tying her up with some magic rope because she gets to close to Fujimaru for the gag I leave it up to you but little does Mash know that Fujimaru always wanted to see Musashi tied up (secret Fetish) and as Fujimaru sees Musashi like this he’s even more interested in her so we would see Mash and Musashi embarrassed in that scenario I would love to see that with your amazing art :)

Dylan kneip

https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3347887 A pic of Musashi https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Miyamoto_Musashi?file=MusashiSprite3.png


Taoshi ( OC ) was submitted via DM before the deadline~


This entry came a few hours after the deadline passed but I'll still allow her into the submissionsss~