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Ahoi y'all~ 

I am very sleep-deprived at the time of writing this due to the fact that I was waiting all day (after working all last night) for maintenance folks to come to my building, but apparently they ended up having to reschedule... without telling us =       H    = So I wasted allllll this time waiting for nothingggggggg 🙃

Between that and the frequent water shutoffs this week, the missing/potentially stolen mail, and other personal dealings this week that need my attention, irl crap is kicking my butt and my patience and mood are reaching an ATL ahhhhhhh =        A    =/ Especially with all the projects I need to get done still, my stress levels are starting to reach an ATH. I need a smol and quik something a lil more fun to try and destress a bit...

So Companions and Honoraries, pick one gril below~ Don't think too much about it, is just a quick lil poll 🐥👍

In the meantime, I'ma finally slep =        o    =/ See y'all again laterrrrrr~



Chai, she's best girl


Hang in there, friend


I'm so sorry to hear life has been so sucky lately. :( Please take all the time you need, and do whatever it takes to boost yourself up. Do something fun, and eat something yummy. Your health (both physical and mental) is super important, after all.


I hope you feel better soon 🥺💖get that rest and take care

willl sargent

Mag, take a break. Do something fun. Then deal with all these issues. We aren't going anywhere. You are more important than the drawings you make.


If you need a break, please do that!! 🥺 We feel for you. Nothing is more important than your mental health Mag. ❤️❤️

Some Dude42

It's almost not fair doing these sorts of polls since Hiromi's going to win 90% of the time because she's the hottest one (to be fair, she is). Regardless of these results I'd suggest you draw something either with Chai because you seem to have a lot of fun drawing her or like, whatever you want to draw. Or do something else if you're not in the mood for drawing. Whatever brings the most comfort to you.

Purple Paradox

Sorry to hear that Mag! >< Hope you can catch a break soon and have some fun! Personal vote is for best girl Ella! Hiromi and Chai have gotten plenty of recent stuff IMO, but honestly all of these gals are awesome picks XD


Really sorry to hear things have been going so rough irl lately, hope that gets better soon :<


Haven't seen a Ella or Hana draw in awhile


That sounds awful to hear Mags. The mental stress can add up so, I know we tell you so often but it is with good reason, definitely take a breather when needed (but I also understand that drawing can be a good distraction too). I wish you nothing but the absolute best and will still plague you with bad jokes every time. :)