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Here's the final reminder that I will be pausing the billing cycle for next month (May). [See original post here~] So as long as ya stay pledged through the end of this month, my Patreon will not charge you tomorrow on May 1st and you will retain access to everything in your respective tiers, including anything new that I'll make progress on during that time T vT/
*New pledges and upgrading to a higher tier during May will charge you the full amount however :0

In short, stay pledged through the end of April to enjoy May for free yeee~ Newer posts will be slow during May, however I'll still see about posting some new stuffs and progress periodically!~

Thank you for all your support y'all! T     U  T irl stuff this past month really cut into my drawing time and mental state but I'm hoping to bounce back even stronker within the next month here ;        v    ;7 See y'all there!

Oki doke! Back to the grind ahhhhhhh- (  ง ò           0   ó)ง



Thank you again for all your hard work MagMag! May the 4th be with you!