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Seems the bandits that Ryza came across earlier decided to take matters into their own hands when she refused their offer from before~ >       v   > Getting trapped in a barrel doesn't seem like the most comfortable way to spend the day XPc But I'm sure they'll take her to a more comfy place soon enoughhhh~ >X3

Alrightyyyyyy I'm finally getting some sketches out for all these draws I've been workin' on the past week! XPc Ryza was the runner-up for February's poll, whom I decided to draw in addition to the winner since Marin was just completely running away with the whole thing baha XD Took me quite a while to find a pose and composition I was happy with but I finally eventually landed on this one! (☞ ゚   ヮ  ゚)☞
I'll have just a few variants for Ryza in the works since I don't wanna spend toooo much time on her X3 Got lots of other things to get to too!

But yeee, hope y'all enjoy this progress for now!~ I gotta try and get some slep =   v =7 Some family wanna get together for a brunch or something later haha so wanna make sure I'm awake for that XP Then I'ma spend more time on drawssss! (  งㅇ              ω    ꒪)ง

Anyways, Happy Easter y'all!~ ( /  。          ◁゚)/ 🐣🐇


Sketch WIPs can be seen in the dropbox below~




Purple Paradox

Looks super cute so far Mag! Love tight spots like barrels and boxes and such! Great job! (Also note here for the future: " just a few variants " XD)


Ryza looks incredibly cute here, absolutely love the bindings combined with her being stored in a tight spot! It’s cute to imagine how embarrassed she’d be if someone were to find her like that~


Holy smotheroony macaroni Mag! Very rare pose that you pulled off to perfection. This is fricking GORGEOUS! I want that barrel in particular please > v >


Whoof, that doesn't look very comfortable for poor Ryza there. Excellently done, Mags. She looks super cute. :) Looking forward to the finished version! Just don't go too overboard, okay? Actually keep it to JUST a few variants. :P


Looks like Ryza isn't have a barrel of laughs ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) ANYHOO, happy easter my friend and hope you enjoyed the brunch with friends/family!


X3c hehe thank yaaa!~ Enclosed spaces and bondage are always fun heheheheh > v>/


XPc heheheheh thanks Mafia!~ Took me a while to find a pose and angle I was happy with aha T v T/

MagnoliaDucky (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-14 05:56:44 Thank yeeeee! XPc And yeeee just a few~ > v >7
2022-04-19 04:55:04 Thank yeeeee! XPc And yeeee just a few~ > v >7

Thank yeeeee! XPc And yeeee just a few~ > v >7