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Mami Nanami or Chizuru Ichinose... who would you pick~? >;3c


Phewwwwwww!~ Finally got this all finished up! T     U  T/ It started as a Christmas-y scenario, then got some Valentines-y outfits for the two grils, and now it's finally done here in late-March ahhhhhhh /T           v      T\

But anyways!! This scenario includes 180 total draws in the 'Finished' folder in the dropbox (60 for Chizuru, 60 for Mami, and 60 for them both together~ This isn't as much as I had with Cana Alberona luckily haha XPc (mostly because I don't have versions with speech bubbs this time T vT/), but is still quite a bit!! It took me half of the day today just to compile all the alts together XD Also... I hav sinned quiiiite a bit again with this one oh nuuu ( / ///////v/////\)💦

But yeeeeeeee I'm pretty hungry rn so I'm just gonna try and make this quick~ \T   3 T/ Thanks bunches y'allll!~ I still got more I wanna work on before the month ends, but I hope these two grils keep y'all entertained in the meantime X3c hehehe~
Despite the amount of work it took, doing a dakimakura draw was actually pretty fun!~ (/ 。         ◁゚)/ haha!

And oh ye! Since the theme of the poll these two won was a sort of 'protagonist vs antagonist' one, comment down below with who you would choose out of these two if you could only choose one ;3c I'm just curious heheheheh~
And sidenote- I refrained from adding dialogue to this scenario so there wouldn't be too many variants again, but if y'all really wanna see some versions with speech bubbs I could see about adding some later on and crafting a bit of a narrative if there's enough interest~ XP


You can view the finished draws and all of the WIPs in the dropbox belowww:




I will choose Chizuru, and I also hope to see a version with speech bubble added ( ̄▽ ̄)~*


One...hundred and...eighty?! Geez, Mags, what happened to not overdoing it?! Putting that aside for a moment, wowzers, this is one for the history books (and I'm not just saying that because of how many alts there are)! Nice and sweet and spicy all at once. You always know how to treat us, Mags. Now get yourself some rest! You've certainly earned it with this monolith work. (oh, and I'd pick Chizuru any day. It's not even a competition. She's best girl for a reason)


You can't make me Chizuru only one! Mami I'll pick both! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) But since MagMag asked so politely, Ima pick Mami coz reasons! (ˉ﹃ˉ) Absolute masterpiece!!


Yo you've REALLY outdone yourself with this set Mags! :D Bravo! :D Now get some sleep!! You deserve it XD (180 draws is insane!) Also, Chizuru all the way for me XD

Joe Dover

I choose the bed And whatever’s on top of it ;3


This is crazy even by your standards and yes, you have sinned yet again, sinful Ducc! > w < as for the choice, I will go with ChizUwU! U w U/ Thank you yet again for descending from your nest in the heavens to deliver this masterpiece unto us sinners. 🐹🤝🦆


MAMI!!!! I have been waiting so long for this and it was well worth the wait!


I like Chizuru Ichinose's bound and gag the best! Uwaang! Taaat!


I think my eyes almost popped outta my skull when I read that figure! But congrats because this turned out incredibly, WOW! As for which one, I don't think I can make that call since I haven't watched this show...so I'll just enjoy them both ;D


I don't now much about them, but the picture came out great. Also: Naughty duck! You have sinned!


I haven’t watched the show (yet), but I’d pick Chizuru. It’s not even a competition. 😁

Imota (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-14 05:59:31 Absolutely GORGEOUS PIC MAG!!! 160 variants?! BWAAA ur nuuuuuts~ But in like...a really good, inspiring way...and also loooooooddddd >\\\\\\\\\\\< Love love loveee the Christmas outfit variant, it’s never too early (or late?) to enjoy the holidays...Especially when it’s two, super cute, bound gals! Flawless as always Mag~❤️ But for serious...Take A breaaaak! You always out-do yourself but...SERIOUSLY this draw is masssssiiiiive...Go get some sleps and stuff~
2022-03-27 23:50:32 Absolutely GORGEOUS PIC MAG!!! 160 variants?! BWAAA ur nuuuuuts~ But in like...a really good, inspiring way...and also loooooooddddd >\\\\\\\\\\\< Love love loveee the Christmas outfit variant, it’s never too early (or late?) to enjoy the holidays...Especially when it’s two, super cute, bound gals! Flawless as always Mag~❤️ But for serious...Take A breaaaak! You always out-do yourself but...SERIOUSLY this draw is masssssiiiiive...Go get some sleps and stuff~

Absolutely GORGEOUS PIC MAG!!! 160 variants?! BWAAA ur nuuuuuts~ But in like...a really good, inspiring way...and also loooooooddddd >\\\\\\\\\\\< Love love loveee the Christmas outfit variant, it’s never too early (or late?) to enjoy the holidays...Especially when it’s two, super cute, bound gals! Flawless as always Mag~❤️ But for serious...Take A breaaaak! You always out-do yourself but...SERIOUSLY this draw is masssssiiiiive...Go get some sleps and stuff~


T ////////////v//////////T/ Hehe thanks Imotaaaaa!!~ And yeeeeee definitely needed a break after this one aha ; v ;