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So this past week, I've been having some trouble getting some draws to a point where I was happy with progressing them to their next steps T    v  T Things just never seemed right no matter how much I kept reworking the draws... Twas like I forgot how to draw for a while T oT/
Part of me thinks I may have slightly burnt myself out from the Hiromi comic-thingy parts that I did, but nonetheless I issued a challenge to myself to try and get my groove and motivation back: Try and complete a full draw within a 24 hour window~ Start to finish, doesn't matter if it's not perfect, just git 'er doneeee~ (  งㅇ                       ω ꒪)ง

As for what to draw, I remembered it was Mario Day a few days ago, and conveniently the user ThePhoenixRebirth suggested Princess Peach in the suggestion box recently too! X3c So, here we are!~ (/ 。         ◁゚)/


As per the suggestion by ThePhoenixRebirth, this scenario with Princess Peach is a reimagining of the first boss fight of Super Mario RPG! This time with plenty more rope and a gug to prevent her from helping out Mario~
In the actual boss fight, Peach (who goes by Toadstool in the gam) tells Mario to attack the chain holding Bowser's chandelier instead of attacking Bowser himself, who has infinite HP during the fight. If only she was gugged, it's possible Mario could've never found the way to beat Bowsey and King Koopy would bash him =      v   =/ Like what's happening in the draw rn! XPc (Oi villains... it's such an easy fix aha what you doin'?? This happens in Persona Q2 also where your captive damsels are able to freely tell the heroes your weakness =      v   = Get it together and gug them alreadyyyyy hahah)
Oh fun fact, the chain chomp holding the chandeliers up are called 'Kinklinks'... (   。                   ω    ゚) This draw was meant to be~

Aaaaanyways, thanks for the suggestion in the box ThePhoenixRebirth!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞
Now it's about time I got some shuteye for a bit haha XP Then I've got some other draws to get to that are all ready for shadinggggg~ (  งㅇ                 ω   ꒪)ง Here we gooo!!~

=                        v            = zzz


You can view the finished draws and all of the WIPs in the dropbox belowww:





Oh, very cute! Love to see a classic reimagined like this...shame that awful Mario had to come and stop her from *hanging out* with Bowser, eh? Sorry to hear you had a rough spot with art, hope this helps you get back into the swing of it...and hopefully you can get some good rest now!


That boss fight is why you always gag a damsel!


Oooo this is my favorite damsel scene with Peach, glad you did your own take on it! She looks so cute and I really love how her dress looks with ropes going over it and bunching it up!


Love this! The original was one of the earliest scenes that I remember, and I really like your version.

Purple Paradox

Great art! But... do I want to know what that lil Dropbox guy is holding?!

Joe Dover

It’s a peach, it’s how they depict peaches in East Asian/South eastern countries or it’s the juiciest piece of buttcheeks OwO


Great job Mag on the 24 hour draw >:D , she's looking quite peachy! This princess is definitely not in another castle, but it's not like she can tell anyone that XD . Once again, you spoil us > w </


Super cute! This is a great surprise, Mags. :) And I love the callback to SMRPG, one of my favorite SNES games. Sorry to hear about the burnout (or near-burnout). Have you been taking the time to do fun things that aren't drawing? None of us would blame you if you needed a break--you work so hard for us, you've certainly earned some respite.


Yeee how rood of Mario!~ >:T XP And thank yaaaa!~ Yeeea I think I actually got a bit too much rest yesterday XDc But am feeling gud!~


Aha thank yaa!~ X3c And yesss the ropes over the dress was suggested in the suggestion box suggestion too~! >:Pc


Thank ye Mafiaaa!~ T v T/ I shall try to rest more when I cannn~ Burnout be no fun at all T U T (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ And yesssss peachy Peach be incapable of speechy speech~


(´ U `ʃƪ) Thank yeeee!~ I actually still haven't played SMRPG T v T/ But I did really enjoy the other Mario RPGs I've played, being some Mario & Luigi gams and Paper Mario!~ And is okiiiii~ It just sometimes happens aha T v T/


YOOOOOOOOO! My thing got drawn! I didn't think it'd happen, but it did! :D


They don't call her Princess Peach for nothing and Magnolia sure knows how to pick em! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ). Itsa me...Mmmmmmmmmphario! And, yup, that burnout thing gets to us all, esp in the world of art. Had many of those nights myself. As hard as it is, It's always important to take a step back for a short bit before getting back into the swing of things! We love all that you do for us, MagMag!


You always put out amazing content, Mags! Hope you take that well-deserved rest!


I was late to you being late to the Mario party XD, dis super gooood!!!

Imota (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-14 05:59:52 Sometimes the best DiD is some classic, and simple DiD~ Peach always looks fantastic in your style 💕 As always, *perf* job >\\\\\\\< I’m super sorry to hear about the burnout you’re feeling...I’ve said it many many times before, but I’ll say it again: You SPOIL us with how much high quality, extremely frequent, amazingly cute art that you give us. I don’t think any of us would ever mind you taking a big ol break~ Your health is always the most important thing. Don’t wear yourself out! We’ll be here, supporting you like always, regardless...So plzzzz go take some time for *youuu* 😊💝
2022-03-17 11:54:08 Sometimes the best DiD is some classic, and simple DiD~ Peach always looks fantastic in your style 💕 As always, *perf* job >\\\\\\\< I’m super sorry to hear about the burnout you’re feeling...I’ve said it many many times before, but I’ll say it again: You SPOIL us with how much high quality, extremely frequent, amazingly cute art that you give us. I don’t think any of us would ever mind you taking a big ol break~ Your health is always the most important thing. Don’t wear yourself out! We’ll be here, supporting you like always, regardless...So plzzzz go take some time for *youuu* 😊💝

Sometimes the best DiD is some classic, and simple DiD~ Peach always looks fantastic in your style 💕 As always, *perf* job >\\\\\\\< I’m super sorry to hear about the burnout you’re feeling...I’ve said it many many times before, but I’ll say it again: You SPOIL us with how much high quality, extremely frequent, amazingly cute art that you give us. I don’t think any of us would ever mind you taking a big ol break~ Your health is always the most important thing. Don’t wear yourself out! We’ll be here, supporting you like always, regardless...So plzzzz go take some time for *youuu* 😊💝


(´ V `ʃ♡ƪ) Hehe thank ye Dioooo!!~ And yeeee it happenssss~ T u T/ Breaks always be nice tho ye!


T U T/ Thank ye Imotaaaa!!~ And is okiiii~ It just sometimes happensss But thank you so much for your kind wordsss! (´ U `ʃƪ) It fills me with determination! ᕦ(ò v óˇ)ᕤ