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Dropboxes have returned!~ Sorry about that y'all! T      o   T/

To avoid that kind of thing from happening in the near future, I'm keeping Cana's folder on my Google Drive for the time being~ In August 2021's dropbox, there is a .txt file containing the link to that GD folder. On her post here on Patreon, the link to the GD is also at the bottom of the description~
Sorry if this inconveniences any of ya with the extra steps Dx I guess it's just another reason I won't be doing this many variants in the future aha~

Anyways, back to it! (  ง ò           ω     ó)ง



More like dropkicked to the face. >﹏< Sorry this happened!


Well on the plus side, this just further shows how popular your art continues to be! Looks like Dropbox never saw that coming!


That sucks. The biggest poll winner is what crashes your account. Hope it gets back up


Just think of it like dropbox telling you that you're popular and successful!


Seems like Dropbox really doesn’t like big file sizes 😏


Generated too much traffic after that last amazing pic, suffering from success. Send help XD


You could also try using Drive


Is traffic the amount of different people accessing a file, or is it the amount and size of files downloading? I dont see anyone complain of Google Drive.

Bryan Holland

Well you're doing great recently and I'm pretty sure that the website won't let you because of file space or too much memory space but that doesn't mean a website shouldn't do that you're an amazing artist don't let anyone get you down and never give up hope.

Joe Dover (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-10 14:14:31 Stinky little Dropbox, they’re obviously doing this to tease you >:(
2021-11-10 01:20:41 Stinky little Dropbox, they’re obviously doing this to tease you >:(

Stinky little Dropbox, they’re obviously doing this to tease you >:(


Mags has grown too powerful for Dropbox to handle. All jokes aside, it's a bummer this happened. Hopefully a workaround can be discovered in the future. Thanks for giving us the Google Drive link in the meantime!

MagnoliaDucky (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-27 03:08:02 The lil Dropbox dood is taking revenge for me teasing him >:0
2021-11-11 14:21:37 The lil Dropbox dood is taking revenge for me teasing him >:0

The lil Dropbox dood is taking revenge for me teasing him >:0


I believe it's the latter, which is why this happened now with Cana's massive folder haha~ I may consider Google Drive in the future, but I've already paid for more storage on Dropbox (where I haven't paid any extra for GD) so I wanna wait until I've used all the months I paid for before considering an alternative like GD T v T