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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand another WIP of something I been working on amidst all these other big projects bwaa T    v  T/

Last week I asked Honorary Omnivoyant to vote on one of the female protagonists from the mainline Pokemon gams (with some exceptions = v=/), because today is the 1-year anniversary of that great music video Pokemon did with 'Bump of Chicken' that I still love haha XPc and I wanted to draw the cute gril from the music video alongside one of the protags that also appeared in the vid~ X3c
...However in classic 'Magnolia poll' fashion, we ended up with a tie 😂 Both Serena and Hilda ended up at 37% in the end (althoughhh looking closer at the excel sheet with the results Serena actually had 76 votes vs Hilda's 75, but Pat still counted them both at 37% XD) So instead of running a quick tiebreaker I figured ehhhhh I'll just draw them both~ (/ 。         ◁゚)/ But also for that reason it's taken me much longer to get the draw to this point cuz of the extra character T    v  T/ So I'm gonna have to leave it at flats for now while I get back to Suki and Cana, and a couple bday draws for September that are super duper lateeeee T         U     T
o boi i hav lots of draws waiting on shading now T        v    T Gonna be a good when I get them all finished up thooooo~

Anywaysss, that surprise poll was kinda fun~ XP Think I'ma consider doing more impromptu thingies like that every now and then :3c
But for now I need to slep a bit =         v     =7 rest up before getting back to ittttt~


You can view the WIPs in the dropbox thru hereeee~ X3c




Serena and Hilda look so perfect in your style, and it’s so nice to see some DID art of the music video girl! Really looking forward to the finished product!


Didn’t expect to see horny art on the female mc from the MV but here we are


Both of the best MC girls in the same pic is rad.


They look wonderful, Mags! And the impromptu poll was a fun idea. :) If you felt like doing that sort of thing again, I know that I certainly wouldn't complain!


looking forward to a ballgag ver😘


OH, this is a very welcome surprise! Hilda's one of my faves, too! X3


great, now everytime i see this pic, or to be more precise, the girl from the music vid, i get mad that there isn't more of it-_- thx magnolia for ruining my day-_-


mmmm, gotta catch em all you know! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


Well they never specified catch em all only applied to Pokémon.


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Same here haha!~ Hilda's actually the first pokegril I drew and posted to DA back in 2016 (before I had it removed cuz of DA's policies aha but it's still on pixiv)


I remember that pic! One of the first arts of yours I saw (first was Yang, hehe), in fact!