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Another one of the multiple draws I've been working on over the past couple weeks aha T    v T/

My friend Grandiflora suggested some grils from Symphogear in the suggestion box a long time ago X3c And I've had this one idea for forever that I was trying to find a good character to put in, and I eventually landed on Chris Yukine here hehehe~

The aforementioned idea came from a day a whiiiiiile back when I tried unlocking my iPad with Face ID while I was still had my mask on, and lo and behold it didn't work haha = v=/ So! I thought what if a damsel was trying to unlock their phone with Face ID too but couldn't cuz they had a gug that covered half of their face?~ >:3c And what if they start getting so frustrated that they end up making a lot of noise trying to get it to work? >      v  >/ hehehehe
Seemed like a fun scenario to draw, and so far it's been really fun indeed! XDc
But anyways yeee XP That's the story behind this WIP! (/ 。         ◁゚)/

Got more draws in the works that I'm really gunning to hav all finished over the weekend hopefully T      v  T/ But hope y'all enjoy these Chris WIPs and the Rise & Kanami WIPs from yesterday in the meantime!~ 


You can view all those WIPs in the dropbox belowww:





Yessss, Symphogear!




It's super cuuute!


Good gosh just when I think you can put out more awesome projects...you just do!!! What the heck Mag!!! Why are you spoiling us so much?! The clothing detail is so sexy its honestly out of this world...And the variants?! This is...so awesome~💕 It’s looking absolutely adorable so far, love love love those gags and that heavy blush 🥰 (But Mag this is soooo much goodness in such a short time!!! Don’t burn yourself out okie~!)


Love to see a Symphogear girl from you! And the gag preventing her face ID from working is such a cute touch!


Now I’m even more curious what Suki will get.


Gotta love myself some much needed Symphogear content. Helps that its near my favourite anime full stop.


“they had a gug” Lmao that typo made laugh.


Symphogear! Now that's an uncommon one! What a treat. :) I'm loving seeing these surprise suggestion box draws, Mags! You're spoiling us quite a bit lately.


Something fun about a phone getting snatched away. And not a gug!! 0-0


Angry damsel, a trunk, a nice gag, boobas... Hooray! O v o It looks absolutely gorgeous! Keep them surprise comin' our way! You just keep blessing us Mag >:3c


Such a 300 IQ move! I think the idea was brilliant in its inception and application here! The drawings as oh so YUMMY! I would offer some Sympathy for our Symphogear but I SymplyCant! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) This is too good!

willl sargent

Very cute idea! Let me guess, the mask you were wearing was to cover your gag right? So what did your mask/gag look like?


She looks cute, but I can’t help but notice she looks similar to addie


i love this idea! secured by her own security measures.


I still love this so much, and I love how you edited in the OVA Chris there in the corner! Perfection~


YES! Been itching to see a Symphogear draw ever since Chris and Hibiki showed up on the polls! X3 Such a fun concept too!!!


T v T/ aha thank ye Imotaaa!~ I wanted to draw a few things that I wanted to do after the big beach draws X3c I'll try not to burn myself outttt ; U ;7


Haha I can't say 'gag' in the description of my posts otherwise Patreon gives a pop-up notice about potentially breaking community guidelines XP (They might be assuming a post is something more sexual based on certain keywords lol)


Ah thank ye!~ X3c I often like to do the more surprising posts when I'm able to XP hehe


It was just a normal mask I wore when going out = w =/ Not everything I do has to be bondage-related lol


(☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Hehehe I remembered I had the OVA Chris png saved just before I made that image XP And wooooo thank ye Flip!~ (/ 。 ◁゚)/

MagnoliaDucky (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-08 20:02:25 Hehe thank yee!~ X3c Symphogear grils have been on my radar for a whileee >:3
2021-09-05 02:27:33 Hehe thank yee!~ X3c Symphogear grils have been on my radar for a whileee >:3

Hehe thank yee!~ X3c Symphogear grils have been on my radar for a whileee >:3

willl sargent

Sorry, I was joking around, I thought it would be funny in the context of the picture and story behind it, but I guess I over stepped my bounds, so I won't make any more jokes


Ahh it’s always hard for me to tell when someone’s joking just with text T vT/ Is why I like to use emotes all the time aha And I always knew u as the guy who really likes masks so I just assumed u were being serious T v T

willl sargent

Well,thats good to know, but I don't understand Emotes, I don't like masks as much as I used too thanks to Covid, and it seems like everything I say just misses the mark now, so I'm not going to say as much.