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T                  v         T Lots of draws ready for shading now huuuu hope to make good progress here on stuff soon~

So I was gonna hav these all ready earlier today but after I posted the WIPs for the last Erina page, I laid down for a lil nap... which ended up turning into a 7 hour one =                v         =
But anyways! Im hungry now aha T  w T Food time then gonna do some more work before I slep again XPc


All WIPs can be seen in April's dropbox~~~





Groooopes! 0u0 Always love seeing 'em. Awesome work Mags 💪


How come you don’t do nude alts for fan polls


Kallen's finished draws will hav nood alts~ She's been depicted in her own show topless and nood before so I was oki with portraying her that way heree


Hard to pass up a drink when it is serve by such a cute bunbun! ੧|‾́︶ ‾́ |੭ Another stunning piece Mag :3c


It looks great! The more alts, the better. Will there be some "nood" gropes on the finished product? Looking forward to the completion.

Purple Paradox

Gotta be honest, bunny girls are def one of my favorite things, so seeing you draw another adorable one in ropes in just perfect! And that ball gag is the cherry on top!


Hehe~ bunny~


Oh my, a rare nood appears! Excellent work as always, Mags. I've said it before, but pretty much every character out there looks wonderful in your style. Between you and Ryner posting Code Geas stuff, I may need to actually go back and finish the show!

Imota (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-04 19:32:51 It just keeps getting betterrrrrrrr~💕 It was perfect sketched but your creative process is absolutely lovely to watch unfold >////< Can’t wait to see this bunny gal all finished up 💘 Perfect job Magnolia!
2021-08-01 21:54:32 It just keeps getting betterrrrrrrr~💕 It was perfect sketched but your creative process is absolutely lovely to watch unfold >////< Can’t wait to see this bunny gal all finished up 💘 Perfect job Magnolia!

It just keeps getting betterrrrrrrr~💕 It was perfect sketched but your creative process is absolutely lovely to watch unfold >////< Can’t wait to see this bunny gal all finished up 💘 Perfect job Magnolia!


Haha I noticed he also posted Geass stuffs recently too!~ XPc I still haven't watched any of it yet T v T And thank ye!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞


This might be lines and flats but there sure isn't anything flat here! hue hue hue hue hue hue hue hue hue hue! Wonderous work as always, MagMag!