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Ahoi y'all!~ T v T7 So, so far this month I've been trying to take it a lil easier to see some friends for the first time in over a year and catch up on some gams (also part of the reason I made July a freebie month for June patrons T v T/), but I've still been busy with arts in the meantime! (  ง ò           ω   ó)ง

One of the projects I've been trying to catch up on is the Erina Nakiri bonus comic thingy XP Got some cleaner lines and flat colors added now toooo~ And they'll all hav speech bubbs and dialogue in the finished product haha so the whole scenario will make a bit more sense by then XPc

Lines and flats for the next pages will be coming throughout the rest of July while I work on other stuffs tooo~ Got other things to catch up on and also another bday draw that I'll probably end up being a little late on also... T U T I'm so bad

Anywayssss see y'all again soon~ ( 。 ▽ ゚)7


Dropbox with sketches for all pages and current lines/flat color WIPs is thru herrrre:





Amazing job as Always Mag! =v=b I hope you aren't putting too much stress on your hand! You need it to draw your wittle potatos T v T7

Purple Paradox

Looks great Mag! Don't worry about it taking a while, I know I'll love it all the same, no matter how long it takes!


T v T7 Thank yeeee~ I actually picked up a book recently with lots of good stretches and advice for artists so yee I've been trying to take care of myself and my hand for suuuure T vT


Always wonderous work and that's always awesome when friends pop on over to chill and have a good time with! You best relax and don't make me come over there coz I won't! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


T v T7 ahhhh thank ye Dio!~ Haha and yeee I didnt see those friendos for a very long time T U T