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Howdy y'all!~ ( ㅇ        ω ꒪)7
First of all, sorry for what appears to be a pretty slow start to April so far T    o  T/ Especially to Omnivoyant Supporters bwaaa
Other than those Addie Easter doodles, pretty much all of my attention lately has been going towards finishing up the final parts of the OmniV story chapter's text and draws~ 

Which brings me to my first thingy~ The OmniV epilogue is pretty much done! (\ ᐛ )/ I just have some more polishing and stuff I wanna do to these last two draws first and then it's all set! We're still on schedule for the Saturday releases, so OmniV Companions and Honoraries keep an eye out tomorrow and the following Saturday!~
I can't wait for y'all to finally meet the newest main gril later tomorrow \T           U      T/ Been waiting for years to finally reveal her ahhhh!!
After I wrap up these OmniV story draws, then I can refocus on the bondage draws I need to get doneeee ( ง ò          0   ó)ง

Next, the Wheel/Poll hybrid for this month is set to start up this weekend too!~ After I put all the character submissions I got through the rng wheel, I'll post the screen recording showing the ten choices and then voting for Companions and Honoraries will start soon after~
Apologies again for the delayed start on this, I was so focused on the OmniV stuffff T   o T/

And finally, with this OmniV chapter coming to a close soon, I just wanted to give a big big thank you to all 'o y'all who've shown such great interest in and support for the OmniV characters, story, and/or world ;    v  ;/ Whether they're drawn tied or not, it makes me so happy that there are so many of ya who enjoy seeing these characters of mine /;          U      ;\ I love them so much, and I'm glad y'all do too~ Thank you so very much for your interest, respect, and support!!
On to the next steps of their journey! :D

Aaaand I think that's it!~ I'm set to get my arm poked tomorrow too which is ramping up my anxiety a bit (I never completely got over my fear of needles from when I was a kid 💉XP haha) but after that I can focus fully on these weekend activities! (/ 。       ◁゚)/ Woo!!

See y'all again soon!~



Nice! :D Ofcourse we love em Mag, you put so much thought and effort into giving them quirky personalities! I think your OCs are my favorites out of anyone period. I said it before and I'll say again, you could swap to drawing them full time and I wouldn't complain one bit ;)


Oooooh new OC?! Hope the jab goes alright btw!

Purple Paradox

I'm sure the poke will go fine Mag! As long as it isn't your drawing arm hehe Can't wait for the next part of the OmniV story epilogue, as well as the poll! Hopefully Venin got through the wheel... And I wonder; will these new gril get an AMA, like Chai and the others? It would be pretty interesting to have her views on some things in Fasma, so hopefully that's the case!

willl sargent

I've had mine and you feel next to nothing, Its NOTHING compared to other shots I've have , and I've had a lot. You'll be fine. Plus you won't have to wear a mask anymore!


Your characters are amazing mags! I'm glad to be able to support such a talented and kind individual. And I hope your poke goes okay too! Im sure you'll do great :D Cheers and thanks for the update!


Can’t wait to see what the future holds! Because the past, has held nothing but awesomeness~ I’m glad to hear your OCs are getting the love they deserve, and that a “new” OC (for us) is just around the corner! I’d say April is going fantastic, thanks to you Magnolia 💕


Yeeeee new gril!~ (/ 。 ◁゚)/ And the jab went great! Barely even felt it :3c But today my arm felt really sore baha T v T/


Haha yeee I went with my non-drawing arm for sure XPP And yupyup I plan to give her an AMA too! :3


Ahh thanks flargo!! ; u ;/ And yeee the poke yesterday went well! :3 Just have one more poke in a month T v T/ haha


Awww, thanks for your continued progression into your wonderful world too, Maggie! Believe it or not, it's nice to take a break from all the lewdness and just engulf in a wonderful story, despite having bondage or not. ╰(*°▽°*)╯ Hope you do what is NEEDle here. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) ...WAAAAAA, stahp! BAD PUN! I GET IT!!!