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Bwaaaaa my hand needs a break T       U     T
But anyways, all pages of Erina's bonus comic thingy are finally sketched out! ;    w  ; Time for some slep~ _(            _ =       ω  =)_

(As mentioned before, things'll make more sense in the scenario once I add dialogue later on of course X3 Also, I decided to go with the hairstyle of hers that's a lil longer than  her  original appearance too XP I almost went with the hairstyle she has when she's 18 (short hair), but I like this hairstyle for her better. I tried to show a bit of an age-up on her as well tho~)


You can view the sketchies and rough sketchiez for all pages in this month's dropbox:




Meat is served ԅ(¯ v ¯ԅ)


This is absolutely FANTASTIC! Go take a break Mag because this is just...wow! Excellent WiP, it’s seriously awesome seeing the process of it coming together...


Ok you definitely need a three or four day break


Judging from that splendid workmanship from the tie alone, you definitely need a few days break! Have some spaghet and some meatball(gag)! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


You've been working hard, and it shows! These look fantastic even just as sketches. Take a break, Mags. As always, this will be worth the wait.