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Holy moly :0 We have a new record for most votes in a monthly fan art poll!! :O Beating the previous record holder, Aqua from KonoSuba, by a whopping 30 votes... o          0      o I'm blown away. Thank you for voting everyone!~ And without further ado-

Rin Tohsaka is our first winner of 2021! Her scenario will be a sequel to the draw I did of her back in August 2019~

Next month, I'm thinking of having the poll theme once again be pairings (to go with Valentine's haha~) I just can't do something huge like what I did for Kaguya/Chika last year or I'll risk falling very behind again T      v T/ But anyways, yee~


Also! Just wanted to give a very quick update on this past week~
It was pretty slow for me productivity-wise to be honest Dx Especially later in the week when something came to my attention that totally drained me emotionally and mentally... But still, I'm trying to move past it and get this series of sketches ready for y'all by the end of the weekend or Monday~ :0
So ye, sorry about the lack of new stuff this week y'all! Dx It's cominggg~



Purple Paradox

Don't worry about being slow Mag! We'll love whatever you put out, whenever you put it out!


Normally, I would be salty that #TeamBernadetta lost yet again. But this is Rin Tohsaka, and I like Rin. Far as I'm concern, this is a big win for everybody.


Rin surely is popular. If you need inspiration I think she always keeps some magic gems hidden for emergency. Since it’s a sequence, maybe she gets caught playing with her gems so they taped her hands and added more ropes and gags on her? Of course, this is just brainstorming, whatever you find fit the scenario. Also, best wishes to whatever you are dealing with. I think a lot of people here support you and can understand the stress for popping out high quality content continuously.


122? BUT WHO WAS PHONE???? Had to swing by Magtreon to offer stupid puns but wanted to also hope you're doing ok. We care about you a lot MagMag. Thank you for always giving us something to look forward to and for being a great person!


I’m sorry you feel emotional drained hope you feel better.


I know what came up and did this to you and I have to say that it was pretty disturbing when I saw it aswell. Unfortunately things like this happens when you get popular =( . If you need to talk about it, we're here for you Mag <3


I don't know what happened that drained you, Mags, but I hope everything is okay. If you need to take a break or a breather, do so. We'll understand and we'll be patient. And if you ever need to talk/vent to someone, just say so.


If It is what I think it is that’s got you down, then ouch… Not again. Don’t worry about the slow productivity Mags. We don’t mind the wait for the quality works. (Side note: First time triple digits in vote? (」゜ロ゜))


Hope you feel better soon take your time I'm sure it takes time to make wonderful art


Oh well. If my suggestion didn’t win, I’m glad Rin did. I guess I’ll have to try again.

Joe Dover

Okay, first YAY TSUNDERE QUEEN WON!!! ٩( ᐛ )و But most importantly, If you’re unmotivated for any reason, the worst thing to do is to push forward unnecessarily, take time off to do anything else. It’s obvious you take pride and love in the work you do, so don’t extinguish that passion that fires up your engine. I’ve seen that happen, and it’s one of the most pitiful things I have seen. I will apologize if any of what I’ve said before has pressured you to strive better and push yourself more than it already has. We love and will cheer you on till the end times! ٩(^‿^)۶ (My advice to stay motivated if you really need to (not scientifically proven or anything): buy some V-8 Sparkling Energy drinks (it’s essentially energy drinks minus the nasty Taurine taste you find in Red Bull or Monster; it tastes pleasant and is a natural source of energy so you won’t crash) it helped me do my schoolwork when I really wasn’t motivated enough to do lol)


Aha thank you very much!! ; v ;/ And I've been drinking gfuel lately cuz I like some of the flavors they hav XP But V-8 is probably the healthier choice hahaha