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During this crazy week of insane and stressful events irl, I needed to indulge myself and draw something I wanted to do... T     0   T So I went ahead and sketched parts 6-7 for this bonding experience between Chai and Leuedai~ The videoshoot continuessss... and things are heating up! >:3c (tbh I think Chai is starting to become my drawing comfort character XP haha)

This scenario is only available to you Honorary OmniV, so I hope y'all continue to enjoi!~ (ㅇ ▽꒪)/
There are still more parts planned of course ;3 But I gotta make some progress on these other projects first tho woo! ( ง ò           0   ó)ง


This post has been updated :0 Click here to view the updated post! https://www.patreon.com/posts/wip-chai-leuedai-57268337




Ohmigoshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! These are just too dang much!!! >/////< These are absolutely adorable~ Leuedai being all speechless (in more ways than one) and Chai well ya know being Chai, is just too much cuteness for me to handle!!! Bravo Magnolia! This is the first drawing I’ve turned absolutely tomato-red from just seeing how well executed it is~ (That dialogue is just...wow)


I think we all benefit from a little indulging in these times, and this is some really good work :o Love these latest two even more then the previous parts~


Quite the interesting story to it so far and can't wait to see where this little story goes!

Joe Dover

Spicy 030


Really like this one 👍

Purple Paradox

I hope you're alright with your irl stuff! Glad you could find the time to relax and get a bit of Chai-dai done! (That's the name I came up with for Chai and Leuedai when they're working together XD)


"Chai is starting to become my drawing comfort character " I might sound like a broken record but I think she's becoming my comfort character as well heh


I do really love this series. And I also totally understand the need to unwind after the...events of this week. This is definitely a time where a bit of self-indulgence is needed. And Chai is great. The more we get of her, the better (like all your gals). :3


Oh geez, sorry to hear about the stressful week. I hope things are ok for you! It's always good to relax with some cute OCs who are always willing to entertain with a private bondage session :)


; v ;/ Ahhaha thanks Imota!!!!!~ I'm happy these draws could have that effect on you! XPc hehe


T U T/ Ah thank ya!~ I'm liking these draws tooooo X3c I had fun doing these last two parts too T w T just what I needed aha~


Loving the story can't wait to see what next absolutely love Chai


Your art is the pinnacle of cuteness, it's been a blessing to see you evolve over the years and cant wait to see more to come ! O w O btw, Leu looks so frickin cute in that hoodie O.o


Awesome folder and comic and I really do like the hem design of her jacket