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Ohoho what have we here~? >     v  > I guess it wasn't the OmniV grils who captured Leu after all. Seems that Leu's true captors took advantage of the work she did on all the other OmniV grils and easily rounded them up together here~ ;3c

Addie is visibly annoyed that Leu's shenanigans landed them all in this situation, and Hiromi's being treated rather cruelly by one of their captors :0

Better watch out for the lil crabs on this beach too ;P They seem to be curious lil guys hehe

And this is why I ended up spending so much time on sketches last week T     v  T Haha lots to draw in this scenariooo~ But I'm finally pretty happy with how it's all turning out now!

This is also the first time we're seeing the Kuro grils in swimsuits too X3c A lil something outside of their usual suits~

(Also a note to Companions and Honoraries: plz don't spoil anything about OmniV story events in the comments below XP thank ye~)

Anyways, I will definitely return to finish these beach draws (and maybe add fun dialogue and such) at a later date~ I hav fan art poll draws and other stuffs to wrap up here too X3c


All sketchies for this part can be seen in November's Dropbox!~ >:3c

(P.S. This is still probably the closest I'll get to full nudity with my grils XP Like with the Halloween 2019 and Valentine's Day 2020 draws, there'll always be something conveniently covering any naughty bits~ Ella and Hana are still off limits from this lewd stuff tho X0 )




Holy cow I love these and I can't wait to see the finished product




Holy crap. Incredible. Cross is still my best girl and so looks so cute!!!

willl sargent

WOW. I say again WOW. Just as the weather gets cold here in VT you heat things back up! Its been a tough ass year, and you really help us keep going! Thank you for everything you do.


Magnolia I just want to sincerely say you’ve absolutely out done yourself. Every single time I think I might have a new favorite you instantly out do yourself, and quite honestly, it’s incredibly astounding. I love how much care you put into everything you do, and it always shows how hard you work! This draw completely subverted my expectations in this best way possible! I also think it’s important I say, I really appreciate that you take it easy on your OCs~ I find myself feeling really bad for Hiromi, Ella, and Hana considering how well you’ve flushed out their narratives, but then I remember these fun annual draws aren’t necessarily canonical soooo now I don’t feel as bad seeing a bunch of wholesome gals bundled up in rope! And Leu and Addie kinda always have it comin to them~ Your storytelling and art frequency really makes me eager to improve, and eventually write my stories I’ve been sitting on. It’s always so inspiring to see your artistic process, and know that I could eventually progress like that~ And regarding the pics themselves, gosh they’re sooooo gooooood! I love everything about them (once I remember the grils aren’t in actual peril) and I just love the choice of binds and expression! A flustered Addie, a lewd Leu, an angry Hiromi, and a pair of embarrassed Hana, and Ella... And the villain introduction is absolutely delightful~ can’t wait to see the possible speech bubsssss! And it’s totally appreciated that you don’t do full nudity, cuz that’s never really fun in unwilling scenarios. Overall Magnolia, I’m just a broken record, but everything I say, I mean! Another perfect pic from you is nothing new, but always loved~ You never cease to be awesome (*´꒳`*)


Your art is truly amazing! Your character design is outstanding tbh, there arent one I dislike even a little bit, even though Hiromi is my favorite :3c. You honor us, Mag-sama O7 PS : Ella lookin' ella cute hehe X3


The ladies are all so absolute beautiful in this all of them. The scared look on leu’s face now makes sense and I don’t think that crab next to Ella agrees with you on not lewding Ella.


Well son of a beach, it’s the kuro girls! Who may I say can rock some sunglasses (rineke can also wear a good eyepatch)


Holy hell I am deceased. This is amazing. Way to make my week haha


Hooooo boy. I am VERY excited to see all these colored!

Purple Paradox

I love the little details in this!! Cross's water gun making the lil 'squeak squeak' noise like she's racking the pump of a shotgun, all 3 of the Kuro's little badges, Banshee taking Hiromi’s top because they're arch enemies... it's perfect! And Cross looks HELLA cute in a one-piece! I wonder, can she swim at all? The floaties suggest otherwise! Can wait to see it all coloured!!


W o W ❤️💞💖💕💓❣️💗💟 I love Hiromi and how... !! No, Banshee!! Wait, it's not a spoiler!! Magnolia won't...!! Mmmmph!! Mmmph!! ❤️💞💖💕💓❣️💗💟


Every time I think I saw your best, you go even further beyond, not only do we have our 5 beach beauties bound up at once, we also get a sexy batch beach baddies, wonderful work as usual.




That crafty Leu. We get a double surprise with both the OmniV girls and the Kuro girls in a cute scenario. This is quite the piece Mags. Plus, the whole thing with Rin makes me chuckle.


Excellent work as always 😁👍


So. much. CUTEEE


It's all fun and games....that's it. It's all fun and games! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


Hehe thanksss!~ X3c Definitely wanted to depict Cross kinda doing her own thing on the side XP


Finally getting around to replying to this comment ; v ;/ Thank you so much Imota!!! I'm glad folks are liking the progress on this draw so far!~ I worked really hard on these sketches aha T U T And I'm so glad my works are helping to inspire others too! ; V ; It's one of my biggest hopes that I can help growing artists like many others have done for me not too long ago!~


XP hehe her water gun is inspired by those I grew up with with my siblings X3c those pump ones to build pressure in the gun to squirt the water hehehe~ And thank yaaaa! And the floaties are mostly to emphasize how she's like the kid out of everyone X3c hehe


Hi, suuuuper late, but um, amazing pic, a few questions though... Genuinely curious: 1) what's so wrong with nipples? 2) why the two on the right exempt from lewdliness? 3) where can I read more about this rival team of 3?


Hiya and thank you!~ X3 So to answer your questions real quick: 1) Nothing's really wrong with nipples haha XP I've drawn some in the past actually, but I'm just not too keen on having full nudity with my own OCs. Just a personal decision since they're also part of a story I'm doing that doesn't focus exclusively on bondage~ As for nudity with other characters, I only do it sparingly for Patreon-only, and only if the character in question is mature enough/from a series for mature audiences~ All just personal decisions of mine right now aha maybe they'll change as I keep goin'! 2) Another personal decision~ Ella and Hana are the two youngest and most innocent of my characters (18-19 years old), and I want to keep their image more on the 'cute' side than on the 'lewd/hot' side the others are more a part of~ 3) The Kuro girls (Cross/Rineke, Banshee/Deirdre, and Fox/Reyna) are all part of my story world as well~ More information on it and characters are all in my Deviantart gallery! They all appear in the current chapter up for $7 patrons as well


Wow, I was not optimistic about getting any response on such a late post, but that was very thorough, thank you! Very well-explained, too. Since I rarely comment on anything on Patreon, I guess I might as well use this as an opportunity to unload one more long-running compliment, even if it doesn't really apply to this piece: dialogue on bondage pics is a slippery slope, but you always do a great job on it, it's always very fitting for the characters involved, and sometimes genuinely witty.


Haha I try to keep tabs on comments and such, but sometimes some fall through the cracks~ I did manage to catch this one tho! Ah and thank you!!! :D I try to do some decent research into the characters I'm drawing to get 'em as close to their normal personas as possible~ But most of all I try to have fun with the dialogue haha! I'm glad you're enjoying them thus far!