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In a battle of the past runner-ups, Erza Scarlet pulled ahead and is our final winner of 2020~ X3c
She was runner-up a couple times in the past in different outfits, so a follow-up poll will start soon to determine which outfit she will be in and what her scenario will be~
Thanks everyone for voting!


Also! Sorry for the lack of new art posts this past week y'all T    o  T/ Been doing quite a bit of sketching but these aren't really that presentable at the mo'~ Plus I had a few setbacks while doing these draws too T    ~  T/ But once these sketchie wips are done, I'll post 'em up here and finally get back to finishing Yoko \T        0     T/ Lots of concurrent draws I'm working on uwa got plenty to catchup on!! >:0

Speaking of which, just wanted to remind everyone that I'm pausing the auto-billing cycle for next month to catchup on stuffs, so if you're still pledged through the end of November, December will come atcha for freeee~
But if you upgrade to a higher tier during December, it'll still charge ya for the difference~ Plus any new pledges will still be charged as normal, so be sure to stay pledged thru the end of November so ya won't have to pay for December :0
I'll make another post to remind y'all about this one more time before November ends~

Anyways, that's about all I got for now :3 Gonna get back to work aha see y'all again soon!




Take your time. I don't want to rush perfection. 🤗 Magnolia's Erza is the best Erza!!! ❤️💞💖💕💓❣️💗💟


Yes! I really want to see your take on Erza :O




Don’t ever feel sorry for something you couldn’t stop. Art software crashing is never fun! So don’t beat yourself up over that. I’ll speak for myself and say, waiting a bit for something extraordinary is so super worth it, especially when it’s from you! So I’m glad to say I’m eagerly looking forward to Erza!