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Hey y'alll~!

As I mentioned in the update I made last month, November's fan art poll will be the last for 2020 since I'm pausing the billing cycle for December and catching up on projects~ So I want to hear from y'all any ideas you may wanna see for the final poll that'll close out the year! 

Any specific theme ideas? Should I do theme-less? Should I do something wacky like making the gril in fifth place at the end be the winner? Should I do two polls starting with voting on a series, then voting on a gril from the winning series? Any other ideas?
I wanna hear from y'all~ X3c 

So comment below what y'all are thinkin' and I'll go through and consider each one before I start any fan art poll stuffs for November~ Thanks y'all! :D



The series thingie interests me


How about a Idol or mature/Onee chan theme


I’m gonna go again with fancy long dress since I didn’t win last time ;)

Spelt Wrong, but right.

How about brown skinned beauties. Tanned, colored, different skin color than white.


Losers round. All second and/or third places go at it in a poll.


Maybe more characters from western media. Otherwise I would suggest theme-less.

Purple Paradox

Maybe... people's own OCs? Like a few months back


I’d recommend goin plain! Nothing too complicated considering all the other work you’re doin~ (But if I had to pick it would be the comment above me >3<)

Joe Dover

I got plenty of dumb ideas Like for example: any character from novels/books Minor characters from major franchises Historical figures only Or yeah, just go theme-less like the populous wants lol


Id say either just go basic.... oooorrrr new years themed, or swordswomen, or voting between wich of your OC get into a spot of bondage trouble?


I like the idea of series, then girl from selected series. It might help narrow the pool a bit and make people feel less overshadowed when the gals are all part of the same franchise.


vote on one of the outfits of Djeeta from Granblue Fantasy. there's like 30 to choose from

Prime Meima

How about doing a group of four girls that follows the nature of main elements? (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind). They could have hair, color, outfit or power that fits into those elements, and other element related things. Since this is the final poll of 2020, I thought maybe you could try something different.


My brain at 3am decided on this: Does Magnolia get to the cake in time? Have a yes/no poll. If yes, Mag gets cake with visible ropes around her indicating she's freed. If no, welp, MagMag stares longingly at cake while bound/gagged. So close yet so far... Let's face it...I'm just CAKErazy about the idea! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


While doing something different would be fun, making the fan poll draw four times the workload may be a bit too much for me to handle tbh ^^;;; I want to try to catch up on existing projects after all eheh


Monster girls or girls with animal traits