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^This gif doesn't work on the Patreon app grr... =       v   =/ You can see a static jpg version attached below tho~

The results are in!~ X3c And as we can see, Aqua is VERY excited to have been voted the winner of October's poll! (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ hehehe~
Thanks everyone for voting!


I've been pushing through to get these next OmniV story parts ready, and the good news is Companions and Honoraries won't have to wait that much longer for more parts woo! (/。  ◁゚)/
I'm lookin' to get Yoko worked on here very soon as well~ Got plenty to keep me busy that's for sure! XPc aha




oh dang, I just assumed Lucina had it in the bag; what a twist! :P


Aqua beat Rem? A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one~


I ain't even mad that Bernadetta lost again. Aqua is precious and needs the Magnolia treatment.


Can't argue with the results! Aqua must be protecc and the best way to do that is with rope and tape and other...secured ways! (¬‿¬) Btw, the gif does animate on the iPhone's Patreon app. One can see Aqua's cute but stereotypical behavior. :D