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Oki doke! Getting close to finally getting Ty Lee finished up huu T    v  T/

Some colors are subject to change a lil bit as I get into shading of course X3 especially in the background aha
But ye! Might take a smol nap and then try to push through and get her finished up! X3c I uh... didn't slep again last night O       w    o haha woopssssssee y'all again soon!~ XP


All WIPs can be seen in last month's dropbox~



Purple Paradox

Ooooh that toe-tie! Great work Mag! NOW SLEP

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Hope you get some nice ZZZ’s for your well-being. Fun fact, I love how you write speech bubbles, makes me believe you love this more than before. You are an amazing artist and I’m glad to be a supporter of you.


always enjoy the little face in the box. the bound and gagged ty lee is just a nice bonus 8D