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Phewwww oki dokey XP

I've spent a good amount of time on these for now so here's where we're at! :3
Wanted to do more experimenting with the panels to try to make 'em a lil more interesting, which took a while to get down aha T     v  T/ But research is all part of it!~ :P
Plus, I decided to go with the hairstyle of hers that's a lil longer than her original appearance too XP I almost went with the hairstyle she has when she's 18, but I like this type of hair for her better (and I feel like y'all do too XP) and I tried to show a bit of an age-up on her as well~
Also... I need to learn how to draw food T      w   T haha!

Things'll make more sense when I add dialogue later on of course X3 And I'll most likely still do some edits and changes as I get back to these later~
Pages 3 and 4 will really get into the 'meat' of this scenario, which is the one y'all voted for a while back >:3c but I will continue work on them in Septemberrr~ 

But now it's break time for food and then maybe a spot of doodlin' afterwards :3c Rest of the week will be spent on 2B yeeee~


Sketches for the first two pages can be found here~




oooo this looks to be an interesting one fore sure! Can’t wait for the dialogue~ Even without it tho this is still suuuuuuper cute! Great job Mag! ( ^ω^ )


Oh WOW!!! So beautiful 😍


Hot damn! Mags you outdone yourself again


Going from the bound ladies to drawing food.....I wouldn't mind that change. If anything food wars has done it has make food look awesome XD


It looking cool so far. Great stuff Maggie. (/^▽^)/


This is so exciting, can’t wait to see the next 2 pages! Amazing job as always!


Ahaha right?? I was constantly getting hungry doing research for the draw and seeing food pics T v T/


Such an amazing drawing and I hope you were able to take care of being hungy lol


Thank ye Diooo!~ X3c And yesyes I took care of it then XP But now I'm hungy again aha T v T/