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Oh Leu~ What could she be so smug about...? >:3c

Sharing this smol sketch of Leu that's part of her pic pack scenario, like I did with Hana's a lil while back~ X3c We've seen Leu in her PJs in the past, which just comprises of her undies and some additional restraints~ ;3 haha! 

Sketches for Leu's pic pack are currently in the works for Honorary Omnivoyant! X3c My goal is to be done before the weekend~
The lewd alt for Leu is gonna be quite fun as well ;P baha

Also!! I should mention that I made some decent progress into Erina Nakiri's comic page thingy recently too!~ I expanded a bit on the scenario y'all voted for to give it a bit more narrative and make it fit more in line with Food Wars' world, and then got all the panels laid out and some rough sketches laid out too! :D And guess what I discovered~ Looks like it's gonna end up being like four pages long instead XD
Haha but I'm oki with that!~ XP Think of it as compensation for making y'all wait so long for it ;              w       ;/ But yee I plan on making more progress on that next week and will share updates with y'all as I work through it into the future! Just keep in mind it'll take me a while to finish it all up, since I'll be working on it intermittently with other things too X3c

So ye! Thanks y'all! (/ 。         ◁゚)/ Be back with more soooooon~




Oooo more pic packs ya love to see it <3 Seriously those pic packs of your OCs were some of my favourite things ever :D They're simple but elegant! Especially considering that I have a soft spot for bondage on bed scenarios!! As for the Erina comic, don't worry about it! I'd be more comfortable to know it's a side project than a primary one for you, since it'll take such a huge amount of effort. We truely don't deserve you ;-;

Purple Paradox

I bet Leuedai arranged the whole “tie me and my friends up in our sleep” shenanigans. It would explain the smugness at least XD Can’t wait to see the rest of the sketches! “/)”

Jeffrey Beam

Your stuffs really been helping me through this rough week mags, losing your jobs never easy but you’ve really brightened my week


Her smug aura movks me


Ho boy. I'm looking forward to both the smug Leu and the Erina piece! As always, your stuff is always worth the wait, so no rush!


holy moly Leu O///O

Bryan Holland

This is why i love leudai perfect for a damsel in distress i also left a suggestion for her in the box.


Leu is always there to make me smile when I’m down in the dumps...Glad to she she’s smilin too! Great job so far Mag! Can’t wait to see this finished 💕


; v ;/ aww thanks!~ Hehe I do plan to fully render them later on too but I'm glad folks are liking the sketchies of them so far! :D And yeeee I wanna try and keep the Erina stuff as a side project, so I'll definitely be spacing it out~ :P


Aww I'm really glad my stuff's been able to do that for ya! I'm sorry you've been going through all that crappiness too ; ~ ;/ Hope things start looking up soon!


I approve of Leu's choice in PJs. (¬‿¬) OH NO! FOUR PAGES LONG? HOW COULD YOU??? How could you be so generous that is!! This is so nice and amazing of you, Maggie!