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Looks like the cat got a lil stuck in the tree~ >        w   >/ hehehe

Been real busy the past few days working on Sinon here!~ X3c All that's left now is some lil tweaks to make I noticed and shading, but my hand needs a smol break XP So here are all the WIP stages for her so far! (/ 。         ◁゚)/ And like the Tifa draw, I have a handful of gug alts I'm doing for it too! :3 

Hoping to have this one done soon cuz I still have a lil more I wanna try to accomplish before July is up!~ X3c But for now, need food~ T         w    T/ haha!


These WIPs can all be seen in last month's dropbox~




I love the attention to detail with the lil character inside the dropbox logo I love it heh

Augusto Fernandoz

Oh nice not fan of Sinon but i love this design


Sinon was one of the first grils that made me LOVE blue hair...So seeing her in your style is a real treat...I love the binding choices and gags as usual but WOW ur goin fast Mag mode! Get slep! You too speedy! Oh and great job as usual~


Wanted to compliment you on this preview as well! You always do so magnificent with these. I really adore that cutie within the dropbox logo too ! ヾ(•ω•`)o


XP Hehe just a silly lil thing to make the dropbox logo more interesting!~ I'm glad folks like the lil guy tho! :P


Blue hair is definitely my favorite~ XP haha and I tryyyyy ; v ;/ Thank ye Imota!~ X3c


X3c hehe thank ya Diooo!~ And yeee the lil smiley always has a good time in the box! :D