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Chai thought you were looking to speak with her busy master and apologized that they weren't available at the moment D: Good thing that we wanna chat with her instead! :D
And she's gonna make us all tea too!~ :3c


Oki doki y'all! Chai's all set to take any questions now!~ :D
I'm gonna keep the AMA in the same style and format as I've done with all my other OCs on DeviantArt, so plz read the following:

Leave comments with questions below and Chai will be answering them later on! X3c Keep in mind that there are some things she may not be able to answer (due to potential spoilers to the OmniV story, not having a solid answer, etc.), in which case I can hop in for Chai :P
It's totally fine if you ask her questions as a character too~ Just remember she's here to answer questions, not to do an RP session and act stuff out with you XP I'll be serving as the AMA's moderator to make sure everything's adhering to da rulezz ò         ω  ó7

Not too sure how long I'll keep this AMA open for, so I guess I'll just play it by ear or somethin'! X3 Anyways, think that's all for now!~ Ask away! (/。    ◁゚)/

New note: Chai will answer your questions as if the AMA takes place before the next chapter XP Before she meets Ella and Co.~ (This'll help prevent any potential spoilers 'n such :P)
I'll allow for additional questions in the future after we finish this current chapter, to allow for deeper insight into her new relationships with the main cast~ :3c


AMA sketches, Character Sheet, and all other Chai-related draws so far can be found in this dropbox folder:




Well this is certainly new, so I guess I'll give it a shot. So, Chai, besides being their maid, what exactly is your relationship with the other OmniV girls (i.e., friends, rivals, love interests, etc.)?


What are you most afraid of? Inversely what is something you enjoy spending time doing the most?


Starting off really basic here, what is your favorite color? Food? Drink? Aaaand fav animal?


Hi! Tell me about your job! How did you get it? How long have you been a maid? What's your average day like? Most importantly, do you like being a maid?

Purple Paradox

Right then, Venin here wanted to ask you some questions, if you don't mind. Off you go! Venin: R-Right, so a big question I've been wondering ever since I heard about you is; is your boss - s-sorry, your master okay with you being an Omnivoyant? I mean, with all the bad rep Omnivoyant get nowadays, there must be some complications with work right? Or does she not mind? *gasp* Or even, have you not told her, and been doing a good job at hiding it? On a related note, have you had any bad run-ins with MAVRO? O-Only what you're comfortable with saying, of course. Oh! A-and plenty of sugar for my tea, please


Okay I've gotta ask, Chai, would you be complimented or insulted if I said the world needs more people like you? Such a bright cheerful lady like yourself just brightened my own day at even being able to ask you a question! :)


Why hello there Chai! A little birdy told me that you're an OmniV girl, and you bring your own ropes with you. Surely you're aware of how that could get you in a bit of bind, right? Pun intended heh.

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Chai was it? Does that bondage gear and harness come with the maid gear? Or is it an accessory that you added?


Julian: "Holy crap, you're cute! ... Um... Y-You want to go out on a date some time?" Cyrus: "Let's go, brother." *Grabs Julian by the ear and drags him away* "We need to, once again, discuss on your lack of subtlety on asking girls out." Julian: "Ow, ow, ow, OW!! Let go, Cyrus, it was an honest question!"


Kairi: "Uwah, you look so pretty! Where did you get that uniform? I want one too!" Ruby: "Maid Kairi, huh...? Why do I get this vision of pure destruction when thinking about it?" Caitlin: "Because it's Kairi we're talking about - the clumsiest girl we know?" Kairi: "I am not!" *Pouts* Ruby: "Y-Yeah, let's just leave the maid work to the capable people, okay?" Kairi: "Mou! You two are meanies! Instead of bullying me, you should ask Chai a question! You're making her wait~" Caitlin: "I prefer to learn more about my maidens when I'm tying them up though..." *Takes out a bundle of rope.* "How about it? Wanna play a game with me~?" Ruby: "Ugh, this girl..." *Turns to Chai* "Just ignore her for now. Let me ask you a normal question. Why did you decide to become a maid?"


Chai! What's *your* favourite thing to drink? :3


What was your first reaction to your powers?


Hello chai, I have some questions if you please: What’s Cassia like? When’s your birthday? Did you get your powers from your mother or father? Do like bondage?👀 What is your statement on MAVRO and have ran into them before? Do you know the limit of your powers? And finally how are you doing, how’s your day/ night been? You seem like a very lovey girl


Hi Chai! Thank you for the tea! What's your overall impression of the Omni girls? Has Leu hit on you yet? ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


Hey Chai! Where are you from and what are you favorite things to do from there?


Hi Chai! What are some hobbies you like to do when you some free time?


Heya Chai~ First off you have a beautiful name, but I’d being lying if I wasn’t curious about those cuffs on your wrists! But if you don’t wanna answer a hard hitting question I’ll ask some more light hearted ones... Do you have a favorite past time? What’s your favorite food or drink, if you have one? Do you have a best friend? And I’d love to know who your master is...although I do feel bad about asking because it’s not necessarily about you...But that’s up to you if you’re gonna answer!


(Note from Mag: I should've mentioned before but Chai'll be answering questions as if they take place before the next chapter, so Chai hasn't met Ella and Co. just yet uwa :0 Sorry about that!) "The other 'girls'? Oh I certainly have more than just girls in my little group of mates here :3 No rivals or love interests to my knowledge though!"


"I would say the thing I'm most frightened of is if anything were to happen to my master :( But I most definitely enjoy spending my time with her the most! ^ v ^"


"Let's seeee... my favorite color is probably in in the indigo range~ Favorite food is my mum's famous toffee pudding P: And favorite drink... I could always go for a nice cuppa! ^ w ^ And of course, my favorite animals are cats! :3"


"Ah I've been serving my master for years now! :] After she saved my life, I pledged myself to her service from then on, even though admittedly she never asked for it in the first place... ^ w ^ Being her maid brings me great joy!~ Most days I tend to my lady's abode if she is away, or I tend to her needs while she is here!"


"Ah but of course! My lady is ever supportive of the Omnivoyant's efforts against MAVRO, even indirectly assisting groups in other countries~ She does all she can from here! :] MAVRO isn't present here in Cassia actually! So I've personally never had any run-ins with 'em. And of course! :3 Take as much sugar as you like~"


"That's right! And I have my own Mark on my lower back to prove it too! X3c If you're worried about me having any run-ins with MAVRO, there's no need to worry here in Cassia! There's no MAVRO presence here :3 But cheers! I only bring these ropes with me for um... special occasions ^ w ^"


"Aww cheers!~ :] I actually made this myself! Here's your tea everyone! After our chinwag maybe we can have time for games later, yeah? :3c And I decided to become a maid to my master after she saved my life years ago!~ She may not have asked for my service, but it was what I wished, so she welcomed me with open arms! :D"


"Ahh I didn't realize my powers manifested when they did the first time! I was too excited about when I got my cat, Latte! :3 Both my parents mentioned my cat ears to me when they saw them, but I thought they were just having a laugh XP I got excited to learn about my gift when they brought me a mirror and told me more about it! :D"


"Cassia is a relatively peaceful place, especially for Omnivoyant to live because of a lack of MAVRO's presence. Plenty of mountainous views and beautiful fields to admire too!~ My birthday is in the last month of the year~ From what my parents told me, I got my powers from my mother! :] Yes I do~ 😌 MAVRO is certainly a dangerous organization that is causing more trouble than good. We're fortunate not to have their presence in Cassia. I've tried experimenting with my powers quite a bit, so I have a pretty good idea of what I'm capable of now :3 And things are pleasant at the mo'! :] Cheers!~"


(Note from Mag: I should've mentioned before but Chai'll be answering questions as if they take place before the next chapter, so Chai hasn't met Ella and Co. just yet uwa :0 Sorry about that Dioo!) "But of course, sweetness! :] Anything else you'd like to ask me?"


"Hello there! I'm from a country called Cassia, across the pond from Qhroma~ I definitely love doing some shopping around town! :3 I'm a pretty big fan of clothing and styles, so it's always fun to go lookin' around!"


"Hello, hello!~ Some of my hobbies include shopping around and making new outfits! :3 I'm a big fan of fashion actually~ X3"


"Aww cheers, sweetness! :3 And these cuffs are all part of this outfit I made! Stylish AND practical~ Hehehe Favorite pastime is probably going shopping around! :] Especially for clothes! I'm pretty big on fashion and designs so I'm always on the lookout!~ Favorite food is my mum's famous sticky toffee pudding :3 and favorite drink is tea of all sorts!~ I do have a bezzie! I'm sure you'll all meet her someday!~ And my master certainly likes to keep mum about herself, but I'm sure you'll all meet her someday too! Her name is Kyria; perhaps you've heard of her?~" (Note from Mag: Lady Kyria is very briefly mentioned in part 1 of the current OmniV story chapter :3c hehe)


Hello Chai I have other questions if you don’t mind. Do you know the limits of hot powers, like can you take the animalistic traits from fictional creatures? what Omnivoyant class are you? If you do mind answering, how did lady Kyria save you And when did your discover your bondage kink?


"I sure have tested the extent of my powers quite a bit!~ Traits from fictional creatures, like elf ears and dragon tails, I can totally do! Some alterations though, like turning my lower half into a snake, is too much for lil me to handle~ And 'Omnivoyant class'? I'm not too sure I understand~ :0" (Note from Mag: Chai has never had a run-in with MAVRO and thus doesn't have a class classification~) "Ah my lady saved me from getting mugged by some pillocks years ago. And I discovered my bondage kink when I was young! Watching old cartoons and such~ X3c"


Here’s a interesting question what are the things that you don’t like? Also world building question do your country and others one have religions of a belief system? ( This might be more of a Mag question, sorry!)


"Hmmmm well I'd definitely say I don't like when others mess with my friends >:0 That may be my biggest gripe!~ They can insult me all they want, but never my bezzie! And oh yes! The most prominent religion in the world has to do with the supposed origin of Omnivoyance, and has been around for a very very long time!" (Note from Mag: I briefly mentioned this ancient religion in the info sheet I have on deviantart XP But it's not a huge component to the story yet so I haven't gone much deeper into it :P)

willl sargent

So if your employer wanted quiet and said you had to work wearing a gag for the day, what would your reaction be?


"Oh she's much too kind to request such a thing XP But I wouldn't mind doing so regardless~ ;3c"

Bryan Holland

Do you like being bound and gagged? Because if a kidnnapper wants to kidnap you just so he can tie you up and gag you how would you react?


Aw, all questions are already asked... :( Chai is such a cutie. I'm eager to see her in action. <3