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So first of all, I just want to thank everyone for all of the love and support in response to last week's text post! I consider myself very lucky to have such a wonderful community and wonderful folks around ;    v  ;/

I read through every comment and message and received lots of great advice from y'all too, all of which I'll take to heart~ With my 1-year of Patreon coming up in a couple months, I wanna take that opportunity to really reorganize my Patreon so this stress doesn't happen as often. But for right now, there are a few things I'd like to address:

  • It's a bit of a tough decision since I know a lot of folks enjoy it, but next month's (June 2020's) OC sketch poll will be the last for the foreseeable future. OCs will be able to be entered in the monthly fan art poll again, but there will no longer be a specific poll just for them. I started the OC poll out as a fun bonus thing to try out as a thank you to everyone for helping me reach my Patreon goals ;      w  ;/ and for that I'm still extremely grateful. For the most part it was going pretty well, which is why I was willing to continue doing it as a monthly thing! However, it became apparent in my DMs last week that this poll caused frustration in certain individuals too, which is something I was afraid of from the start :/ With this, along with my own compounding stress of having so many concurrent projects, I just thought it best to put the OC sketch poll back in the vault... Maybe I could change it to being once every few months or something, but for now, ye X0
  • I received a lot of advice to draw what I personally want to draw every now and then, instead of focusing exclusively on these scheduled monthly projects and such. I totally agree~ I think it'll really help me maintain my drive X3c And while it's fun to draw fan art of characters that a lot of folks love, oftentimes what I really want to draw more of is stuff involving my own OmniV OCs~ The story chapter, working on the new characters, fun lil doodles of the OmniV being goofy or tied up haha XP I haven't been able to focus as much time as I'd like on them because of all these other scheduled projects and such ;       ^   ;/ But anyways, I wanna try to draw something OC-related intermittently with the Mai Sakurajima draw that's on deck here, since it's something I've wanted to draw for a while ye~ :P
  • And while I generally don't like taking breaks when I know I still have so much work to do, I'm gonna reaaaaally try to remind myself to take them more often to try to avoid what happened last week~ I'm glad I have such understanding and supportive folks around ;      v  ;/ And I'm sorry for making you all worry! I still have a lot to get to, but I'll try not to kill myself with stress along the way~ XP

Anyways, I think that's all I've got for now!~ I've spent way too long trying to put this together haha I need to slep = v=/
Thank you all so much again! ;         w    ;/
And the month's not over yet!~ >:3c



Thank you so very much for acknowledging that you needed a break, and that you need to do want YOU want to do more...It’s really a relief, knowing that this community’s kind words managed to encourage you to focus on being your best self, and being happy...Honestly I didn’t come for the fanart, I started watching your work, all because of how infectiously adorable your own creations were...I love your characters that you’ve made, and I think I speak for a certain majority that I say the fanart can wait just for a bit...That way we can see this incredible story you’ve been working on for these past few years! And In other news, I’m pretty partial to the idea of you removing the OC poll for a lil bit...(Honestly it made me kinda sad seeing my OC “compared” to others...) It’s pretty much a win-win! Now all of this will be much more easy going, at least to me. Yet again, as my closing words, thanks for acknowledging that you need a break, and for keeping us all informed on such stressful, and personal things, when you definitely didn’t need to. Never feel sorry for your own creative choices Magnolia, your creativity is one of many things that makes you shine~


Did you really receive DMs from people expressing frustration that their OC didn't make the cut? Just wow. As you mentioned, this was supposed to have been something fun to add to your Patreon but maybe it is for the best to put that on hold atm if it was contributing to undo and mounting stress you've experienced. I also super agree with doing drawings that YOU want to do! Trust me, I think NO ONE would mind for you to submit something that you want to do! I think we can all agree that whatever Magnolia puts out is a donut wrapped in a cupcake wrapped in a cake! tldr: We no want sad Magnolia. We want happy Magnolia! A happy Magnolia is a happy Magnolia! ❤

Blitz (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 05:17:06 I'm glad our words got you and that you'll be giving yourself some room to breathe <3 It's not just you that wanna see your OCs, but us as well!! :D So please, do try and put yourself first, before us! We'll be here supporting you no matter what you do! ;w; Don't even sweat it! The OC poll thingie was a nice to have but I'd rather you not drain yourself because at the end of the day, remember that the only person you should try and please is yourself! <3
2020-05-19 21:55:44 I'm glad our words got you and that you'll be giving yourself some room to breathe <3 It's not just you that wanna see your OCs, but us as well!! :D So please, do try and put yourself first, before us! We'll be here supporting you no matter what you do! ;w; Don't even sweat it! The OC poll thingie was a nice to have but I'd rather you not drain yourself because at the end of the day, remember that the only person you should try and please is yourself! <3

I'm glad our words got you and that you'll be giving yourself some room to breathe <3 It's not just you that wanna see your OCs, but us as well!! :D So please, do try and put yourself first, before us! We'll be here supporting you no matter what you do! ;w; Don't even sweat it! The OC poll thingie was a nice to have but I'd rather you not drain yourself because at the end of the day, remember that the only person you should try and please is yourself! <3