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Another progress update since the last WIP on this Ryza draw!~
Quite honestly, I'm kinda upset with myself it took me so much time just to do the line art and flat color stages of this =     o  =/ Just kept finding tiny things to I wanted to tweak and my progress ended up going pretty slowly uwaaaa But I guess since I'm doing alts too it would take more time anyway... ehhhhhh ¯\( ㅇ ㅅ꒪)/¯
But I decided to add one of her DLC outfits too =     w  =7 hehe

Got quite a few draws I gotta get through here soon, so I'm gonna try to power through as much as I can!~
(  ง ò           0   ó)ง
Sorry this past month has been kinda slow y'all! Dx April was a lil rough
Gonna try to do better in May!~ :0


These new WIPs can all be seen in this month's dropbox~



Joe Dover

Aw man, someone should really save her, but Look at DAT B U T T


Da feets. I do say you are improving on them quite a lot!


I gotta say Magnolia, I think you’re being waaay too hard on yourself. You’re most certainly not leaving anyone upset, in fact you spoil us with the sheer amount of art you provide I say~ The fact of the matter is you’ve never left anyone dissatisfied when you post something new, you’re definitely a highlight of people’s day. Thanks for working so hard for another great picture! And thanks for drawing a big ol butt (⌒▽⌒)


Masterpiece !


Seconded, your artwork is phenomenal so don’t be too hard on yourself ^_^


I get that there's some personal pride involved with finishing up a piece. Every artist has been there. You care about quality and meeting deadlines. At the risk of repeating it, there's no doubt that you're one of the hardest, working artists on Patreon. I've seen some that just post one thing and take off for a month. Not beating them up but just pointing out you're on another level. Your art is clearly astonishing, if not magnanimous and your personality is on par with that. But, in any case, Ryza is looking freaking hot here. You might say that there's some ATELIER-motives! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ C'mon, it wouldn't be a Dio post without a bad pun! ;)


It's a very fun gam! :D I still need to finish it myself haha!


Thank you Dioooo~ ; w ;/ I'm pretty hard on myself over Patreon stuff cuz I do kinda treat this as a job, so as my own boss I wanna make sure I'm constantly getting content out and keeping folks in the loop~ X3 Bahaha and thanks again Dioooo!~ (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞ Your puns are always welcome here haha!