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Last WIP before the finished thing!~ (  ง ò           ω   ó)ง

Made some smol tweaks to the line art and slapped on some flat color~ Last bit is to add the shading and lighting, and then make final touches and add dialogue! Almost there y'all! :D
Ribbon color and some colors in the BG are still subject to change a bit if I see the need too~ X3c

All WIPs can be seen in March's dropbox~



Joe Dover

Damn, look at you steamrolling through this process Looking fresh and crispy Keep it up, Magster 🤘


Look at Maggie go! She's uploading these POST HESTIA! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ supposed to be haste...get it? Ah crap, now it's less funny!