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Another quick update to keep y'all in the loop as I keep workin'!~

Finally got those four OmniV story parts I wanted to get through posted this past week!  (/ 。         ◁゚)/ Things are coming together!~ ( ง ò         ω   ó)ง So now I'm finally getting work done on March's OC poll winner Lauren, and the Fan art poll winner Hestia~ Hoping to have both done within a week, which I think I can do~ XP Then I have some other draws to finish up that I'm sure you saw the WIPs of late last month x3c (here and here), as well as some other lil things I wanna do too X3c I'll give more info after I get these other draws done first ye~ Got plenty in store for everyone these coming weekssss! 

Oh also! Since the scenario for Erina Nakiri's comic page is pretty flexible as far as gags go, I'll probably do one last community poll to decide how she's gonna be kept quiet~ >:3c Maybe I'll try layering the top few choices together or try a couple alts if possible, but we'll seeee~

Thanks for your patience so far this month Omnivoyant Supporters!~ ;    w  ;/ And to Honorary Omnivoyant, there's about 28 hours left [from when this post goes up] to submit your character entries for the OC and Fan art polls this month!~ 🐇 Just a reminder! :P

Lots of work to get to~  ( ò         0   ó)7 Back in the fray ye!!



Those WIPs are some beeeetooful flower bundles! Thanks for your hard work Maggie!


Good luck with all this stuff and remember to not overwork yourself! :D

Joe Dover

Sick, here’s a imaginary Red Bull for you to bulldoze through those art🥤


Heyyyyy are you really trying to make sure your not gonna burn out? Cause it looks like you are


I’ve never met another artist as dedicated to their supporters and work as you Magnolia, just please don’t burn yourself out, if not for yourself for us Mag...I truly do hope you don’t overload yourself, your art is beautiful as always and I wish you the best! Sincerely, Imota〜