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Hey everyoneee! Gonna try and make this sorta quick uwa~

First off, thanks everyone for voting in the scenario poll for Erina Nakiri! X3c We now have our (very lewd =    w  =/) scenario to put her through, although I gotta try and be really careful and/or age her up a bit since I believe she's underage in Food Wars? 🤔 I heard Patreon was cracking down again recently so I need to watch myself X0

Anyways, next up is thanks to everyone for your patience and for working with me this month~ I really wanted to get more done, especially with the OmniV story (which I'm actually working on rn), but my energy seemed to be way down for most of March X0 Although, I am pretty happy with how some draws turned out :3c Especially the progress on the new OmniV OC X3c She still needs a lil work but I look forward to sharing more about her in the future, along with the other new characters~ :D
I'm hoping to have these new parts to the OmniV story ready soon (very important events are happenin' rn! :O ), after which I will immediately start work on March's OC poll winner Lauren, then the fan art poll winner Hestia~

To finish up, I just wanted to go over how I think I'm gonna be approaching the suggestions thread from now on like I mentioned in my last two posts~
Instead of doing a brand new suggestion thread every month, I think I'd like to have just a single thread for us to keep going back to. I've seen some suggestions in the past that would be fun to return to, but with the thread renewing at the start of every month, they would often end up getting lost X0 But with a single thread moving forward, it'll be like one big box of ideas for me to pull from whenever I need some inspiration, and suggestions won't end up getting lost at the start of new months~
That's the idea anyway!

So I think that's all I got for now~ Thank you everyone for your generous support this past month! ; v;/ See y'all again soon!~



Bryan Holland

Well i hope that you're not having a bad time because if you do you're not going to get anywhere in life but as long as you stand up for yourself and keep on what you're doing you'll be having a good time.


Thanks for all the efforts XD


But isn’t it ok if you just clip out something for a snippet and put the full image in dropbox like you always do?

Joe Dover

Single post for suggestions, eh? Sounds like a traffic jam waiting to happen. Nah jk, it’s probably more efficient than what’s been done, in terms of going back to take suggestions. I’m all for it, just gotta watch out for the major traffic of suggestion lol


In theory~ But that still won't excuse me from posting things that break their community guidelines X0 Even if they're just snippets If Patreon staff ever decide they want to look over my page and they find links to a dropbox that have those sorts of draws, I could still potentially get into trouble since they're linked to Patreon itself. That's why I took down the post with the Lucy comic and do these lil snippets now: to try to keep things a lil more discreet X0 But I should still try to adhere to their guidelines as much as possible to avoid getting into trouble and to save me the stress of worrying about things too much~


Ye I'm gonna come up with rules and moderate the box so we don't get spammed suggestions or anything. I'll just have to keep an eye on it to make sure things go smoothly the next few months uwa~


Aggregating the suggestion box sounds like a great thought. I'm sure there were days where Magnolia whipped out the Flamethrowia against the boxia. :)


Thanks so much for spoiling us Mag...I hope you take some self love time in April, but aside from that the new suggestion system sounds pretty gosh dang convenient! Can’t wait to see what’s in store!


Is there a site that only allows you to enter with a passwords that is hidden in a post somewhere? Maybe I’m overthinking this but it’s up to you to decide since I know nothing about these kind of things lol 🙂